[My] Life in Wisconsin

Bursting Bubbles ...and "Getting Caught"

Good Morning One and All;

I went up to bed last night after a splendid repast of Italian Spaghetti and Veggies too.




Hopefully this picture of our dinner looks almost as good as it tasted.
(If I do say so myself)!

Going up to bed, I had a full house... Noisy yes, but absolutely LOVELY to hear every now and then too... Waking shortly before one, there was complete and utter silence. And after so much laughter, it was hard to adjust... (like for the first 4 and a half seconds anyway)! hehehe

Joe had stopped by- A bit flaming, but makes his own clothing, and has an undeniable great sense of humor too!

(Besides any person that has "sew" much to offer with a needle and thread is more than quite alright in my book)!





Such a card he is as " The Nanny "... (Mrs. Doubtfire)!?!?
...yes, he made it himself!

Kelli had stopped by earlier.

A monumental birthday for her... And I will not mention ANY numbers, (suffice it to say it has something to do with the "half~century" mark)!

Look what happened when somebody mentioned a NUMBER!!!




Ya don't mess with the best...
The other guy looks worse!




Here she is with Berta yesterday...




(And no, she does not read this blog, so I will not have to blacken her other eye when she comes to beat me up for 'telling')!

Oh we DO have so much fun! She needed a bit of help with the horses last night; and had I not been cooking for a houseful I would have gladly helped her out. They were all going to Victorias Restaurant in Bay Settlement last night; so she was working on a deadline. Hope they got to celebrate in style!

The 17th is also my Little Lawrences Birthday- he turned 7.

And I feel badly that we could not make it down there this year, but yes, we shall go when we can- (as Mother Nature and schedules will allow)... We called down to Prattville last night during supper... And all sang "Happy Birthday" to the answering machine! Imagine they too, were out celebrating. (And my guess would be that they were at Chinese for dinner)!

And now down to the bursting of the bubbles...

At one point last night, I had mentioned something of a sexual nature. (No, it was NOT at the table)...

...But my remark was met with the same old hogwash that most children offer their parents... "Nobody wants to think of their mother having sex!"

(Boy, oh boy, oh boy, have I got news)!!!

...But, as not to incite any confusion over my 'pasgetti dinner, I calmy told Miss Casey to settle down, and that YES, I did have sex in my life- (like it or not), but added that it was only 4 times... (Namely Zoe, Jenne, Roberta and herself).

Tightwad that CaseyAnne can be, she bought NONE of it either....



Do I feel? ...
Do I really feel a "story" coming on???

...When we were little, Mom and Dad took a nap each and every day. (How weird is THAT)???

Mary and I, (at about 5 and 7), were WAY TOO BIG for naps; so once we had grown out of them, we were always told to go outside and play... (so we wouldn't wake them up?)!

... Or so we thought...

One day, this really exciting thing had happened and I had come running to the house. I went up the stairs quietly as I could because I had something to tell them BUT I did not want to be waking them up either... And it was so VERY IMPORTANT too...

(Besides, Mary had told me to listen to if they were snoring or not). So I did. Hearing nothing outside their bedroom door, I opened it up; (and wanted to make sure they were awake so I could tell them the very important thing)!

BIG HUGE FREAKIN' MISTAKE ON MY PART! (I do remember thinking that it was a very strange way to take a nap though).

...But before I could utter one sound, or even make one teeny tiny word come out, I had BOTH Mom and Dad yelling at me; and telling me to "Go Away!"


What the heck???

I had something to say, and doggone it, I was gonna say it...

...So, (completely ignorant of what had just happened), I opened my mouth a second time to speak...

That was my FIFTH, (and final), MISTAKE!!! (The first was coming in, 2nd was sneaking up the stairs, 3rd opening their door, and the 4th was trying to speak the first time)...

FIVE mistakes in just about as many seconds! Can ya believe it?

This was not going well for me at all. So it finally sinks in that what they were telling me was to go back outside right that very minute.

And so I did. ~And I do remember telling Mary that if we were wrestling around like that while WE were supposed to be napping that we would be in BIG trouble. She agreed.

...And the entire incident then left my mind for about the next 10~20 years or so... (as did the reason I had big news and all in the first place; that, I never did recall).


At one point, so much later, I realized what the heck had happened all those years ago... I called Mom posthaste and told her of my own little revelation! She remembered it well! (Ya think)? And we had such a good laugh over it then!

Perhaps it was this, my own experience, or maybe just the way I am that makes me laugh about these kinds of things... But I can tell you that I have NO problem thinking of my parents in bed or having sex or whatever...

To me it makes them that much more human; and that much more happy together.

So yes kids, I've got news!!!!!

Your parents did have sex... and they probably STILL are if they are still alive.

you don't have to picture it for Petes sakes. You just have to accept it.

Deal with it.
...And be happy for them.

(But DO make as much noise as possible if you are going to surprise them with any kind of BIG NEWS)!!!

Later, was Mom embarassed when I had called her about my little epiphany? Absolutely not!

She really did think it funny! (That laughter of course, being hindsight, because they sure as heck were NOT laughing THAT day)! hehehe

And so, having been on both sides of that proverbial bedroom door in my life, I can honestly say that it is NOT funny when it happens; but in retrospect it is FREAKIN' HILARIOUS!!!

And so these are my smiles for today!

Hmmmm... .... Does anybody have anything to add???





Photo http://www.metablake.com/photos/pictures/bubbles%20final.html

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