[My] Life in Wisconsin

Plain or Peanut. (Memories).

Oh well.

I looked all over...
There were no other Easter colors anywhere.

Good Morning All,
And a belated Happy Easter to everyone. Hope yours was joyous!

We are home.

Greg set up my desktop computer as we got back home. (
He neglected to tell me the new password to get into it, and I am not going to call there). I am using my laptop once more. Kind of used to it anyway.

Casey made the return trip not without pain, but stoic as she always is. We stopped about 3 times- and I believe Miss Punk was more tuckered out than either one of us.
0411 011
And I honestly think she had a bit of pain herself.

Once upon a time, there was a little family that lived in Flintville, Wisconsin...

The daddy was a dairy farmer, tending his fields and his cattle.
The mama always worked hard tending to her own crops in the garden.
They both tended the two 2~legged female "crops" they had adopted.

When the Autumn weather was right, there were crops to be harvested from the woods too.

Namely, walnuts.

Lots and lots and lots of walnuts-
By the bushel baskets full!

They would store the walnuts in the attic of the garage, (where the two little females were forbidden to go).
They would then use those walnuts as needed for snacks -or for baking.

walnuts with hammer

Pics from here.


Every now and then, maybe bored, or a bit hungry for a mid~afternoon snack; the youngest female would carefully crawl up the ladder to the attic of the old shed; and bringing a hammer and a screwdriver, would happily sit and eat walnuts until someone missed her.
Sometimes she got a bellyful, and sometimes only one little nut before she heard her name.
She would sneak right back down the ladder, replace the tools, and wipe her mouth on her sleeve.

She had to "borrow" the tools because to remove anything from the mama's kitchen would be spied immediately.

Cracking the nuts was tough for those little hands; but sometimes she could even do it with her teeth, 'specially if the daddy was using all the tools and he might miss the ones she took to use. Sometimes she just put the nuts between the boards and jumped on the boards.
(This was sorta dangerous though as it made much noise and she had to make sure that there was no one around to hear).

And every now and then she would get caught- Receiving a lecture on the dangers of the ladder, the shed, etc etc etc.

But oh, those walnuts were so delicious! And any reprimand, or spanking, was well worth it to the little girl.

One day in summertime, the mama was tending to her BIG garden.
The little girls also had to be outside with their mama; (perhaps because to leave them indoors, even taking their naps, always resulted in something or 'nother gone wrong).

And so the little girls helped pull weeds. Sometimes they pulled out a "real" plant, and sometimes they were told to leave the garden because of this.
But even then, the little girls were always told to stay within eyesight of their mama; (because if this wasn't done something or 'nother was sorta guaranteed to go wrong).

Not always getting along, sometimes the little girls would not be seen together. (OK, truth be told, this was
more often than not).

The little girl went exploring, within Mama's sight too.
Much later, Mama was done working in the garden. She gathered her food, and went to the hose to clean her hands and her food before going in the house to make dinner for the family.

The littlest girl
(3 or 4 years old), went to her mama, and was crying a bit. Her face was filthy. (This was normal, along with the rest of herself too), but the little tears made her look even more dirty.

The mama asked 'what the dickens' was wrong?!? Maybe the mama had had a really bad day.

While pulling something out of her mouth to show her mama, the little girl said, "Mama, I can't crack this nut."

Suddenly, in a flash, the mama went absolutely berserk.

The mama swung, clipping the little hand, and the nut went flying far far away from the hungry and sad little girl.

"That's rabbit dirt!" the mama exclaimed.

The little girl got her mouth and her face cleaned out/off real good; and never, ever, ever, forgot about this incident.

the little girl thought there was some resemblance.
Somewhere along the line, the little girl lost her taste for walnuts, (and bunny dung).

And back in the day when M & M's only came in brown and light brown colors, she also lost her taste for those.
To this day that little girl will not eat brown M~&~M's.
Not for love or money.
mandm l beown.......mm2

Plain... or ....peanut

Doesn't matter.
No brown M & M's for this little girl.

'specially when they are brought by The Easter "Bunny"!
Additionally, this little girl found NO humor
when she received this in her inbox.



Love to all.

Ph-tooey. ~I gotta go brush my teeth.

Have a "wunnaful" Monday!


posted to my Y! 360, Monday April 13, 2009 - 08:09am (CDT)


  1. BTW - are those undies folded up in the picture at the top?


  2. Sweet RT;
    laugh if you must.
    Know it is true.


  3. LMAO that was a great story to share. We all have to learn at least one thing the hard way, eh?

    Those look like panties to me :D

  4. LOL !!

    I always knew there was something 'special' about you.....hehehe.

