[My] Life in Wisconsin

Entry for January 11, 2007

Good Morning!

Now first of all I need to tell you this... In that 22 year old journal, I never did get back to that previous Saturday evening; ... so whatever you must have been thinking, you are most probably correct!!! hehehe Hmmm?!?!?!

I see from the Yahoo 360 newsteam that they are diligently working on getting the bugs out of their 'new and improved' updates. CLICK HERE But in that article, to give us hope, I saw absolutely NO mention of 'raid' either. ???

My mouse here has finally come down from its adrenaline/amphetamine high, and is much more "normyl" as of this morning... But when I had shut my computer down last night I did notice that it was doing its automatic updating. Good. (It was driving me MORE crazy than I already am)!

When I awoke earlier it was already 35 degrees. This is acceptable; since we have all been terribly spoiled here. But had the news on the TV on also, and am learning that the high for next tuesday, (Yes, I said HIGH), is to be a mere 10 degrees. (This is UN~acceptable)! ...And I know that I will be fighting with Miss Milly again... She hates to be brought in the house, or even to the garage... That she prefers to freeze to death outside is just silly. But always such a good dog.

When Punkie goes outside and they play, there are times that her Mama~Milly is really mean to her... (A mothers prerogative?)... But payback (being what it is), tells me that Punk is no fool either. Since it has been way too windy to be walking back to the woods, (think windchill factor), the dogs just wrestle up in the backyard until I call them inside. Millys water freezes a bit overnights, but she always has a hole dug in the water pan too.

Yet, when they come back inside from playing, Milly drinks water from Punks dish. (This is acceptable to Miss Punk). ...But yesterday, Miss Milly ventured to eat a few little morsels of food from Punks dish... (Apparently this is UN~acceptable)! Punk pushed her own snout in there, and pushed her mama away. I put a few handfuls of food on the floor then; (knowing that Punk despises food on the floor by her dish)... and sure enough, Punk cleaned the floor while her mama ate the puppy food. Sure won't hurt Miss Milly none, especially with this up and coming arctic blast... Once their bellies were full, they had to fight over one of Punkies toys. (I am sorry to report that the toy died)!

Oh well...

Speaking of death in its very real sense, please visit Miss Vals page CLICK HERE. Her father passed away after being sick for about a week. Any of us who have lost a dear loved one, (parent, child, friend, lover etc), already KNOW how much a few words of sympathy can mean to our hearts and our spirits. Please check in on her and let her know you were there...

Roberta, Master Gabriel and CaseyAnne all were here yesterday afternoon. Berta a bit ill, and she will have her own gallbladder checked out this morning... or at least get the referral to have an ultasound done. Her appointment is shortly before noon. Knowing she has had these problems, I made a pot of soup then. I had taken my steak out of the freezer the day before, and could almost taste it... But decided to use it for soup... (Had to clean the veggies out of the fridge anyway)! And the potatoes were almost ready to 'turn' too.

***Note to Zoe ... Maybe you could write a blog about the potatoes that DID 'turn' back when we lived on Jaworski Road??? (Oh, my poor babygirl)... But now she is bootlegging and making her own brew... (Well, actually that is Mr. Erics recipe)! And he has added blueberries to his concoction too!!! CLICK HERE for Zoe's story of brew!!!

Gabriel would rather eat his own soup, but being incapable yet of holding the spoon, I simply put the veggies meat and taters on his tray. He LOVES his veggies!!! (Quite unlike my Little Isaiah who hates veggies and loves fruit)! Go figure!

After supper, Casey and Gabriel made faces at each other... hehehe... at least it sure looks like that's what they were doing...

Maybe she spat on him when she blew that raspberry? ..."ewwww"

GASP!!! and YOKES!!! Master Gabriel found Miss Punks training collar laying about in the living room, and knowing where it went, he simply put it around his own neck!

Smart little boy... but that's kind of scary too...



He would have shared his Nuk with Punkie, but she wouldn't allow him to share her bone...

Hard to see in this picture, but she is actually (very nicely) taking her new bone away from Master Gabriel!



and of course Miss Milly also has a new bone!

I'd better close and get on with my day here! Have to be getting out to the pumphouse and get the warming lamp plugged in... Seems I like having running water in the house! It hasn't froze in so long... (even when I thought it should have)... But I am not about to be taking any chances either.

Hope everyone is having a great day!!!


Oh and PS... Does everyone realize that your own saliva is powerful enough to digest BONE???

This is true! I have been getting these fragments in my mouth since yesterday, and am thinking that if this keeps up I will be yanking out my ulnas, tib~fibs etc in the coming months! Gross huh? (Yeah, and they CLAIM my mouth is just fine)! Uh~huh...


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