[My] Life in Wisconsin

The Bee and The Woodpecker



I have not heard from the State of Wisconsin.
(But I do know that everyone answers to someone).
Good Morning All;

This Chinese proverb showed up on my screen earlier:
Words whispered on Earth are heard in Heaven like thunder; evil done in dark places the gods see like lightning.

I spent an awful lot of time downtown yesterday. Going to each police station (city and county).
Then in a last ditch effort, to go back to the courthouse and leave the info on the Registered Sex Offender with the judge/family court commissioner.
I also left him a little note.

I haven't heard back from ANYone.
Should I have expected to?
Cnv0218 by you.

Curious now...

If I didn't see where the bee went,
Does that mean he doesn't have a nest?
Cnv0233 by you.
If I didn't catch the woodpecker that did this,
Then maybe there isn't really a hole in my house?
Because if I, (yes, I said "I"), can't prove that this person actually resides at a different address, then he must not.
Cnv0010 by you.
To carry on with that convoluted line of thought...

If I don't see Gabriel being hurt or harmed in any way...
Then he must not ever be hurt or harmed in any way.

Ya think?


And that's the gospel according to what I know today.

Do not think for one moment that this is over.
I promise, it has only just begun.
"Promise" or "threat"?
Guess that depends on who is reading this.

For now, I must now go in search of the bee and the woodpecker...

Have a day.

My name is Anne, and I approve this message.

Originally posted to my Y! 360, Wednesday September 17, 2008 - 09:17am (CDT)


  1. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that you get SOMEONE to listen!

  2. Maybe the Woodpecker made the hole for the Bee to live in... could happen...


  3. But is there really a woodpecker and a bee?

  4. I am losing my FREAKING mind already...

    Here is the note I am writing to the intake workers supervisor...


    I have omitted personal information (for now).


    Wednesday, September 17, 2008

    RE: Gabriel
    and, Roberta, his mother,
    Father unknown.

    Dear XXX;

    Two days ago, Mr.XXX revised the initial order in this case to allow for Gabriel to have UNsupervised visitation with his mother.

    This, after my youngest daughter (Casey), had informed your employee, (Miss XXX) that Roberta Gaither resides with a person who is a known Lifetime Registrant Sex Offender. One Michael A. Turner, 1329 Stuart St., Green Bay, WI
    (Although his address on the Wisconsin Sex Offender site claims he lives in Denmark).
    This Denmark address is clearly wrong, yet no one does anything?
    (The Green Bay Police Department did actually tell me to watch the house and to let them know when he was there).
    *This is MY job???

    The Brown County Sheriff Department had no suggestions for me, but did take all of the information I had brought along.

    On Sept 15, 2008, I enclosed Turners registry status papers to Miss Adelman.
    I have also sent them to Gabriel's foster parents.

    I have contacted XXX, Probation and Parole Agent, (State of Wisconsin, DOC, Division of Community Corrections).
    She has told me to get the landlords name at the Stuart Street address.
    *Again I ask you, this is MY job???

    XXX has also informed me that Roberta had accompanied Turner to his appointment on Monday, so yes Roberta does know about Turners criminal past.
    He also has retail theft charges- (Of course you can bring this all up on your own computers).

    WHY has none of this been addressed?
    Why did your employee even recommend that Roberta bring Gabriel to XXX Cafe for visitation, knowing full well that both Roberta and Turner are employed there?

    I have personally seen Gabriel be brought to Turner to say 'hi', for little visits, hugs.. etc.
    Rest assured this was before I learned of his incarcerations and felonies; which are easily checked/verified online.

    Also know that before I knew of this, I have personally visited Roberta, at her home with Turner present, AS WAS GABRIEL.

    Neither XXX nor XXX has seen fit to restrict anything?
    I do not understand this.

    To me, it seems as though no one else cares about my grandson.
    And I am wondering what's up with that?

    Where does the Child "Protective" Service definition actually come into play?
    I do not see anyone protecting my grandson; save for myself, 2 other daughters, and his temporary foster parents.

    Roberta will be seeing Gabriel tomorrow (9-16-2008), and will be allowed to remove Gabriel from his foster parents home, and to bring him anywhere of her choosing, unless something gets changed today. This visit will be UNSUPERVISED if you fail to act.
    Know too, that Roberta maintains contact with her drug friends from Alabama, and can be in flight at any given time.

    I have previously agreed to do the supervised visits; to pick him up and to then pick up Roberta.
    Indeed we had two visits last week that went quite well.
    I am still amenable to do this with reasonable notice. (18-24 hour notice).



