[My] Life in Wisconsin

CaseyFace Update. And The Witches Hat.

Casey, at the University of Minnesota.

Good Morning Everyone;
I have been trying to get around to blogs-
Most times I can, and at others my goofy dial~up quits on me and I have to reconnect.
Yadda. Yadda. Yadda.

We got home Wednesday afternoon, late- and gosh I have been so tired! So I have just taken it easy for the most part. But I did get unpacked. (Always a bonus)!

A few of you have written, emailed, and commented about Casey.
I have waited to update you, thinking she might do it on her blog.
She has not felt up to it, so here goes...

They have 'tentatively' scheduled Casey's transplant for Dec. 18th.

Dr. Sutherland feels that the TP/AIT will definitely stop her attacks.
(I sure as heck hope so).

TP = "Total Pancreatotemy"
AIT = "Auto Islet Transplant"

They remove the pancreas, do the biopsies.
Then isolate and remove the Islet Cells from it. (The Islet cells are the ones that produce insulin).
They then transplant the Islet Cells into her liver.

The liver is a regenerative organ. These cells actually grow and work within the liver then, instead of the pancreas.
The hope here is that she will not need to be insulin-dependent after her pancreas comes out.

They need to do all the financial BS, and get that guarantee... AND they have to finish with all of her records. (She has Tupperware storage boxes full).
I know they took all the discs of her surgeries etc.
We have to get there 2 days in advance of everything for tests; and to get her body ready.
The surgery is SO long...
And I'll be a basket case. (Yes, worse than I am now).
I am happy that my kids are all grown; because in true Dr. Suess fashion, Christmas will be canceled this year if she does have it on the 18th.

She will probably be in intensive care until at least Christmas... Some people have gone home 3 weeks out, some have gone home after 2 months. I have a feeling it could be a long winter...
BUT, one kid went home after only 2 weeks!
He was 17, and had not been sick this long; so they didn't have a problem transplanting his islet cells to his liver.

That is all I know for now...
We wait to hear back from them.

As we waited to be called in, the doctor got called away for emergency surgery.
So we went for a stroll (and a roll)!
Cnv0776 by you.
One very nice man took a picture of the 2 of us too.
Cnv0780 by you.
I had asked another man if he would take our picture.
(What, all of 4 seconds)?
To which he looked at me with my camera, and Casey in her chair, and said,
"No. I have to eat lunch."

TRUE!    (And I immediately felt like a leper)!

As he walked away I muttered to him that he didn't need it.
(See, I don't like being made to feel like a leper).

The guy that did take it heard the exchange and stepped right up..
After the Dr., we drove around for a while.
Off in the distance to see a remarkable water tower.
Cnv0787 by you.

Cnv0789 by you.
It is a park now.
At the bottom of the hill were 2 young men playing tennis.
(Punk was simply enthralled).

And so far up for Casey!
Cnv0801 by you.
Cnv0792 by you.
But she made it all the way!
Downtown Minneapolis in the background
The weird building on the far right is the hospital
at U of M
Another man  came up while we were taking pictures
He took another of us.

(Must have already had his lunch)...
Cnv0798 by you.
Punk seemed to want to know what the heck he was doing with my camera?

A long trek back down, but it's always easier going downhill

Cnv0803 by you.
She uses that cane with such aplomb!

And hey, I haven't gotten thwacked with it!

I'd better close for now...
My dogs are getting restless and so am I.
A little fresh air will do us all a fair amount of good.

Love to all!



Originally posted to my Y! 360, Friday November 7, 2008 - 10:13am (CST)


  1. It will be like walking on pins and needles until the procedure.
    I sure pray that this will work for her. Pray harder I will too!
    Those are great pictures you took, and the ones the nice man took.
    I'm glad you had a safe trip down and back.
    You have a wonderful day and weekend Annie.

    Much love and big hugs ~ ღ♥§♥ღ Susan X♥X♥X♥ ღ♥§♥ღ

  2. Wow, great news that you have a date! I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers as always. I hope the time doesn't drag until then.

  3. Oh Dear Sweet God I hope this transplant puts Casey back to feeling good again.

    And....Geez! The rudeness of some people who can't be bothered for less than 5 minutes! What is that saying....something about being nice to strangers because those strangers could be angels is disguise testing you on how you behave. You could very easily have been that angel testing him. AND HE FAILED! But those other two.....passed and earned some extra feathers for their future wings!

