Good Tuesday Morning!
Am hoping this finds y'all happy and healthy!
I am sure you are wondering about Casey~Face, and about Baby Mariahs Benefit too. I promise to get you current and UNwondering shortly...
I have been awake for hours already... Wakened by that all too familiar nauseated feeling, and my head STILL freakin' hurts. Nasty, that. Oh well. Add a head/chest cold... and one of those shattering sneezes every now and then. Methinks i am ready for some chicken soup.
Had an 'odd' day with Master Gabriel yesterday. By odd I mean that I never even got dressed out of my sweats, and Gabriel got dressed TWICE! Oh, he can be so funny, such a handful, such a little pistol, and yet can be the most understanding young man too. He played ever so quietly, knowing that grandma didn't feel too good... (I think it helps that Berta gets these nasty headaches too). *Sorry, Berta.
Of course, Gabriel and The Punkster are best buds.


Mariah's benefit...
CaseyAnne, Derek and Myself went as it began, and already there were 100's of people! Was so happy to see that. It was rainy all day, and I don't know if they even held the bike run. Doubt it. Too dangerous with the wet, slippery roads and all.
The first person I spoke with was Miss Micki herself. I had looked right past her too. (Sorry Mrs.). What a saint she is to be keeping up with everything... She was looking only a little bit tired, but so happy that this day had finally arrived. I could see the anticipation in her eyes, looking forward to seeing everyone, and that all of her efforts to this end seemed to be going quite well too! Her husband Mike making all of the rounds too, to welcome everyone, and to thank them for coming. These two kids are just wonderful! (I should probably not say 'kids'; but like my own, they will always be just that in my heart). Mike is 33, Micki is maybe a year younger. All grown up now, and with a wonderful little family!!!


Sean is in the Army, stationed in Kentucky for now; and I was SO happy to see him! Wasn't too sure if he could fly home or not. He is engaged to a local gal, and will be getting married in February. I am ever SO proud of him!
*I didn't receive one of his last emails either. (That was back when my email and bulk mail was all screwed up). Am still wondering if Unca BoBBie had written anything those last few days; sadly, it is one of those things I shall never know.
Miss Eleanor, (Unca BoBBies only sister), called here on Sunday evening. We chatted for a long time. She misses him something awful, (as do I). She has the daunting task of cleaning out his home, and drives down every week for a few days to get this done. I feel so bad for her, but she is hanging in there too. Hard for everyone.
She asked about CaseyAnne... And I filled her in on all of the required biopsies now. Casey has yet another raging UTI, and they are looking into the possibility of Crohns Disease. The biopsies, and the results from all those biopsies will probably take us back down to Froedtert Hospital at least twice/thrice more.
I thank you all once more for your amazing support for Mariahs Benefit, (and for putting up with me too)! hehehe
And for now, I do believe it is "shower" time!
Hope you are all having a grand week!

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