[My] Life in Wisconsin

Do your kids/grandkids use face paints? (Recall). From China of course...

FDA Alerts Consumers to Recall of Water-Based Face Paints
Fun Express, Inc. recalls children’s face paint associated with adverse events

The Food and Drug Administration is advising consumers to stop using certain cosmetic “Face Paint” items labeled as distributed by Oriental Trading Co., Omaha, Neb., due to adverse event reports of skin reactions in children. These items were distributed nationwide.

The FDA has learned of a cluster of adverse events in children exposed to various colors of the face paint. All exposures occurred on the same day at an organized event and included rashes, itchiness, burning sensation, and swelling where the face paints were applied. Significant microbial contamination was indicated in most of the products in testing by an FDA laboratory.

The following Face Paints manufactured by Shanghai Color Art Stationery Company Limited, Shanghai, China, are being voluntarily recalled by Fun Express Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oriental Trading Co.:

(Please click the link above to view UPC codes for the below listed paints).

Blue Face Paint
Purple Face Paint
Red Face Paint
Orange Face Paint
Black Face Paint
Green Face Paint

Fun Express Inc. is recalling the face paints from the market and FDA advises consumers to stop use of these products and discard them or return them to the retailer.

The FDA encourages consumers and health care providers to report any adverse events from face paints to the FDA as well as to state and local health authorities.

Adverse events and product quality problems can be reported to FDA's MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program:

* online at www.fda.gov/MedWatch/report.htm
* by calling 1-800-FDA-1088
* by returning the postage-paid FDA form 3500 (which may be downloaded from www.fda.gov/MedWatch/getforms.htm)
o by mail to MedWatch, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852-9787
o by fax 1-800-FDA-0178

Photo: Product Label: http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cosadv.html

Media Inquiries:
Susan Cruzan, 301-796-4675

Consumer Inquiries:

Don't Feed the dragon

Wonder what's IN this?

I also wonder what it will take for everyone to actually READ labels?



  1. Thank goodness my kids hate face paint.

  2. Urgh! Scary! My girls love to get flowers or butterflies painted on their face... Looks like no more of this fun...:-(

    Thanks for the info, Anne! Appreciate it very much. I'll have to share it with my siblings as well...