    Nice pictures of that area too. What an interesting water tower.

    Please do keep us updated as often as you possibly can. Hugs and Prayers.....Peachie

  4. Got a giggle out of Casey parked in the bike rack. I should have thought of that! Beats fighting for the handicapped spots.

    Love all the pictures and hoping for a speedy recovery for our pincushion.

  5. I really hope this works out for Casey. She's been sick for far tooo long. I guess I still don't really understand how one can live without a pancreas but I guess as long as the doctor does, that's all that matters. Much love and lots of prayers for everyone!

  6. just wanted to wish Casey all the luck in the world and you too :-)

  7. Just wanted to wish Casey all the luck in the world and you too

  8. Hiya Rock!

    What a great shot of Casey on the stairs through those leaves.. just awesome!

    Im so glad to hear there is hope of a cure for her and a possibility of a normal life with no pain. It would be so great for her to have some of her dreams be realizied!

    Dec 18th.. oh my goodness that seems so quickly.... But a possibility of a wonderful and Very Happy New YEAR! A new beginning in so many ways..

    Love that Witches hat.. a very cool water tower!

    Glad your home safe and sound and all is good in Flintville.

    All my love to you and Casey


  9. Don't worry about my present this year, I can wait until after Christmas.

    This is exciting news and I will pray for a positive outcome for Casey and peace for you.

  10. Sweet ღ♥§♥ღSusanღ♥§♥ღ!
    I am already feeling that way, and it's over a month away...
    And then the surgery will be about 13 hours. OMG, what a wait.

    Happy that there was a few nice men around too.
    And I would have gotten a pic of Punk watching them play tennis- too worried about Casey making it up the darned path.
    Punk watched like she was at Wimbledon.
    Just hilarious!

    Giggled at your "choke".
    I should have added a "What would YOU do?" poll to this.
    Methinks all of my friends here would have taken the picture for a couple of strangers.


  11. Sweet Chevy!
    (Damn fine thing I am not too "ADD" that I actually read your note twice).

    "I" do not have a date!!!
    hehehe ~~Sad but true!

    The 'date' is only a tentative one, pending all the business stuff.
    But hopefully it will be more than penciled~in soon.

    As far as the time goes, I am wishing it were Christmas already. Just so the worst is over...


  12. Sweet PeachieBaby!
    (I had to giggle at the possibility of me being an angel)...
    For certain, an angel would not have said "you really don't need it" as he walked away.
    He was afraid of us.
    What a wuss he was!
    And I wasn't even armed! (Maybe it was the cane on Casey's lap)?

    As far as updating... I promise to always keep y'all informed.
    I am addicted to my blogging anyway.


  13. Sweet Splat!
    You are hilarious!

    And I had offered to drop her at the front of the building when we got there. She would have none of it. Took me about 10 minutes just to find a parking spot, and a heck of a lot longer to get across the street- (We used the G
    "Gopher Way"
    At least there was a wheelchair at the bottom for her.

    Hang on, I am getting the pictures of that way...



  14. And I was ever so tempted just to let her roll!



  15. Sweet Pam!
    Oh, she will forever have to take her digestive enzymes before she eats or snacks- (but she has taken those forever anyway)...
    And the other role of the pancreas is to maintain the blood sugar. This is where the AIT part of the procedure comes into play-
    Hopefully those transplanted Islet Cells will take over and thrive in her liver then, and eliminate the possibility of having to be on insulin.

    You are right. It has been too long- and way too disruptive for her young life.

    On to better things then!



  16. Sweet Sophie!

    Thank you so much! You are so sweet!


  17. Sweet Beep,
    I literally had to run down the stairs with Punk because Casey seemed to be moving so fast!
    I was almost at the bottom when I snapped that one.

    I chuckled at your use of the word "normal".
    Not sure if we know what that is anymore. (If we ever did to begin with)!

    Her birthday is January 26th.
    Imagine going to The Olive Garden and not living in fear!

    Oh and we saw that Tower from quite a distance, and just "had" to go find it.


    Who said all is good in Flintville?



  18. hehehe
    You are quite sassy Mr. KhoolMan;
    If Santa has a nickel left over after 'living out of a suitcase' somewhere in/near Minneapolis, I promise to buy you something.

    And since YOU said the "S" word in your blog, I am blaming you for what is happening as I speak. (type).



    Damn, hey?


  19. You're telling me nothing. I go into work with a wind breaker, I needed a sleet breaker when I came out. Parts of me got cold walking to the car that should never get cold.

