[My] Life in Wisconsin



  1. I forgot that you can put up video's on Multiply. If I go and see the grandkids this weekend, I am going to take a video of James. Maybe I can get one of him walking this time. The week he spent with me he didn't walk much. Gabriel is cute.

  2. Awwwwww.... I just want to pick him up and give him a big hug. He's quite a cutie pie!

    Much love to you Sweet Annie ~ Spell XOXOXO

  3. I can't see a pic!!! Is this like the emperors new clothes?? Crazies.


  4. hehehe Stanger...
    And I can only watch the first 4 seconds...

    I must have done something wrong...

    Maybe I uploaded the wrong one, but this took forever.
    The original was SO funny!

    Casey has filmed it back in early June...
