Good Saturday Morning to all!
I am sorry to have been so impossible this past week. (I have been known to be worse)! hehehe But we are home for now.
Casey must return to Froedtert Hospital at the end of the month for some biopsies. We shall worry when/IF we have to, so please do not be thinking anything negative. We are not.
The photo above is of Lake Butte des Mortes, near to Oshkosh. The traffic being horrendous as we near the end of the summer. And I think everyone and their brother is heading up north. (At least they sure were yesterday afternoon)! And so, the traffic was very slow. But it gave Casey the opportunity to snap a picture of all the lilypads in bloom. It was SO pretty!
Pulling over at a rest stop, letting Miss Punk out to do her 'thing', we met up with the nicest lady. From Racine, and her hubby was in the car taking a nap. Her Bailey looked exactly like a few of Punks brothers and sisters...

And here we were almost ready to leave; in fact, we were pulling out when we spied that dog. Casey and Punk had taken their little break out by some cattails...


And then we were back on the road...
Home again, to a very happy Miss Milly too! Kelli had come to care for Milly while we were gone, and had taken Miss Milly and Mr. Miller back to the woods. A nice walk now that it is cooling off a bit.
Kelli stopped by right after we had gotten back home...

Kelli and I took all 3 dogs back to the woods, and down to the river too. On the way back, Punkie had found a squash... a really tiny one (must have fallen from the vine). And played with it until it finished falling apart...


But we all had a great time... And it sure beat the heck out of battling with idiot drivers that apparently are too illiterate to read... or comprehend what they read.

- ...the one you are tuning the radio with..
- ...the one you are slapping your kids with...
- ...the one you are holding your newspaper in...
- ...the one you are putting your make~up on with...
- ...the side towards the passenger in your damned car...
- ...the side toward the ditch...
Oh well...
And of course with the Motorcycle run scheduled for tomorrow it is supposed to rain for Mariahs Benefit. YOKES! ~hehehe~
But IN-side the Alehouse will be nice and warm and dry. So no problems there! Here is what I have found on one of the TV stations info page...
Benefit Motorcycle run starts at the Suamico Ale House
Registration 9:00am-10:00am $20.00 per person or $30.00 per bike includes free admission to benefit...
So it will be a fun day. I see that the local Sts Edward and Isidore Church Picnic is also tomorrow. Maybe if they all get rained out they will come to the babys benefit!?! Hope so!
Love to all! Have a grand weekend!!!
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