[My] Life in Wisconsin

From the "Nitwit Corner"...Fairbanks Capital

Good Morning All;

I have been up for about 4 hours, reading my 'paper' and surfing around. And I am laughing at all the stupidity out there.

At one point early this morning to find myself back at The Bad Business Bureau. (Click).
Or go to http://www.ripoffreport.com/

I had opportunity some years ago to find this website on a simple search for my mortgage lending company. It was the topmost site listed in the search. (Alas, I found no site for Fairbanks Capital Corp).

Long story short, when Mom passed, I found that I had inherited the buildings within my half of the property. To make her will equal, I took out a loan for the value of the buildings to pay my sister off. This loan was ultimately sold to Fairbanks.

Just a bit of background on them...

Fairbanks Capital Corporation, "LEADER OF THE PACK IN PREDATORY LENDING" owned and operated by The PMI Group, publicly-traded corporation NYSE ~Lawsuits nationwide under investigation

Report: Fairbanks Capital Corporation click

Fairbanks Capital, based out of Salt Lake City, Utah is a Mortgage Loan Servicing Company that purchases mortgages from other Lending institutions across the Country.

They are the tenth largest Loan Servicing Company in the United States.

Rip-offReport.com has received over 3,000 emails and 440 reports from consumers in every state that have been victimized by Fairbanks Capital Corp.

Many of these victims claimed to have lost their homes to fraudulent foreclosure, others have been forced to file Bankruptcy in an attempt to save their homes from Foreclosure.

Fairbanks Capital has become notorious for one thing,
stealing homes.

Read More

I dealt with them, fighting tooth and nail to have them correctly apply my monthly mortgage payments... Almost from Day One, they misappropriated my monies. They added on charges; late fees, insurances (that I didn't need because I already had it)... etc etc etc.

Long story short, I ultimately hired an attorney who corrected all of this garbage for me. Sadly, it was my 15 minutes of fame. One of the local TV Stations had come out and actually listened to me about this all too. (The picture above was taken when the National News had picked up the story. The photo is of one of the bigshots who would not answer questions for them).

But it was a harrowing experience to be served foreclosure papers on a loan that I had not defaulted on. I had also visited a total of 8 other attorneys before finding one that told me I did NOT have to file bankruptcy to keep my home.

After visiting the BadBB Website this morning, I see that Fairbanks has not changed their tactics.

They are still misappropriating funds, they are still in essence stealing homes, and they are still in business! That fact surprises me the very most. To be sued as often as they have been. To be LOSING these lawsuits hand over fist, they are still operating. Under PMI Authority.

For those of you who do not know, the last I checked, PMI also has a little subsidiary called "Habitat For Humanity"...
Makes you wonder, doesn't it? And all sanctioned by The Bank of New York. Somebody is making $$$ off of all of us, in a very twisted, sad, and sordid way... I feel worse for those people who think they have no recourse...


..."Stupid is as stupid does"...

I ran across yet another stupid article in the Green Bay Press Gazette that hit a little closer to home for me. This, from Pulaski...

The headline reads...

"Pulaski canning plant's odor has neighbors fuming"

(Click the headline if you want to read the whole story).

In short, it seems as though some idiots are complaining that the canning factory stinks. ~~~~Hmmm.... DUH. No kidding??? REALLY???

To the silly people of Pulaski, I would say that the canning factory has been there for quite some time now. I would even venture to say that the canning factory roots go back longer than the history of your own homes! Go figure.

And it all reminds me of all the people who "m~o~o"ve out to the countryside for bigger yards, and to raise their children away from town. (Not a bad idea in and of itself)... But sure as a cow has teats, they start to complain that the manure from neighboring farms stinks.
(Repeat, Hmmm.... DUH. No kidding??? REALLY???)!

Do they actually expect that the bossie cow doo~doo won't stink then?

Having been raised on a dairy farm I can attest to the fact that it certainly DOES stink. (And depending upon what changes in feeding have occured, there are times that cow doo~doo smells even worse than what they complain of)...

It is a well known fact that the origin of this "smell" makes wonderful fertilizer when spread upon the fields. That, and the fact that it is not a chemical fertilizer makes it even more attractive to the farmer. Cheaper than anything else anyone has ever come up with anyway. Kind of The Original Recycling Program if you will.

So if you are thinking about moving out to Gods Country at any time, please do not whine and complain about the odors associated with the wide open land.

And I am thinking that the people of Pulaski need to quit their whining too. (Of course, they COULD go back to wherever they came from in the first place).

Nuff said.

So, back to my blog...
Have you experienced your own 15 minutes of fame?
Or was it 15 Minutes of Shame??

Either way, please DO tell!
(I just hope it wasn't crying to the town council about anything stinky). hehehe

Or maybe you haven't had your 15 minutes yet, how about the worst smell you ever ran into???

Have a great Tuesday all!





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