    I guess you would have equally enjoyed playing near a goat. (I crack myself up!!! - Maybe I'm nuts!!!.........ROTFLMAO!!!!!)

  5. ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!

    YIKES! No wonder you are always so concerned about the southbound end of my northbound bunny....

  6. I've heard "rabbit dirt" has mental altering capabilities... 'Splains A LOT!!! :) The phrase."Rabbit Dirt" cracks me up and brings back a bit of my own childhood.

  7. LOL
    I'll never look at a walnut the same way again

  8. hehe.. Could be why I have never ever particularly cared for pecans or walnuts or any other kind ... althought I have developed a strange liking to pistachios

    Happy Easter to you!

    sorta seems sacrilegious not to like M&M's though

  9. You are so great!!!!!!!!!!!! I am still laughing. That was so funny. You are so brave for sharing that story. I have a similar one but very few people know it. haha.

  10. Sweet Oka;
    You're laughing too?

    Would that it were only ONE thing that I have learned the hard way in this life!



  11. Sweet BethieBaby!
    I almost spit out my soda when you said maybe you were "NUTS" !

    We never had goats.
    We had cows.
    Lots and lots and lots of cows.

    But I never did try the pies.
    (And if I did it was so traumatic that I have blocked the incident from my mind).

    Your "special" friend


  12. Sweet Pea,
    Did you give the bunny a basket of lettuce for Easter?

    And did everything come out all right?


  13. Sweet SD;
    I was only 3 or 4. And it was verboten that we would go anywhere near matches.
    Therefore I could not have smoked 'dirt' if I wanted to. And God knows that if I couldn't bite the darned thing I could not have ground it up fine enough to snort.


    How long does bunny dung have to sit before it becomes petrified like that anyway?

  14. Sweet Bug,
    Bet ya won't keep a straight face when you spy bunny dirt either!


  15. Sweet Beep;
    The only reason you like pistachios now is because none of them are any good to eat.
    (What's with all the dang nuts now anyway)????

    As for M & M's, I eat them sometimes- I just don't eat the brown ones is all.



  16. Sweet Darla!
    Watch that Mr. Dalton- he is getting to that age ya know...

    As far as brave?
    Nah. Not me.
    And especially now that I am 50, I know there are worse things than munching a bit of bunny poop.
    (But I did laugh as I told Casey to bring me the camera when I spied that pile).


  17. WEll...I guess all I will say is that I'm happy you are home and having flash backs this morning!!!
    Most of the time they are good for a laugh and we can always use that!! BTW I saw you laughing
    as you were telling us this story!! LOL Sometimes I will sit with my daughters and we go back
    thirty years or more and have wonderful laughs over some things that were very traumatic at the
    time!!! haha One of them was playing outside when she was about four and she came to the door
    and yelled through the screen that I should go out and see the pretty bunny she found. I ran to see
    what she had and it was on her shoulder.....A HUGE DEAD RAT!!!!! She tells me I washed her in
    bleach, which I don't believe, but I bet it was Mr. Clean...ewwww lol
    Hugs & blessings,
    Bev xo

  18. OMG Sweet Bev;
    That rat recall is SO gross!
    I would have put her straight in the tub too! Not sure about the bleach or the Mr. Clean, but ugh!

    Casey brought a turtle home from the woods about 10 years ago or so-
    (Turtles gross me out too, although I do pull over and move them when they are in the road).
    But she carried it all the way from the river! YUCK!
    Figuring the damage was already done I told her to go put it back.
    (Then we did the "ugh and scrub").


  19. Uh Oh.
    Greg didn't shut off my security system?

    (I really might have been giggling a bit)...

  20. ROFLMAO!!!

    I seem to remember, about 3 or 4 years ago now, posting a joke about M&M's on my 360 blog... And you left me a comment telling about this experience... Maybe I can get back there and hunt it up... Will post it here if you don't mind!

    You brightened my day/night (whatever it is at 2 in da mornin'!) and I love you muchly for that!

    Slurkie :-)

  21. hehehe
    Sweet SlurkieBaby,
    I don't mind one bit.

    Now as far as day/night goes... If I am done sleeping it is "today" for me.
    If I have not yet slept it is "tonight"

    Casey goes by time though-
    If it is 5 AM or later it is today
    If before 5 AM, it is still tonight.


  22. Ah Ha! I found it, finally! After searching and cussing at 360, I found it! Here's the joke and then your reply ;-)

    M&M's: The Theory of Evolution

    Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species.

    To this end, I hold M&M duels.

    Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger,I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the "loser," and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round.

    I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theatre of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world.

    Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment.

    When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to: M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc. Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3x5 card reading, "Please use this M&M for breeding purposes."

    ANNA-ANNA Offline

    A bit of OCD then?
    A little neurotic too! (And THAT is probably why we appear on each others friends lists too)!

