[My] Life in Wisconsin

Of Flowers, Friendship, Faith and Fannies...

Good Morning to ALL!

But??? BUTT!!! Hope you all had fun voting in that last blog of mine!!!

My computer claims it to be 7 degrees in Suamico... My own thermometer claiming it to be 4 degrees lower at the moment. Why am I always colder in winter, and warmer in summer? My home sits at the bottom a hill, and I think it would have something to do with that... (Think of it as just another scientific question for those of you that might know)...

And WHAT A DAY I had yesterday too... It all began with putting a little Derma~Dream salve on Miss Punkies paw pads. We had the morning news on too... Shortly after, I thought I might have heard something... Muting the TV, I said "Whazzat?" Punk gets very still (always) when I say that, and just listens... We heard nothing else, until the HUGE growl that escaped her throat when the doorbell rang!

Uh~Oh, (I wasn't even dressed yet)! YOKES!!! hehehe

Grabbing my robe and trying to hold Miss Punk back, I went to the door...

Nobody there! ...(but I did hear someone pulling out of the yard).

Looking around, I see a package. A long narrow box at the side of the door...

For me? What IS it? (I have not ordered anything to be delivered)!

Punk still trying to protect me as I opened the storm door, and she then proceeds to growl at that box!

(As for me, I was just happy that I didn't have to let anyone in here while I was still in my jammies)!

Bringing the box into the warmth of the house...

...And opening it, I discover 50 FRESH~CUT Flowers inside!!!




Ain't he CUTE!?!?

...Complete with a vase, AND the very cutest little Teddy Bear! He is now christened 'Vincent'... (as in "VanGogh"), for the fact that he only has one little ear!

Poor little guy...

I recut the stems and got them fresh water too. They are ever so beautiful.

Thank you!!!

Have you all noticed that 'when the chips are down', and when your whole heart is broken by the ignorance and/or cruelty of a few, that this is exactly when you find out who your friends are? And that life is good not~withstanding anything else?

I am so very thankful to have so many true friends; and family as well, (extended and otherwise)! Many of you that have either commented or written~ Your shared words of encouragement and support mean SO VERY MUCH to me!

Those that have shared their own experiences with their own grown children with me... (And while I am terribly sorry that you had to go through all of that, it is good to know that truly I am not alone by feeling oh, so betrayed and hurt).

Each of these flowers to me represent each one of you that have helped me through this. I am not past it, nor over it... that will take Faith, time, and heart, but I do believe the shock is waning. I have always believed that regardless who you are that you have no right EVER to intentionally hurt/betray anyone else, and most especially the only real "family" you have.

Special thanks to Mombie who has written an entire blog about cruelty and mocking. CLICK HERE to read her words of wisdom. Chris, Iknow your own blog is closed and so I will not link to it, but I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your faith in me too.

And to Miss DeeAnne who has lightened the seriousness of the situation by making fun of everyones backsides! CLICK HERE for her sassy FANNY blog!

I thank EACH ONE of you; and most especially "ALWAYS" for the wonderful flowers, and for your concern!

I know that I cannot link to everyones pages... and I apologize for that. Know that I remain so very proud of all my Y360 friends, and all of the "good clean fun" that we have on here!

Simply put; your love, friendship and guidance was not tried and found wanting...


Back to my yesterday... After finally getting in the shower, I notice that the plant I have hanging in there has so overgrown its little pot, and I also know that I have many plants that need to be repotted. And so, I begin this somewhat stinky task.. I do not care for the smell of the potting soil... (If ONLY they could make it smell as sweet as the thawed, refreshed and clean Earth in Springtime)!

If only...

The plant has many growths to it, and I had those lines just draped haphazardly over the two shower curtains. I actually had to cut the pot apart to get the plant out.




(Neglect at its finest)!

It took me about an hour to get it just right. As I brought it back into the shower to hang it, my stupid hand sorta failed me, and I quickly wound up with




the most terrible looking tub...

...and a reason to start all over again repotting that plant! Ah well, there are many WORSE things in the world that I could have been doing at that moment in time!

Another awesome day kids!

...With the absolute 'icing on the cake' about 10 PM when Roberta and CaseyAnne had stopped in... Berta had been back to the emergency room last night with terrible pain. The tests she had done last week were inconclusive at best... and so they did many MORE tests~ ...Casey had gone with her; getting to be quite the little 'doctor' with respect to her own experiences and health for the past 2 years... And through this all, KC has come to realize that these doctors are NOT infallable, and is not afraid to speak out when they are acting like jerks.

As THIS one was last night... Roberta had told him where she had been hurting, and it was a sharp pain that radiated to her back as well. Being a smug jerk, (and speaking 'down' to the both of them), that dr. replied, "well MY back hurts too." (Why am I thinking that perhaps he should go see a real doctor for that)? Roberta now has to have a few more tests... and next time she goes, I will go with her. please note: Roberta was born 7 and a half weeks prematurely, with a horseshoe kidney and also uterine di~delpha; (both of which may/may not be a result of her father being exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam)... We would have no way of knowing this.

I'd better close and get on with my day... Much to do, and when I run out of things to do, I shall just sit and watch my flowers open!

One by one... and ever so beautiful;




the contrast to the grey shades of January being just what we all need!


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