[My] Life in Wisconsin

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood!

I knew something was missing yesterday when I had written this entry...

My Sunday entry shouldn't have complete without some mention of The Green Bay Packers, please visit this brand new site to ask Brett Favre to come back for "One More Year!"

Please CLICK HERE to ask Brett to stick around.


Good Sunday Afternoon to All!!!

Shall I start out with "I'm B-a-a-a-a-c-k!" ??? It's ME, and I am in a fine mood even!!!

I have been up since about 2 AM, and will try to nap in a bit... (My danged head is back too, but not too badly)... The Maxalt seems to have worked for now. SO happy about that, but ever so tiring too...

It has been so unseasonably 'wondermous' outside; that today is actually the first day I have been INside for most of the day. Milly is pissed. Punkin is pissed. (But hey, it's Sunday and even I need a bit of a break every now and then)!

We have been working outside for the past few days. (And used such a nice "newfound" pair of clippers to trim a few bushes and trees). hehehe

Punkie helped me immensely, pulling the tangled branches out from where I'd cut...

Miss Milly, completely unimpressed by this, and preferring just to spectate...

... and smile of course...

So many trees. So little time; being the addict I am on here! (But this is supposed to be winter, and aren't we supposed to grow lazy and fat)?

Later, we took a walk to the woods... Even Miss Casey had come out yesterday, joining us when we all went back to the river.


Much like this pup had done on New Years Day, Punkie wanted to do nothing but fish...



Crazy dog...

That water is probably only half a degree above freezing! Or so...

No luck fishing either; but it is fun to watch her TRY!

And yes, we have finally found out why Miss Milly runs off and disappears too.

Seems as though she has found a bit of *ewwww*, entrails from a deer, and thoroughly enjoys this as a snack... and to roll in too!

Punkie was not really interested. perhaps spoiled in that she does get my leftovers on a regular basis... But honestly I would much prefer her NOT to develop an appetite for these 'things' that can be found on the forest floor...

The buds are coming out on many bushes and trees too. Guess that means they will be sparse when Spring does get here...

But still, pretty to look at.

Wonder how confused my little tulips and daffodils will be too; though I have not seen any coming up... yet...

At night we went back out to drag a few of those branches to the burn pile...


This little dog being SO very helpful!

Yet when she got the branches to the pile, she didn't want to be parting with them! Once piled up though she seemed as satisfied as I was with our days work!

(And yes, she IS working on the smile)!

I have to go back downtown to the county tax office tomorrow morning. I had sold a few acres. The realtor I had a year and a half ago was supposed to file everything there... (He filed SOMETHING, but I guess it was asking too much to have him do it accurately). Additionally, I have another lot which I own. He left it on there as that is all I own!?! (Hmmm... No damned wonder I am so freaking cold all the time)!

What a first~class DORK. It is SO screwed up!! Wish there was a decent attorney in this town that was not tied in to all of the danged realtors in some way shape or form. Suffice it to say I kinda got screwed... The realtor was to have it all fixed last March and it is still all messed up. I really think I should storm this guys office... but I won't; (well unless the county office can do nothing without the realtor)... Oh he was/IS a skunk!

Speaking of skunks... Odd that I haven't had any around... I honestly have not smelled one close in a couple of years, and out here, that is really strange. I wonder what enemy a skunk really has? Anybody know?

I also have to stop at the Suamico Village Office and get a burn permit for this year. There is so much that needs burning in that pile, and as long as it isn't froze, I can torch it and still have the hose out. (I am such a wimp when it comes to fire)...

Jennifer sent a few pictures of my Little Man Isaiah... I haven't seen him in over a month of forever now, and he seems to have changed so much already. Here he is helping out at the ranch! (I think he likes the horses, dogs, and chickens too)!

He looks so tired on his "trattor" But still such a cutie!!!



I'd better close and go 'try~on' that nap!

Hope you are all enjoying your weekends!!!


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