    So, there you have it...
    I will be going downtown with it shortly.

    Me aka "BlahBlahBlah"

  5. What an adorable picture! I am so sorry about all this Anne and I am so happy that you are doing everything you can do help him. I think the letter you wrote is wonderful and I just pray it falls into the right hands that will do something. I just can't get over how many are just turning a blind eye to it all! I am praying my friend!!!!! Hugs to you

  6. Hmmmmm.....well....Anne....the way I see it, when you end up having to take matters into your own hands to prevent or stop or defend a child from harm.....what you had to do....or will have to do....must not have happened either!

    That giving a blind eye to justice thing BETTER work both ways!

  7. If a man speaks in the forest and no woman is around to hear........ is he still wrong??? Hee hee hee... Saw that on a postcard up nort' in Mercer last weekend! (I will post pictures soon... Not too much though because it was pouring all weekend...)

    So, yes, I do believe that proverbial bear sh*ts in the woods and although you don't see it, doesn't mean it's not there... Believe me, it sure does stink when you step in it even though you "believe" it isn't. Like my pastor says, "When you're doing something wrong, it doesn't matter if you are a heathen or a Christian, it's still wrong! If you take a curve at 100mph, you will crash. Even if you are listening to a Christian radio station AND have a statue of Jesus on your dashboard... Although He might be suddenly grasping the top of his head and screaming... You WILL crash..."

    I guess it has gone past the point of screaming and pleading with Roberta. She is lost, she is broken and only SHE knows how to mend that. She does need to fix herself, but she DOESN'T need to take anyone down with her. CERTAINLY NOT A TWO YEAR OLD...

    This legal system is no where near working. Even though we have "checks and balances", the checks bounce and the balances are off, so what good does it do...

    Sorry, a little pissed about this... I can't think of anything except for the fact that it will be long before I get to see Gabe again just because this social worker has decided to "not have a problem" with someone who admitted that she smoked pot for the last six months of pregnancy, WHILE GABRIEL WAS WITH HER!?!?!

    Ugh... I don't know what to do anymore... Nothing I can do except wait, wait, wait... Maybe someone in this friggen public legal system will get off their butt and do their own jobs instead of expecting others to do it for them...

    Love you Much Much!

  8. Must leave this reply on this blog also...


    I have heard back from the supervisor at CPS.
    She told me that this is none of my business anymore.

    Here is part of that somewhat 'curt' reply:


    "I am not able to provide you with any feedback or updates surrounding our involvement and steps taken to address the safety.
    However, I can assure you that I have addressed your concerns with the child protection intake worker and do feel that she has covered her basis in her practice and addressing many of the concerns that you have brought to our attention.
    Please feel free to contact me in the future if you have any other issues that you would like to discuss."
    end quote...


    Hells bells, I cannot even get a phone call back to 'discuss' this now!
    What the hell does she mean to call on her or "contact" her in the future if there is anything further?
    What an addlepated sense of humor...


    Love to all,
    And of course many MANY thanks for your thoughts and prayers, not only for Master Gabriel, but for myself and Casey as well.



  9. Me neither...

    But I have sent it to many many people.
    Now you watch, everyone will refer it back to CPS, and that reply above is all they are doing.


  10. Sometimes you confuse me.

    But I understood THIS perfectly!

    Thanks for the uplift!

  11. Right you are about that comment- (and the other too)!

    You also said, "I can't think of anything except for the fact that it will be long before I get to see Gabe again just because this social worker has decided to "not have a problem" with someone who admitted that she smoked pot for the last six months of pregnancy, WHILE GABRIEL WAS WITH HER!?!?!"

    No one has told me that we cannot have our own visitation.
    That is to say, providing that she returns him today.

    You are right about this too "Maybe someone in this friggen public legal system will get off their butt and do their own jobs instead of expecting others to do it for them..."

    See my comment above about referring it all back to CPS, who clearly does not give a good damn.

    Yes wrong is wrong.

    But always remember that right is right too.


  12. UPDATE #2

    The gal from the state DOC also called me back.
    She said she contacted the owners of the house on Stuart St, and they said he did not live there.
    (Yeah, right).

    But she also said she has "moved" him to a motel for now.
    She told him he is to have no contact with Gabriel.
    But Berta can visit him. She cannot live there or sleep there.

    Repeat "uh~huh" and "yeah, right"...