    When I was about 4 or 5, I was 'helping' mom out in the garden- She was very busy, and I found a nut... I put it in my mouth- and tried and tried to get the 'meat' out- Finally, I told her that I couldn't crack through the shell- She said, "Let me see." So I showed her...

    About the only thing I really DO remember about this incident was the look on her face. (And not knowing the meaning of these words then, I would now classify that look as complete disgust and revulsion)... She actually let out a yelp of sorts...

    As it turned out, it was a harmless little old rabbit turd... (but one would never have thought up that word either in lieu of her reaction)!

    To this day, I do not eat brown M & M's!

    And I do not care how genetically superior they are either!
    Too funny of a memory...
    Have a wunnaful day,

    Thursday September 28, 2006 - 04:28am (CDT) Remove Comment

    Thought you might enjoy this trip down memory lane....

    Love Ya!

    Slurkie :-)

  23. You are such a great writer!!! You know, I always knew you once did this, but never heard the stories behind it all at once... Knew you snuck up to steal some of those walnuts, though... :D Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right? For a while I wondered why you didn't eat the brown M&M's. I finally asked once and got this story... After getting that horrible feeling out of my mouth that you get when someone tells you a story of eating something disgusting, I did chuckle quite a bit!! :D

    This time I laughed, too, even though I knew the story already! That's the great way that you know how to tell/write a good true story over and over and no one ever gets tired of it! I have a problem of telling them all the same as I've always told them and people have stopped me multiple times because I ALWAYS try to re-tell stories... I think it's after the 4th or 5th time that they chime in saying, "You told me that one already..." Hee hee hee.... That's my motor~mouth, though!

    Especially for all those years you spent as a gas station manager and would come home with the regular bags of peanut ones... You'd always eat the others, and leave the brown ones in the bag... Good for me because when I'd sneak around the house sometimes I would find bags that were already open, sorted, and had the brown ones remaining... Those were always fair game, and I knew it!!

    Whew, now that I've had my giggles for this morning, I must get a bit more rest before my doctor's appointment... I'm so glad I was able to come and read this today!

    Sorry it's so late for me commenting though... Last night the entire apartment felt like the Scrambler ride at Bay Beach Amusement Park.... It's because they never remember to give me Lexapro and Welbutrin in the hospital. When I first started taking Welbutrin, I remember getting horribly dizzy the first couple of days, so that is what I've got to get through all over again... They did that to me last time, too. I think it was about 1.5 weeks before they got ALL my daily prescriptions. I wonder if they only want me on the bare minimum for a while then let me go back to the others... I dunno...

    hee hee hee.... I asked Greg to make everything stop spinning last night and he held my head in his hands for a while, let go and put his hand in the air as if presenting a brand new apartment dwelling to me.... Nope, didn't work.... It did make me laugh though! I thought that was cute!

    I think you're cute too, pretty lady! I will talk with you later... Give me a call around noon, if you could, to make sure I'm up. Appointment is at 1pm at the clinic... Also, let me know if you can pick me up...

    I love you MUCH MUCH!

  24. Ah yes... This confusing logic... You have summed it up quite nicely... I usually explain it a different way, but this is so much nicer! Also, you have pulled an all~nighter if you stay up past 5am... Even if you go to bed at 6am, 7am or even 5:30am, you still pulled an all~nighter... If you are up until 2 though, it is still "tonight"...

    I learned this from someone a LONG time ago... One of my friends from about the 4th or 5th grade when "all~nighters" were seen as a challenge, and had to be attempted at every sleep over. Whoever did pull the all~nighter won some serious bragging rights at school the next school day (which was usually Monday seeing as how the parents would never have allowed us a slumber party in the middle of the week... Nah, parents were WAY too smart to let a bunch of girls get together, knowing the later we stay up, the better the party...) Even though we felt like complete zombies the next day, usually all day Saturday or Sunday depending on the sleep~over date, we still loved to be the one with the least amount of sleep...

    Now, all~nighters are a pain in the butt to me. If an all~nighter is pulled, it is usually not because I was trying to hold a new world record. It's usually because the pain keeps me up past a certain time and at that point, even if I try to lay down, my body rejects the sleep! By 7~8am I'm at my wits end so frustrated because of not sleeping that I am completely unable to get any sleep!!! Ironic how that works, huh??

    Anywho, I'll stop blogging in your blog comments... I should feel a bit better by this afternoon and hopefully can make an update blog of my own...

    Love you Mommy! MUCH MUCH!

  25. Great - now every time I eat M&Ms I'm going to feel the need to do this.

  26. LMAOOOOO you are hilarious!!!!..Much love, Beth xoxo
