[My] Life in Wisconsin

Rain. Pour. Morton...

Rain. Pour. Morton...
268 magnify
Master Gabriel, all SMILES, at his home.
Casey and I visiting for a while after my hypo.
Monday 4/07/08


Good Morning All;

Sorry that I have been MIA.
And still fighting the jackass that kicked me in the back last month.
(Hmmm...Are any of those acceptable copouts)?
My apologies.

Kelli came Tuesday with Mr. Miller... We walked all three dogs back to the woods. (Or maybe they walked us)? Either way, they have so much fun! As we do too.
Punk finally over her fear of going back down the cliff. And I wonder if she runs down with her eyes closed now? Once at the bottom the fool dog jumps in the river. It is high, and she wasn't expecting it to be. A bit harder then to climb back out. Kelli and I were on our way down- She had been struggling to climb out, but had Mama Milly there to help her too. Not sure how she got out, just that she was fine by the time Kelli and I got down there.
Oh the water must be SO cold! But it didn't keep The Punk out for long either. She seemed to love it; and was back in a more shallow part soon after.
The river is quite high around the bend with all the snow/rain/snow/rain that we have been getting.



Much more shallow here
Punk still in the river!
Miller very soggy too!



And God only knows where Miss Milly had taken off to...
But she always burns us and disappears.
Miller and Punk stay with us though.



We saw a few odd things...
Not the least of which was...
I can only assume that the hunter missed?
And why do I picture the squirrel in that one commercial
that laughs when the car goes in the ditch?



An old dead tree, long since blown over by a storm, covered our path.
I tossed it over the side of the cliff.
Punk thought it was the best game of fetch ever!!!
But she did give up trying pretty quick too!



Up at the homestead, I have been working diligently to get the water out of the garage. Slowly but surely I am seeing more and more dry floor too.



Ignore the mess of boxes...
Just more rummage to get sorted and sold.



Casey and I have both been working at getting the wood chip loads disbursed too. The end of the main driveway is finally built up. The 2nd driveway still has to be leveled off and covered. When these are done, we can use the leftover chips for mulching.

I am waiting for my back pill to kick in...
Having gone in again this afternoon because it simply hurt too much, even with the pills I had been given on the 14th of last month. At that point just figuring that I must have pulled a muscle...
The Dr has told me that I probably have a stress fracture. Remember my foot last September? Same thing I guess. Not fun at any rate. And the fact that it keeps getting progressively worse really stinks too.
Damnable jackass...
The new Xray machine at the clinic will not be in for 3 weeks, so until then I am SO grounded. (And probably much longer too).
I hate this feeling.
Worse yet are my thoughts-
How will I be--
** Mowing my lawns?
** Planting my garden?
** Digging out the septic?
*** etc etc etc... ??
Yes, I take calcium, minerals and vitamins religiously.

Casey will need to be in Milwaukee next week; already I am dreading the drive down to Froedtert. She has pain tonight in the left side of her ribcage, but the Drs have assured her that this is not another collapse.

I am SO tempted just to keep posting the picture of my Morton salt.

It is raining now- One to three inches of water are possible and predicted.
And it is very very windy too. The rain being pelted onto the windows and the side of the house. The Punk is a bit upset by all of that noise. She keeps waking; with a bit of a growl in her throat.
And no, I am NOT going to look in the basement.
(Til after I wake that is)...

I hope you all have a fine Friday ~and a warm and "wunnaful" weekend!

Love to all.


Casey has also posted an updated blog
. CLICK HERE to read...


Originally posted to my Y! 360, Friday April 11, 2008 - 02:38am (CDT) 14


  1. Two more things...

    The Dr. gave me a patch for the pain. It is Lidoderm. Has anyone ever used these?

    And no, I have not been back to the woods since Tuesday either...
    Kelli took the dogs by herself on Wednesday.

    XOXO, Me

  2. I clicked on ''click here'' and after fifteen eternities was able to ready Casey's blog. I'm unable to do any commenting as I'm no longer a member, but at least I was able to do some reading.

    I'll accept all of the above as an excuse not to be around. I can go over a week without posting anything, however we're two different people.

    You're not only seeing grass on occasion but a floor as well. Things are looking up.

    Your woods look so inviting...it's been a long time since I was able to walk around in woods.

    I have an idea...you and Casey have a pain free weekend...sound like a plan?


  3. Sweet Donna,
    From your lips to Gods ears.
    A pain free weekend? How appealing that is!
    But I don't think fractures are wont to heal that fast. (And we all know how damn stubborn KC's pancreas is being)!
    Poor kid.

    I laughed at the lawn and floor comment too...
    I have suddenly developed a hatred for my own floors...
    (Just skeert I will fall down and stay there)!

    Have a lovely weekend my dear.


    And PS;

    I think this Lidoderm was a mean thing to do to me.
    You put the patch over the pain...
    My middle back hurts, and hello, even with a normal back I can't reach it to put one on.


    And dang!!!


  4. Heyyyyyyyyyyyy you're looking good here too hehe!!!..I must say it's easier getting to this page than your danged 360...

    I've attempted to add a few friends, but I remember how leery I was signing up for this..I just know 360 is going to poof soon and I'm thinking many people are going to be effed..(I like that word eff..it's your word lol)

    Anyway..time to take cujo and cujette for their walk..Have a great day!!! xoxo

  5. Sweet Pea.
    Right back atcha!

    Sweet WyckieBaby!
    I just answered your note on 360. Wonder if you will get it in this lifetime?

