[My] Life in Wisconsin

Busy Busy!

Busy Busy!
Busy Busy! magnify
What do you want?!?!
Can you not see that I am BUSY!?!?!


Good Morning Everyone!
There are days that I can sit here and read my news stories, follow links and completely lose track of the time.
Today has been one of those days... And so my own time is limited now. My apologies if I haven't gotten to your place...

I am still getting the ice/water out of the old garage, and so I had a pretty busy day yesterday- Happy that all the important things were covered for the winter- The water will not damage anything, except my spirits.

Casey drove to town to pick up Berta and Gabriel. Barely out of the car a minute or two- (Hugs all around first), and he was raring to go for a ride.



C'Mon Grandma, Hurry!



After throwing an old blanket in the wagon, they were BOTH ready to go!
Can't have the 'kids' getting slivers in their bums...

And after a few lazy turns up front, Roberta joined us and we went back to the woods.
Tough getting back there, and am glad I have the chains still on the tires... The path is quite wet yet- Muddy too; and we sank in a few spots. But didn't get stuck. (Just a whole lot of mud kicked up by the tires, and deposited on the back fenders of the Cub).
Funny to see everyone ducking though.

The snow back by the woods is still deep. We watched as Punk got 'stuck' a few times, and once even went @ss over teakettles...





Master Gabriel decided that looked like fun, and wanted to check it out himself.



Had he gone 10' back toward the woods we would not have found him 'til it all melted.



And then back up to the house...
Trying not to fall in any holes, Master decided it was great to have his own tractor.




And the holes you ask???


These two shots are indicative of my entire yard!
(Think lots and LOTS of target practice)!
But it IS WAR when they get into my old flower beds...
I want to "bomb" them, like I did some other varmints a few years back...

...Little fookerz...

So many birds are back now- Highs to be in the 50's so I can get my windows open and shut off the heat for a while.
So great to be hearing them all once more, (I almost had disremembered what they sounded like)...

I'd better close for now.
I hope you all have a great day!
Get outside and enjoy the sunshine!

Love to all.


Originally posted on my Y! 360 at Thursday April 3, 2008 - 09:30am (CDT) 20


  1. Highs in the 50's? HEAT WAVE TAKING PLACE IN WISCONSIN!!!

    So good to see Master Gabriel again...missed seeing the little cutie. (Lovin and lafin at the first pic) For heaven's sake don't let him get so deep into the woods that you lose him!

    Puter is acting up or I'd write/type more. Guess it's time to give it a "D&C."


    *leaves muttering to herself...hope this comment goes through*

  2. I love that FACE! If he didn't learn that expression from Berta!!! HAHAHAHA How many times have your seen her make that SAME EXACT FACE!!!

  3. What is that brown stuff all over your yard?? - It's the ground!! NOT COVERED BY SNOW!!

    Seems like things are getting back to some semblance of normalcy for you, the dogs, the kids, and grandkids. (Oh yeah, I almost disremembered - and the birds too!)

    My, my, how the Master has grown! His legs look so much longer!


  4. Holy Mackeral! Just came in from (trying to), rake up the gravel and turn my yard back into something besides disaster...

  5. Miss Donna! It IS a veritable heat wave for us! Chilly now- Sweating and such does little once you cool down.

    My computer is always acting up.

    XOXO Me

  6. Sweet Pea;
    He is SO funny sometimes, and even reminds me of you too!
    Where HAVE these faces come from??

    XOXO, Me


  7. Sweet RT!
    Oh the Spring ground! It smells so good!!!
    And I am thinking I have lots of that same ground under my fingernails too!

    Normalcy in Flintville???
    (MY turn to laugh)!

    Now legs?

    Where did he come from???

    XOXO, Me

  8. Hey lookie at you.. you found the ground! Were you even aware that it was there.. under all that white stuff? Is that a little green, I see in the background?

    Im so glad you guys are finally starting to have some spring like weather! Love that great big smile on Punk getting to ride in the wagon.. she looks like she has missed that.

    The little Master seems to be having a great time as well.. of course, who wouldnt love getting to go visit gramma and gettin to ride on the tractor too! woohoo!

    Oh my gosh! all those holes.. do you need to borrow JT's pellet gun? hehe

    I love being able to open up the windows and get some of that spring air into the house!

    Happy Thursday Squeaker!


  9. heheh Sweet Connie!

    Please, please, PLEASE send the pellet gun!! I simply have millions of holes all over!!! And Sputnik says no way can he handle them all...

    Oh we had such a great time!!!
    And like every year when I finally get outside, the air and the dirt smell SO good!
    And my nose starts running! (Til the next hard freeze anyway)!

    Love to you both
