[My] Life in Wisconsin

"Ketching" Up! (The Pill Does WHAT)?



Beans anyone?
Yes Mrs G., I shall send you my recipe(s) soon.

Good Morning Everyone;
I am going to try to fill you in on our week here...

On Monday, Miss Marie drove out with Baby Samuel and Roberta too.

After our little hike to the woods that day, Master Gabriel was plum worn out; so I had sent him upstairs for a nap...

What a nice surprise for me to have them drive in!

So I brought Master Gabriel right back downstairs
to be able to see his mama and little brother.

Cnv1047 by you.
Marie, Gabriel, Roberta feeding Big Sam!
Cnv1044 by you.
Gabriel, loving his little brother!
Cnv1054 by you.

A smooch for Sam...

Cnv1055 by you.

And a smooch for his mama too.
Gabriel left with them that afternoon. Roberta had to work, but would pick him up after work. He stayed with Marie 'til Berta finished work.

On Tuesday, Roberta had a CAT Scan of her back; from an accident in early July, and I had agreed to pick her and Gabriel up from the clinic.
I had also gone back to bed that morning, never thinking I would sleep until 10 minutes before Roberta's appointment. A fast call to Casey got her there much faster than I ~to pick them up.

Roberta didn't have to work until Wednesday so this is when we decided that I could go in for my head...
Cnv1059 by you.
Not too sure if Berta was real happy about this, but, oh well...

I don't think Master Gabriel cared one way or the other...
Cnv1058 by you.
When I got him back yesterday, I had slept really good by then, and my head was almost back to normal.
Apparently the same (sleeping) was not true of Gabriel.

He got here, ate some cheese and a few crackers, and tipped over on the couch for a little nap.
He did not want to wake up; so I carried him upstairs and put him to bed.
He slept straight through for 14 and a half hours!
He is very bright~eyed and bushy~tailed this morning!

I have been reading up on politics... (Stay with me for a little bit). And found a website that the writer had asked if it makes a difference to the voting public if the candidate of their choice has any pets or not?
Since not too much else makes any sense with these two we have on the ballot, I decided to check them out.
CLICK HERE for Obama.

The thought crosses my mind that I have little patience for people who are so numbskulled at times...
Yes, I put my 2 cents in... (Please feel free to add your own)...

"The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between political parties either--but right through every human heart."
-Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn, (rest in peace)...

I also read where "The Pill Makes Women Pick Bad Mates".

(Hard to resist clicking on that one)!!!
CLICK HERE for that story.

Methinks I am caught up for the most part...

And I hope you are all having one terrific Thursday!

Love to all!

Originally posted to my Y! 360, Thursday August 14, 2008 - 08:03am (CDT)


  1. Roberta looks good. Sam is GROWING!! I love love love the picture of Roberta and Gabriel kissing - what a great picture!!

  2. Berta looks way too skinny but happy.....

    I agreed with both your comments on the presidential thing....

  3. Sweet RT!
    I am happy that you like that picture- One of my own favorites too.

    And Sam surely IS getting bigger, eh?
    Especially when you take into consideration that he wasn't 'due' for another two weeks!


  4. Sweet Pea...
    She lost a LOT of weight already. Wonder how she does it?
    (No, I didn't ask).
    That one lady, Ruth, on the McCain page just rubbed me the wrong way.
    Oh well.
    It was written tongue in cheek.
    Some people just have to be SO serious...


  5. Ah, I wanna just hold the little guy myself!

  6. Hi Sweetie!
    Isn't it amazing how much children add to our lives; and the happy effect they hold on our hearts?!


  7. I was at a loss too... that is a lot of weight loss for a short time, I hope she is eating healthy....

  8. I love the son and mommy kiss...so sweet...all the pictures are great!

  9. Evenin Bart,

    L>>I>>> B????? I could have sworn I commented on this blog.. but its not there.. So maybe I just thunk I did..

    I remember thinking how skinny Berta was looking.. I remember reading comments from others thinking the same thing and saying so... Unusual for me, I dont normally read through comments before commenting myself. Shes looking great btw!

    What wonderful pictures though.. and the sweetness of little Sam and Gabe.. is just too wonderful for words.

    Sounds and looks as if it was a pretty good week overall.. even if the head got nasty in there..

    Hugs .. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  10. OH MY LORD!!!!

    The first part of your blog is very nice. The pictures are beautiful and capture the sheer love shared between those cutie pies and their family!

    In answer to your question about Roberta's picture: I don't know if it was just timing or what, but she does look mad!! Yikes!

    NOW, about the B.S. that later transpired within this posting: I am speechless, but I did leave more than two cents in at that article... I can't believe that this election has come down to this... This is re~donk~ulous!!!! All that was going through my mind was the catch line from the new Pepsi Max commercial: WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!

    FOR HEAVEN SAKES!!!! Apparently George W. Bush's compassion for ignorant peeps has spread to the point that he is allowing their stories to be the top of the news... I am all for sticking together with those similar to you, but George: THIS IS GOING TOO FAR!

    Sorry, I'm a little ticked off at this!!!!

    Anywho, my comment should be up there soon...

    Love you Much Much!
