[My] Life in Wisconsin

A Rat in the Roses???

Good Saturday Morning to All!

I am so tired, and yet didn't sleep worth a darn either.

Was SO very busy yesterday... Kinda felt like a gopher myself with all the dirt I had dug into by the time my back called it quits for the day.

Lawns are all mowed; even back to the woods. Casey came back too...



A fallen tree across the old campsite last week, is still there this week too. Casey had a bit of fun and Punkin just lazed around. The more active Miss Punkin is, the worse she has pain in her backside, but needs (and loves) the exercise too.

I am trying to get my garden in... Today perhaps? One fell swoop of planting in that garden? I shall try to "git'r done"... I have been planting for the last few days too. Flowers seeds, to make it brighter and prettier! It should be nice to look at in another 2 months. I cleaned out in front of the old milkhouse, and don't know if they will root or not, but threw some flower seeds in the crack in the concrete. (Better to have to look at pretty blooms than to have to look at the weeds that normally grow there)! Hopefully they will grow... I don't see that those weeds had a problem doing so!

And ALL of my flower seeds that Roberta and I had harvested last Autumn (THREE ZIPLOCS FULL), got eaten by the danged mice! I was so mad I was spitting nails... Sent CaseyAnne to the Co-op in Pulaski; and I am now loaded up on all kinds of seed! (Thank you KC~Face)!

Was I speaking of mice? Not sure. But Miss Punk did find herself a new friend too.



The baby rat in the baby moss roses!
(and I had better be talking about the flowers)!
Maybe it was this little guy that ate all of my saved seeds???
Punk "warned" me long before she got this close...
(Or perhaps she was telling me to get the danged camera out again)!

Oh wait, there was even more wildlife too...

Digging in that old dirt, seems I might have broken up a happy home...

One can only HOPE....



Narfy eh?



His ugly legs spanned all of a half~dollar width too.

Casey and I both jumped, and she asked,, "Do you want the camera, or a shoe?" Hehehe (Proud of her following in her Mama's footsteps)!

I said, "Get the camera, first!"

(I am happy to report that he has now gone to that great cobweb in the sky)!

After "feeding" those nasty gophers again the other day, it really made me mad to see them back under the darned bird feeder... So I sent CaseyAnne out to jam up my .22. Oh well!



here she is... right after the darned thing jammed up on her...

And so for yesterday, (and this morning), the gophers LIVE on! (I could have sent her out there with the old 410; or maybe even the 20 gauge)??? hehehe

Jim stopped over, (scaring the bejeezus out of me when he got here too because he came from the field, and I didn't see him coming up)... He took the gun home and was gone all of about 15 or 20 minutes; and brought it back all fixed. Said he even had fired it a few times and it did well. Doing that, he found that he also needed to fix the sight on it. And I am more than happy to say that this gun is back in service, and perfectly sighted in too! (Thank you Jim)!

Now before I close... Do you all remember this picture?



Punk on left, Brother~Buddy on right...



I had taken that last Saturday down at Marys place in Appleton. Do you all remember Buddys Stick Story?

***(Click on "BUDDY" in my tag cloud if you don't know what kind of troubles this dog has gotten into already)!


Anyway, my nephew had torn his ACL about a year and a half ago, needing surgery to repair it... As Mikey came out of surgery, he looked like this...



Michael on crutches... November of '05~

Mary had called me last week and had asked why Buddy was such a slug... not wanting to do anything etc etc etc... I told her to check his toes and paws because sometime they will pick up a thorn or something... She did. No thorns either.

She had kept an eye on him for the last couple of days, and he hadn't gotten any better. calling the vet when she finally got home from work yesterday, she was told to bring him right in.

All his tests came back fine; but as the vet checked his legs, there was a definite problem.

Seems as though Buddy has also compromised his ACL... They will know more on Monday... If he isn't any better then he will probably need a bit of surgery to repair it. (For cryin' out loud, Mary already has 3 frickin' jobs... Gee, now how about a 4th to cover the dog bills)?

She should have known... Mikey was the one to pick out the pup way back when... (Methinks she is right to BLAME Mike)! hehehe

But whatever, it is a much better diagnosis than what many of the rest of you have learned from all this crappy recall stuff...

Time to get my keester outside! I hope you all are also able to get outside and to enjoy your own weekend too!


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