[My] Life in Wisconsin

Is It Soup Yet?

A little nippy...
I think my thermometer is stuck at 14 below.
No matter. That's plenty cold for these bones.

Good Morning;
Again, looks are deceiving. It is sunny and just beautiful outside-
The TV claims 18 below zero, without the windchill figured in.
Our windchill warnings should be past tense by noon. (Hope so).

There are no schools worthy of operating that ARE open. I believe most of Wisconsin schools have had a 4 day weekend.
And somehow, even with the bitterest cold,
know that the darn weeds will survive.


Even Prattville, Alabama has a severe weather advisory due to the cold!!!!
Good grief.

Back when my kids were in school, we lived out in the boonies. (Even MORE boonie~ish than where I live now). hehehe
There were days- and quite a few, that I did not agree with whomever thought they would be responsible for the safety of my children that day. Most of the time my little disagreement came from the fact that school was not closed. I tried to keep in mind that the principal did not live on Jaworski Road.

Jaworski was one of the last roads in Oconto County to be plowed out. Usually one of the neighbors would at least make a track down the road with his tractor. (This, generally as he came to plow us out). Not that we could go anywhere.

Back to the schools though. Know that this blog will not make me popular with any school administrators.

Do you know that when you do not agree with the administrators decisions that you have every right to keep your children at home, AND that they will have an "excused" absence for it? This is the law.
Use it when/if your intuition tells you something other than what you hear on the TV.

Know too that this was never a popular decision for me- (ALL of my kids LOVED school).
Still, there were a few times that getting to school was not the problem- Getting home was. A few times that the schools had to put their student body up for the night. But my own children were safe, warm and fed at home.

NOTE: My kids graduated in the 1990's.
Clearly this was
NOT in the days when the rest of us had to walk to/from school, 10 miles, barefoot in the snow, and uphill both ways.


Know that tomorrow when the sun comes up it will not be as cold.
So "they" say.
The dogs are not impressed with the weather either; and have taken to doing their wrestling indoors.
Both are napping at the moment. (Nice, that).

They go outside in record time, and back in a flash, no arguments. And no running around the house at record speed either. Oh wait. They can't even GET around the house with all the snows... Another 3-6" expected tomorrow night.

Speaking of getting around...
Casey had picked her car up on Wednesday evening because she had two appointments yesterday. With my little illness I am not supposed to go outside at this point. (And I still feel like cold caca).
Since Casey was doing better than I there was no reason that I really needed to take her to those appointments.
  • One was a blood test for an ulcer.
  • The other appointment with "Dr. Mario", her pain management specialist. Sorry but I can never remember his name. He is quite Italian, and so is his name. "Mario" will have to suffice.

With credit due to Old Man Winter, know that both of those appointments have now been rescheduled for next week.

Her terrible tummy pain continues and she has resorted back to using her fentanyl patches.

Here are her own words from the comments in my blog last night.
Hello Everyone!
I figured an update on here would reach everyone faster! I am doing about the same as I was all day. The pain I have now is stomach pain and it seizes up for seemingly no reason from time to time and that's when it's really bad. I wait it out and continue to keep up on the fluids.
I did steal some of Greg's sesame chicken and that stayed down so a little bit ago I decided to have a microwave dinner. I am hoping that stays down as well. At least a little something to make my blood sugars go back up would be nice. It even seized up on the little bit of jello I had earlier, so it is being very tempermental.
I am hoping this all will pass soon enough and I can get on the fast track to healing again!
Until then I will be waiting things out.
We (Mom or I) will keep you all posted.

Thank you ALL SO MUCH for the thoughts, powers, and prayers!!! I know enough by now to appreciate every one of them and to know they are all being heard and answered!!!


So, there you have it, straight from the horses mouth! Please take a moment to visit her site and wish her well. (CLICK HERE for her own blog).

Stay warm.
Know you are loved.


Originally posted to my Y!360, Friday January 16, 2009 - 10:43am (CST)


  1. There have been a few times that I have kept Kaylee home due to the weather and the school district thought otherwise... Thankfully we don't have such terribly cold winters here (for THAT I like Washington LOL)

    So you still aren't feeling well?? Have a nice big bowl of chicken noodle soup then snuggle up on the couch and take a nap!