    HAHAHA Cujo(ette) TOO dang funny!
    And I would take them for a walk if it didn't make me shudder to even think of it.
    ...maybe tomorrow.
    Just that every time my right foot, (OR my left foot) hit the ground it hurts like billy hell.
    And I never could walk on my hands.

    You made me laugh twice.
    And it hurts to laugh too!

    Make it go away!

    Love to you both!


  6. I have never used them but one of the guys at work used them for quite awhile. Hes out having back surgery now. I hope they help you

  7. Good evening Bart,
    Sorry so late getting here.. I read early this morning but I was headed to the shower and running a bit late.
    Fractured? Oh MY GOSH! Now how the heck did you do that in the bed.. wait.. I dont wanna know.
    Did the doctor give you a hint as to something you could do ..so that maybe you dont damage it further but actually help it heal?

    Glad the weather is turning more spring like and you guys are able to get outside and enjoy it. I think Punk jumping into the river would have scared the begeebers out of me. But what great shots you got! The woods and the River looks wonderful!

    Im so glad you double post! Yahell just drives me nutty!
    Have a wonderful Saturday!

  8. hehehe Sweet BEEP!
    (Has 'it' gone off yet)?

    I did use the patch after Casey got home. Not sure if it helped, but at least I slept almost all afternoon.

    My foot last September was a stress fracture. And now my back???

    I eat right (mostly).
    I am not a couch potato. ('Cept for yesterday).
    I do some really strenuous things.
    And I am not that far out of shape.
    I take vitamins, minerals and calcium.

    Oh I am so mad about it.
    (Not in a 'vain' way, but in a WTH kind of way).

    When he said that, my heart sank way down.
    Casey corrected me too.
    She said it will only be two weeks before the new digital xray is up and running.
    That's something...

    Now as far as doing anything to make it better.
    Not much you can do except do nothing that causes pain. And wait.
    If it shows no improvement then maybe a brace. (Wait, No effing way).

    Love to you both


    Bart loves Beep!

  9. I hope you find a solution to your back pain SOON!! Big Hugs your way!!

    We've got rain too here in Michigan--went to sleep to the sound of wind and rain pelting our windows....a natural lullaby....

  10. I have a grain bag (like a thick cotton bag filled with some sort of treated wheat). You shove it into the microwave for a couple of minutes and sit with it at the 'pain point'. Bliss! I've used it on shoulder's, neck and mostly, my lower back. You can put it in the freezer as well and use it as a 'cold bag'. Best thing my mum and dad ever bought me (I must've had it for 10 years!).

    The only problem with the grain bag is that you have to be 'at rest' to use it, so these days I regularly use heated patches, (not medicated at all, just over the counter stuff). I prefer the make 'Icy-Hot'. They're brilliant and seem to give off more heat the more you move (well, that's how it feels). The worse thing (other than the contortions you have to go through putting the thing on, and in the right place!) is peeling them back off again!! OOOOOUUUUUUCCCCCHHHHH! It's one of those "Do I do it slowly and suffer for ages, or just whip the thing of and scream once LOUDLY!?"

    His lordship got the wrong ones this last week and they're (hang on, I'll have to go and have a look ......) Thermacare! They've got smaller heat 'bubbles' although the coverage is bigger. BUT they don't stick on, they have a 'meet at the front' belt which is a real pain in itself. They advise you to wear it over your underwear! They are obviously are made for blokes, by blokes! There's no way a woman designed them because we know that we have to pull everything down to go to the loo! I forgot all about the thing the first time and the whole lot landed in a heap at my feet! Good job I keep my floors clean, but picking it up??? Ouch!

    Of course you can't use patches at night, so I use Myoflex cream. The good thing is, it doesn't smell the place out. Totally odourless. The bad thing is, it's a thick white cream and doesn't 'rub in', but lays on the skin. So after you've rubbed it in, you really need to wear something over it, or it'll smear all over the place! BUT it does the job and I find it very soothing!

    Hope your back eases off soon.

    Hugs all round xxx

  11. Way late here, but I see you've gotten a Lidoderm patch..A lot of our patient's use those and swear they help..I dunno, but good luck on being alil more pain free!!!

    Really though..I need to get up there and crack you a good one..I'm a professional back cracker hehe..Haven't crippled anyone YET!!! xoxo

  12. P.S..I'm thinking I shall leave this page open as it's the first time I made it in since early morn yesterday...Hmmmmmmmmmmm!!!

  13. Sweet Val;
    Will all that stuff help with the fracture too?
    I am SO leery of using anything new.
    He increased my vicoden yesterday and I am afraid to even take that.
    I used the heating pad though with the patch and slept for about 3 hours. (Best I've gotten in a while).
    Not sure if my 'nap' was because of the patch, or because I am deathly tired???

    Love to you!


  14. Sweet WyckieBaby!
    I always LOVED having my back cracked! Mmm...
    But the thought of someone doing that while it's fractured scares the bejeezus out of me.
    Ah What the heck- Come crack me a good one anytime!

    Love to you!


  15. hints from Heloise... get a cloth bag and fill it with rice.. dry rice not the instant kind. Then you can use it as a hot pack by putting it in the microwave or a cold pack by putting it in the freezer.

    I had totally forgotten about that until Mrs V said something.