  20. The Man did that to me a few times..... get to the top of a ramp and let go....


  21. Saw your sassy 'nother comment on my 'review'...
    So, you can't be TOO cold then?


  22. But there is no steering mechanism...

    Whatd'ja hit?

  23. Am glad to hear that they have Casey 'penciled-in'! Sure do wish I could be there with you to do the 'worry walk'...

    My favorite picture is of you, Casey and Punkie. I love the look on Punkie's face. You can see her thinking... "Hey! He isn't supposed to be touching her camera!" LOL...

    Will keep you both in my thoughts~n~prayers!

    Love Ya,



  24. Thank you Sweet SlurkSta!

    I wish you could be there too!
    Miss Micki even offered (Baby Mariahs Mom), and I told her no way.
    Everybody has more than enough on their plates at that point in time; especially Micki this year!
    But so sweet to have offered like you too.

    I will be going outside to walk The Punkster every few minutes I am sure.

    Your analogy is exactly how I thought Punkie looked too!


  25. Take a laptop with you and you can have ALL of us there with you! hehehe
    That way you won't be 'alone'...

  26. I was going to tell you that you could stay with Great Great Aunt Anne on the farm (she offered) but I just got word today that she passed. Must have decided to wait for grandpa on the other side.

  27. Still praying sweet Anne and Casey...I know how hard this is and has been it's always hard to see our children sick and hurting....many prayers being said....a big *HUG* from me to you

  28. This is such great news!! There is now HOPE in Casey's future!! And with all the prayers and positive thoughts from all your friends and family Casey is bound to be celebrating her birthday at Olive Garden!

    That water tower picture is awesome. That was very rude of that man to not take your picture - I woulda sicked Punk on him! I've never noticed the resemblance before, or in any other pictures - but you look so much like Merly Streep in the picture of you and Casey (where she's in the wheelchair).

    Get some rest sweetiepie (c:

  29. Rock On ~ I am so happy that finally after all this time some one actually has an answer for Casey besides pain meds. She is so young and so much ahead of her that hopefully SOON she will be pain free and on her way to bigger and better things!!! Take Care and Stay Warm......Almost time to get out the snow shoes


  30. YAY! Sweet Beep!
    I knew he was around somewhere!


    (I left that comment before you posted last night).


  31. I go nowhere without my laptop!


  32. Something wrong with my ability to comment here...

    Anyway, I do not go to any of "Casey's hospitals" (as Master Gabriel calls them), without my laptop.

    Now I just have to put the photos in...
    (I'm a dork, and will need to get the Geek to do this for me).

    You are sweet to think that maybe you can all somehow be there.



  33. Aw Sweet Pea;
    I am so sorry to be hearing about this too.
    (How the hell much more can your plate hold)?

    All will be fine.



  34. Sweet Toni;
    There is nothing worse than this either.

    Thank you always for those prayers-



  35. Well carp Sweet RT;
    Now I have to go find a picture of her... (She must be pretty haggard).

    Oh and I would have put the Punk on to him, but the Punk was in that parking ramp... waiting for our appointment.

    So hopefully you will come to The Olive Garden this year?


  36. Sweet Angel Katie!

    You all had better come to The Olive Garden this birthday too!

    Speaking of birthdays... Dammitallanyway, I missed yours again. My apologies.
    Happy Belated. Hope it was great!

    Giggled at the snowshoes too- I do have a pair that Mama made.
    Seems I just put them away for cryin' out loud!?!?

    ROCK ON is right!

    Love to all


  37. Aunt Anne is the same Aunt I always accuse you of taking after in more than name.

    She had been 104 going on 105 as long as I remember. She still handled the farm all by herself all these years as over time her siblings slipped ahead, then their children until only her and my grandpa were left. They were two peas in a pod and very close to boot.

    The last few years she has milked the herd by herself and dealt with everything on the farm choosing only to leave the very heavy lifting to a distant cousin who helped her out.

    I firmly believe that she only went because she did not want to be the one left behind one last time.

    I am glad that she went in the true family tradition without being ill or suffering any. She was happy and healthy to the end.

  38. I hope and pray everything goes well with this...from the tentative date to the recovery.
    I know I don't stop by so often but I am still rallying for Casey and praying for you both.