    Your top snow picture looks like two little people sitting on a bench... LOL! My imagination is WiLd today! hehehe

    And I'm not gonna touch the question about global warming... That stuff is WAY over my lil head... LOL!

    Hope ya get to feeling better soon!

    Love Ya!


  2. Well, I woke up to frozen pipes in my bathroom--and they are in the centermost part of the house. The pipes in the kitchen and laundry room are just fine. Yes, I trickled all faucets and left all cupboards open all night long. Imagine my surprise when I went in to get ready to brush my teeth before work and no water came out. Well, the hot water is working but the cold--not a drop!!! And all the landlord says is keep my heater on it. Needless to say, I didn't go to work so I could work on this.

    Sorry to hear that you still aren't up to par yet. Stay in outta that cold. Hope both you and Miss Casey feel better soon. Hope it's nothing serious for either one of you. Keeping those prayers going!

  3. Sweet SlurkieBaby!
    I feel just crappy is all. Nothing earthshattering or anything- (I reamin completely unimpreesed by this nastiness).
    But I do feel as though the doxy is working too- So am still taking that.
    Thankfully it will be all over and done with by Caseys little party next weekend. Hope her own little bugs quiet down by then too.

    The top pic- well, after the thermometer- is actually two old wagon axles.
    Kinda cool.

    I do need soup.
    Have to go out to the deep freezer and get some chicken.
    Sheesh- I never mind going to the freezer in July and August- What's up with that?



  4. Sweet Pam;
    I am thinking that your pipes are NOT frozen in the cabinet under the sink. Rather maybe they are frozen closer to the source of the water and the cold.

    Keep your faucet open too.

    I am staying on the inside. I promise. Too bitter out there.

    Good luck with those pipes!
    (Knock on wood I have been SO fortunate).


  5. Geez, and I thought it was cold here this morning! 5º with -6º windchill (that is COLD for Georgia!!)

    I'm thinking that Casey's body is just taking it's time to recover. Eating solid food again, after all she's been through, may take some time. (She didn't eat any peanut butter while she was in the hospital did she? ie: the recent salmonella outbreak has been traced to peanut butter used in large institutions like schools and hospitals.)

    I don't blame the pups for not wanting to stay outside for any length of time. If I were them I'd rather just pee on the nice warm carpet! (Don't tell them I said that!)

    Global Warming (yeah, you knew I'd chime-in on this!) was the term that was first used to describe the ozone layer becoming so thin that the climate isn't protected anymore, hence the Polar Icecaps melting in the summer, winters that are much more severe, and also an increase in the number of and intensity of hurricanes (because of the ocean temps being warmer). Instead of it being called Global Warming (which confuses a lot of people) they should just call it what it is: "Global Atmospheric Crap-Out".

  6. Afternoon Rock,

    Global Warming lost me when the scientists that were exploring kicked folks off their committee that didnt agree with them...and then to find out that someone had misscalculated didnt help in their cause as far as Im concerned eithher...

    Im certainly glad I dont have to deal with your kind of cold...I would end up such a hermit! hehe


  7. flintville saidA little nippyA LITTLE NIPPY? It was so cold mine were sticking out like a French whore at Bastille Days.

    And most of kids here in southern part of the state have 5 days off - Martin Luther King Day. It is bit warmer, the temps raised 20 degrees to single positive digit.

    Have a great warm night, filled with hot chocolate and lots of doggy love.

  8. Ooh Sweet RT!
    I am still amazed by your temps, even if it IS winter for everyone.
    I haven't had the TV on all day after my regular morning program, along with 2 other local stations disappeared from view, so I can only tell you that it is 9 below right now.
    (Come summer the 6 o'clock dinner hour will be the warmest for us)...

    I did some research on the salmonella thing as they first began posting it, and then a bit more when Kelloggs recalled all their stuff. Funny, but the hospital never occurred to me. (Most days I am brighter than that too).

    Upon Caseys release, she was to have a script for compazine too, but the pharmacy was out so they just OK'd phenerghan for her. I spoke to her once during my nap today- And dang, I shall have to call her back now to find out what she wanted... oops.

    I hear you on the dog thing. I would pee on the carpet before I would bare my backside in this weather too.

    "Global Atmospheric Crap-Out".
    Great summation my dear!


  9. Sweet Beep!
    But I really AM a hermit! (Well at least when I am home alone I am).

    Even Punks nose has been very cold inside the house!



