[My] Life in Wisconsin

Jelly and Salsa!

Jelly and Salsa!
Jelly and Salsa! magnify


Good Weekend Morning!

I hope you are all enjoying yourselves!

I am...
Especially after the UPS truck pulled in the yard late yesterday afternoon.
(Nice to know that Santa does not only drive a snowmobile around here)!

And this is what Santa delivered yesterday... Along with handwritten notes from BOTH Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus!



Yeah Baby!
None other than homemade Salsa AND homemade Dewberry Jelly!
Up here, we call dewberries "'blackcaps"'
eat your hearts out, these two are mine!


And ALL the way from Texas I might add!.
Mrs. Santa says I have to share...
(But Santa himself says I don't have to listen to the Mrs)!
Hmmm~~~~~Who would YOU listen to??? hehehe

A very special thanks to my friends Connie aka "Miss Beep",
and her husband, JT, The Arkan~sas~sy Redneck!
Click on their names to visit their blogs and to put your own orders in!

John cooks lots of stuff, even making his own sausage. And between the two of them, they expend more energy in a single day than I do in about a week!
Always busy and always fun, no matter what life throws at them.
Again, I thank you both!

I also received Thanksgiving pictures from my niece, RubyBlue! Yay! As many of you know, she gave birth on their 1st anniversary... She is currently strapped for time and sleep, as most new mothers have a tendency to be...
Along with a bit of postpartum blues, so please click on her name and maybe take a moment to offer your kindness and encouragement; or let her know what you all went through...
Sadly, her hubby Peter is still in India.


Here is a picture of Kris, Myself, Tanya and Casey on Thanksgiving as we were getting ready to come home...


Cute, aren't we?
Tanya had her baby boy less than a week later...



I'd better close for now...
I have to call Yahoo because this is what I am seeing (AGAIN) when I open up my regular email.


Cnv1019 ......... WTH???
That same stOOpid prehistoric version that I had a problem with 2 mo ago.
And NO button to click on to change versions...


Time to raise some heck with them.

Go ahead now, click on all those links and spread some of your own cheer!

Love to all!


Originally posted on Yahoo Saturday December 15, 2007 - 08:19am (CST)

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