  39. Hay!! She's SMILING in all of these pics. Unlike Mayo... Best

    Stanger D

  40. LOL! Who's da GEEK?

    You mean to tell me that I couldn't email myself to you? hehehe

    You will have us all at the tips of your fingers... You send me an email and I'll be there to talk or listen while you wait, worry, and wait some more. Why don't they make waiting rooms more comfortable?

    Anyway, just know that you won't be alone when surgery day comes!

    Love Ya,


  41. HI!!! MOMMY!!!!

    I have just finished a long and painful struggle with my own blog, which SHOULD be ready to read. Again. Maybe. Who knows?!?! Anywho, I am sad to say that mine is just a re-iteration of your blog, with more added about other stuff, and other pictures.

    I still say you got the best pictures on your blog! I am so happy that we got our picture taken together! Too many of just one of us on these trips we take together when it should be both of us... Punkie really needs to get some thumbs! :D

    Anywho, thank you so much for being my rock and my thinking cap!

    Punkie does look like she is very very confused at something!!! "What the?? Who the??? HUH?!?!"

    I wonder what she thinks of us sometimes! If she doesn't understand what the camera does, I wonder if she thinks it is strange that we freeze for moments in front of the boxy thing like we are rebooting ourselves! :D

    Anywho, Greg and I will join you for the game tomorrow, so we shall see you around 11:30am!

    Love you MUCH MUCH!!!


  42. hehehe

    I shall take that as a compliment then!



  43. Sweet BethieBaby!
    I know that you and I are very very good friends. And I raised children too.
    Those things give you very good reason to only stop by when you can.

    I know you love us, so no worries!


  44. hehehe
    Sweet Stanger...

    So what you mean to say is that 'manholes' beat 'mayo'???
    (Maybe go read Casey's new blog)... ;-)


  45. Sweet SlurkSta;

    Casey's love is Greg.
    Greg is "da geek"...

    (Not sure if 'da Geek' can get time off to come to MN when Mo has her surgery- He just started that job in September).

    But maybe he can geek his way there SOMEHOW too.
    Though I cannot imagine he would be too productive if he has to work...


  46. Thank You Little Mo;
    I only have the bestest pics on MY blog because YOU are in them!
    So there!

    You and Greg are going to join me where exactly for the game???

    "What the?? Who the??? HUH?!?!"

    I have just canceled my date.
    (Ask Chevy).

    Oh and words to the wise...

    Do not go to Minneapolis with all of your Packers 'colors' when The Pack is playing The Vikings that weekend...
    I did too!


  47. Thank you so much Sweet Aunt Susan! I know it is long overdue, but I will be getting a response letter back to you in a couple of days! I know have time to sit and do that, and you have my word it will be done!

    Lots of Love to you sweetheart!!!

  48. Chevymom,

    Thank you for the sweet thoughts and prayers! Truly appreciated! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Love to you!!

  49. Peachie Sweetie,

    I can see you are feeling the same want for an end to this illness as we are (along with so many wonderful, sweet, caring others on this site). "OH DEAR SWEET GOD!!!" :D I think I speak for everyone when I say we back you up on that one 100%!!!

    Thank you so much for the hugs, thoughts and prayers!

    Sending Love your way!!

  50. Sis,

    HA HA HA!!! I'm glad I could help with that "closer parking spot" dilemna!!! :D You are so wonderful and I know we are in your thoughts daily... Know that you are in ours as well and I hope things are going very well for you!

    Love you!

  51. OH Doubtfire!

    You have me chuckling at this sentence!!! Very funny, and very true!!!

    Let me try to explain a little. The pancreas does two jobs:
    1. Produces insulin for maintaing blood-sugar levels
    2. Produces digestive enzymes that break down fats, carbohydrates, sugars and proteins.

    When you remove that, you must make up for those two jobs. I am already on digestive enzyme supplements which I must take daily with every snack and meal. They will be making those stronger to match the full amount that the pancreas would secrete. I will take those and that will replace the second job of the pancreas.

    The first job is more complicated. If I don't get insulin produced, I become diabetic. They solve this by finding the good cells left in my pancreas that are producing insuling, and they transplant those cells into my liver. The cells inside the liver continue to produce insulin so that I have a supply made in and given directly to my body. This will lessen my reliance on shots of insulin to either a small amount or no outside insulin at all!

    I hope this fills you in. I know the pancreas is very complicated and hard to understand (surgeons won't touch it and put it into a category equal to the brain or heart). It is alot to learn, and I'm still learning/reading/searching for more info!

