[My] Life in Wisconsin

MY Turn to Finally Go In...

(Yes, there is a wild turkey or two at the bottom left in the above picture).



Good Saturday Morning All;

A few of you know how I have been feeling lately... And so finally I made an appointment earlier this week to see my doctor. Not being able to walk without some nasty pain in my foot, I went in yesterday morning. He did xrays and decided it is not broken.



Feet! How gross!
But I couldn't resist posting it either!
(Hope you are not eating breakfast)...



Strange but true here... Around Labor Day, my left foot began to cramp up every now and then. Painful, but walk them off and they go away. Then came some pain. Liveable, and mostly tolerable. For the past week and a half though, it has swollen, some red, (but just a little of both), and has made for some very painful walking (and movements too). What I did to it remains a mystery. Just bad pain.

My doctor also checked out the beasties that had taken up residence in my chest. Said my lungs are clear now. YAY! That bit of Guafenisen 'sp' and Sudafed, and tons of garlic really DOES work.

I do have a great immune system. Casey is jealous and wants mine. (And if it were possible, I would gladly give her my own).

With respect for "gimpy" me, she has been very busy around here, (which is definitely MORE than I can say for myself)...



Digging up the garden, while I cut the lawns.
(Yes Berta, I trust her with a fork)! hehehe



Digging even more...



And not satisfied with the measly corn stalks in the garden, she went out into the field, and dug even more...



Bigger, taller and much sturdier stalks out there...
(Leftovers from 2006's field of corn, they had come up on their own this year).



And I am thinking that Casey either dug too much, (or too hard)...



And broke the fork!



So she moved on to weedwhacking...



I took this picture right b~4 she MURDERED my precious baby spruce.
(Yes, she is still alive).
Although my babied, baby tree is not.
We planted 7 new baby trees then...



Yesterday was my appointment, and we stopped at Maplewood Meats on the way back home. We bought up a few of their $2.00 bones for the pups. So big they are, that each dog actually had a problem carrying them in their mouths!



Milly got hers first...



Punk gets hers in the house...
She literally dragged it over to her bone pillow.




Coming home, it was threatening rain! A good thing as it was 84 or 85 degrees, and I didn't feel like carrying water to my new little trees anyway.

We broke a record for October heat here; and will do the very same today, breaking yesterdays record. They are calling for about 87 (humid) degrees. UGH. I knew there was a reason I hadn't yet taken my window air conditioner out yet...

(Please remind me I might have complained, come January and February)...

Before that rain though to get the rider back in the garage...



The dogs were a bit worried because they hadn't seen KC on the rider before.


It is still raining... A godsend to my well too! Hopefully the rain is cleaning off the pumpkins which are all ready to be taken in too.

I hope you all have a grand weekend!!!

aka "The Gimp"


Time for me to go comment on your yesterdays comments now!



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