    Repeat HUGE SIGH


  13. Poor Annie, you must feel so exasperated! I wish I could help.

  14. Please don't worry about Gabriel for todays visit. Roberta has called and asked if I would pick her and him up and bring them to my house to visit with Samuel today and then take them back to the foster home and to her home of the moment. So I will be picking him up and dropping him off today. Not that it makes you feel altogether better, just a wisp of a breeze on a hot stifling day.

  15. You have NO idea what a relief this is to read!
    Thank you my sweet Angel.


  16. well, I am glad I read through the comments for the little light at the end of todays tunnel.

    God bless bigmak6figure ...always :)

  17. Ok, now I see a little bit of contradiction here. First she says that this jerk does not live at that house but yet she admits to "moving" him to a motel. Where did she move him from? I'd be finding out what motel and be watching his every move as to whom goes in and out. They sure don't seem to worried about this and that just plain pisses me the hell off!!

  18. You think YOU'RE p.o.ed???

    But no worries.
    I already know!

    Mama HAS her ways...
    (Berta really should know this about me already).

  19. You go get 'em, mama!!! You are so right! We moms have our own little ways of being private eyes, don't we? Please keep us posted on how things are going. I do so worry about Master Gabriel. And I can sure tell that his Auntie Caseyface is really worried about him. He's got a great family fighting for him that's for sure. Keep fighting and don't give up! We are all here for ya!

  20. Good evenin' Blah Blah Blah!

    Im so sorry that no one is paying attention.. and yet they wonder why we have so many babies that end up "dead"... Im sorry too that Berta doesnt seem to care that her children are no longer her own. How sad is that???.. for all concerned.

    You keep stirring that pot! Keep going up the ladder.. that case worker has a supervisor. You also have a state representative... contact him.. let him know of this run around your getting.. see if there is someone he can contact or something he can do to make someone stand up and listen.

    And whether or not your plans are to go to the newspaper... threaten that one too... Let me tell you the last thing these folks want is for this to be made public that no one is paying attention.

    My feelings on this are quite simple.. if they are this lax with Gabe.. how many other children are they this lax with that are in far worse conditions?

  21. I am proud of that certain amount of sass you have put into this one. I am definitely keeping your whole family in my prayers. That includes Berta. You guys are so special. I totally know this is not over. Good luck.

    How is Casey feeling? How is that head and back of yours? I do hope you guys are doing ok. I wish there was more that I could do but always know you all are in my prayers.

    Lots of love to you all! XOXOXO

  22. hehehe
    The girls could never figure out how I 'knew' stuff...
    Maybe now that most of them are moms they will figure out their own senses.
    Methink the trick lies in KNOWING your chiild.
    Then you take it from there.

    Not sure what happened as I had written that last reply to you...

    Hanging in there too.


  23. Dangitallanyway Sweet Beep...
    that comment about stirring the pot made me go in search of my favorite halloween picture.
    (I couldn't find it).

    Now as far as the publicity goes, i can't go to any of those places- they would be waiting for me with a shotgun, given that minors are protected from the media. (Just not by CPS).
    I can't even venture to think about how many others get lost in the system somehow...
    I have to stay focused or I will miss something.
    I did go to the supers supervisor. he too said he couldn't say anthing.

    But yesterdays visit went fine too. My angel Marie picked up Gabriel and his mom. They went to Maries.
    So... that's something.

    (And I even remember "Squeaky" too)

  24. I know you really cant go to the papers.. but it would be great to be able to open up that can of worms.

    I also know you need to stay focused on Mr Gabe.. He is your concern and I dont blame you one little bit.
    They cant discuss the case.. really makes me wonder about the whole s(h)ituation!


  25. Takes one to know one Sweet Darla...

    Casey is quite sick for the past day- My head is better- (it tried to kill me earlier this week).
    My back? Well suffice it to say that jackass did a good job on it.
    Every now and then I am brought to my knees with/by it.

    Good thing my knees are in good shape!

    Prayers are more than enough.
    He has to listen.


  26. They are just covering their asses.
    That, or making sure they don't end up over a barrel...

  27. Eye of newt,
    and toe of frog,
    Wool of bat,
    and tongue of dog,
    Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,
    Lizard's leg,
    and owlet's wing,
    For a charm of powerful trouble,
    Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

    - - -William Shakespeare

  28. If you tilt your head towards your right shoulder that photo of up there of the State of Wisconsin in the bricks looks just like Australia


  29. Thank you Lester.
    I tilted my head.
    My neck still hurts.