    Thank you so much for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. It means so much to have such wonderful friends who care so much, yet have never met us face-to-face!

    Lots of Love to you!

  52. Hi Soph!

    Thank you so much!!! Like I've said above and will say again, the friendships are so wonderful and helpful in this process! I'm lucky to be able to call you "friend"!

    Love to you!

  53. Sweet Connie,

    You must save some of your love for others! Hee hee hee! Thank you so much for your continued support, it means so much and really aids in my recovery! Friendship, Faith, Love and Laughter is everything I need to be healthy again! Thank you for helping with that!!!

    Love to you!!

  54. Khoolaid,

    That is so sweet of you to offer. And so gracious of you to not expect a gift. Well, until after Christmas! :D hee hee hee...

    Thank you for your continued support it is greatly appreciated and welcome!!!

    Love to you!

  55. I do correct:

    You did let me roll away....

    Just caught me before I hit anything, which is the important part anyway!

    Love you!

  56. HEY NOW!! My mom's words are not "nothing" buster!!!!! UGh.....

    And as for the sleet! Well, that's just what you get for being a sass-box to my Mom!!!!

    So there!

    Hee hee hee....

    I get mighty fierce when it comes to sticking up for my mom!!

    Hope your days get warmer!

  57. Hmmm, that doesn't sound too good... Make sure your life insurance policy is not in his name, he might be doing it on purpose! Just kidding... Hope you didn't crash... I have more comments to read, so I guess I will find out!

    Love you sis!!

  58. Sweet Slurkie,

    Well, if you find yourself in Minnesota at UMN on December 18th, feel free to stop in!! Mom would enjoy the distraction. Greg will be there, but I think both of them will be doing their own little worry walks around the place. I wish I could be there for them at the same time they will be there for me!

    Thank you for the thoughts and prayers! So great to have wonderful friends who support us!!!

    Love to you!

  59. Great Idea! I should give her the webcam to use while she waits and since Greg will be there, he can show her how to post live updates and such! Cool!! It'll be fun!!! :D

  60. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Justice is served.... :D I need not worry anymore!

    You are just like us! We are all very tough cookies!!!!

    LOVE YOU!!!

  61. DeeAnne,

    So sorry to hear that. I hope you are doing well. Let me know if there is anything that you need!

    Love, hugs, and many prayers, and whatever else may help...

  62. Sweet Toni,

    Thank you for the continued support! It makes me feel better to know that Mom has a huge support group that will be online should she need to take up some time while she waits for me to be done with surgery! Take care of her!!

    Love to you!

  63. Sweet RT,

    I sure hope you are right! I find myself wanting to cross my fingers or knock on wood when I rely on this surgery coming through. I hope that the Tribe will cover it without a hassle. I don't know what I'd do if I saw the end of the illness and then it was taken away... Hopefully it won't be. I just don't trust payment and insurance stuff.... Hmm, wonder why? :D

    Thank you for all your support!!

    Lots of Love to you!

  64. Thank you sweet Katie! I, too, hope this will solve everything! I hope you had fun trick-or-treating with the little ones!!! I send my love to everyone over there and hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!

    Love you!

  65. Thank you Sweetie!!!!

    It doesn't matter if you come here often or just once in a while, it still counts and is very thoughtful, caring, and kind of you to do so!!! We love that you do!!! Lord knows I don't get around to everyone's blogs, but I try to. It is just such a big world on here that it would take days to catch up, but I try and that is what matters!

    Thank you for all your support and prayers!!!

    Love to you!

  66. HAHAHAHA!!! True story!!! I remember that place and those pics!!! Nope, wasn't smiling...


  67. Hmm, why do I have a suspision that Greg is the Geek??? :D


  68. How the heck are you going to be here by 11:30 if you stay up all night?

  69. We will be... I just have to try to sleep.... I am not tired, but then again, I have been on Multiply playing "Catch Up" since we got home at Midnight... I should try... Actually I'll do that now!

    Goodnight! Love you!!!

  70. I am fine. Thanks for your thoughts though.

    Like I said she has been 104 going on 105 for as long as I can remember so it was not exactly unexpected.

  71. I am sad to hear of the no Christmas ....maybe a tree in the hospitial room?

    I do hope that this will get Casey well...

    HEY! I like that water tower hehe

    that man who wouldnt take the pic...whats that about...how rude! Dont worry it comes back to people like that. God takes our vengence for us.

    Love to you!