    Whereas her Mama don't care how cold it is in the house as long as she's IN.
    I should have a picture of the two of them playing, but I cannot carry the camera and snap pictures while I run around and stand the chairs in the kitchen back up either.

    How IS the weather in Arkansas right about now? Hmm... Another detour for me next month?



  10. Mr KhoolMan,
    You are SO bad!
    But I giggled anyway!!

    You are probably right about MLK. Didn't dawn on me that his day was coming up. And I am not sure if all these days are part/parcel of our own days off up here.
    They shouldn't be.

    Presidents Day? I say send 'em to school to learn about the presidents.
    MLK Day? Same thing.
    Ad nauseum all the way down the list.

    And then they can all quit griping about having to make up their snow days that they were thrilled to get in the 1st place.


  11. You mean you lost your octopus arms???


  12. Cold.

    Global warming is in the eye of the beholder....

    I call shenanigans!

  13. Anne....the only way I could come close to explaining "Global Warming" is that most of the places that "normally" have the frozen tundra "year round" (Like Antarctica) is what is warming to milder temps and thawing out. All while many other places are seeing colder temps than ever before. It has something to do with the Poles (north and south pole, that is) being in the process of moving to new locations.

    But like you, and many others, when we see these cold winters being colder than ever it is really hard to see what the heck they mean by GLOBAL WARMING.

    Hope you feel better and warmer over the weekend!

  14. I hear ya there Sweet Splat;
    (Although shenanigans wasn't the 1st word that came to mind)...

  15. Methinks the explanation of it is good.
    But if it is warmer at the poles, then why isn't it warmer throughout?
    The obvious "why" remains...

    It is easy to explain additional snowfall etc by GWarming. Just not the cold then. And it HAS been colder than normal since September/October.

    Oh like I told my Aunt Marlene, "if I wanted to live in Antarctica, I would move there; I wouldn't expect it to come to me."


  16. Hi Anne,
    we already had the conversation about the schools so I am informed on that.

    On climate change, here is what NASA has to say

    I am not one of those people running around in crazy panic over it. Nor do I believe everything I read/see. I rely on God. The way I look at it, its his earth and he has a plan. I'll do my best to be a good steward (recycle etc...) on this planet while I am here and leave the rest to him.

    One day at a time, right?

  17. We had high 60's yesterday! Harman and I were out walking around all day to get his little body out of energy...as if that would work! I miss home but I do NOT miss the cold cold there! Lots of love and hugs to you and Casey! I will try to send some warm there!

  18. The earth has tipped on its axis.

    I blame all those people spinning in their graves.

  19. Awww... Don't do that to me. Now I'm going to be on that site for days.

    And I am SO happy you called the other night!!! (Thank you for that).

    Love to you always!


  20. Holy CARP!
    Where the heck have YOU been?
    I shall have to get to your site and maybe(?) see new pics of Harman!
    Please send heat- But keep the moisture- We have about 6" out there already today. Just big fluffy stuff though. but it lost its magic in October.



  21. Somebody got tipsy and did what to whom???

  22. I can't believe the windchills Thursday and Friday! That was just ridiculous! Dangerous too. I am glad that the bus was able to pick me up at my apartment to bring me to the clinic... No way was I going to drive and sit in the cold waiting for my car to warm up...

    I do remember days that you cursed at the administration for not closing up school. Especially on the days where ice storms were going to be hitting in the noon hour and they didn't foresee that coming and close early... I do remember being let out early a few times because of the snow/ice... To me that's just not worth the three hours that we were at school for, but then again, I'm not a school administrator...

    Global what??? WARMING??? I wanna know the answer to that question too! I also what to know who in their right mind calls this WARMING!!! :D I did learn about it and how it makes the extreme colds even more extreme but still... This is ridiculous!

    Well, I must go start up the car and let it warm up... I also have to have Greg take the carseat out of it... That's been there a while! Stay warm and I'll call when we get to Sheboygan...

    Love you MUCH MUCH!!!

    P.S. Is it soup yet???

  23. Absofreakin beautiful! Gets a little chilly at night, but compared to what your dealing with..its balmy..hehe

    Besure to give me a call.. cause with any kind of luck.. I will be able to use the extra hands unpacking..hehe


  24. and I was so sure it started with Shhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
