[My] Life in Wisconsin


The lilacs by the old shed...
Transplanted from Ginny Ryan's home...
...Who originally had gotten them from Mom!

Good Morning All;
I have been up since three and could not get 'back' to sleep. Still, it is better than a week ago, so that is a good thing. . .
A little rough around the edges today, but really no worse for the wear.
I mowed lawn yesterday.

Punk helped.
523 Punk in Tulips
Here she is packing down the grass so I don't have to mow there.
Then after I had mowed here,
she lay down so I would know I already cut that part.
523 Punk Smiles Bleeding Hearts

Good help is so hard to find these days.

I had "human" help too.
& what timing when the phone rang!
It was Casey- said she was on her way out to "check on me".
At this point, I had just called down to Kelli's to see if Tim could come to help me get the belt back on right. I had mowed a bit, and up wafted this acrid burning smell that can only be a belt.
Looking it over, it had slipped off one of the front engine pulleys.
Casey beat Tim here, hehehe and between the two of us, we got it back on. I didn't want to pull the whole deck off if I didn't have to. A little elbow grease, me at the front and Casey manually turning the blades, and it popped back in. She quick called Tim and told him that he could go back to enjoying his day off.

Speaking of Kelli... Here she is, showing off her new Packer shirt-
522 Kelli shirt
She had dropped Mr. Miller off on Friday evening as she had some running to do and wanted to have him in the fresh air.
I thought it would be good exercise for the dogs (and myself) to walk to the woods once more. It was jacket weather- Not too cold, not too warm. Just perfect.

On the walk back, there was Mama Killdeer doing her "I'm wounded" act so we wouldn't go near her nest. (Killdeer do this to show a potential nest thief that 'she' is actually the easy target- A "come and get me" type thing), and makes a lot of noise to call attention to herself.
522 killdeer
They actually flop around acting like they are so very injured.
Fun to watch- She followed us almost the whole way.
Punk and Miller got to the woods before I did. They would both turn around as if to say "hurry up already"
Slow but sure... And since I have Casey's cane it is almost easy to go into the woods after them.
522 Punk and Miller
I think they were deciding whether or not to go down to the river!

Down they went, with only seconds before I heard the "SPLASH".
Miller was more cautious than Punk- Kid that she is, she will jump in without a care about how steep the bank is and how she will get back out.
522 Miller down by the river
Mr Miller walked until he found a place to get in.
Punk, trying to rid her fur of any trace of her last bath,
(in the river of course).
I did not go down, knowing it would have half killed me to come back up. hehehe Those ravines are steep!

After a while the "kids" came back up, tired and wet. Miller had only gone in deep as his belly, Punk was completely soaked, save for the last 12" of her tail. (How she did that is a mystery to me)!?!?
522 Miller resting
They both sat for a while, catching their breath from the climb up.

522 soggy doggie
Punk even gave Miller a kiss when he got back up the hill!

522 Punk kisses miller
Miller even wanted his belly rubbed!
522 Miller rolling

Big Boy, that is not gonna happen.
He was caked with mud!
Punk had done something to her leg/paw on the way home-
Kelli checked it for me.
522 Kelli checks punks leg
Punk must have twisted it or something, but she's OK now

What a "show off" Kelli is ~bending over and everything!
(And Mr. Miller ~still waiting for that belly rub)...
522 Kelli and dogs
~still waiting...
Notice the bottom half of Punks tail. Dry!
Time to get my day started-
I have much to do. Casey and Greg will be coming out later, with Master Gabriel as well. it will do my heart good to see them all here!
I have already elected Greg to stay near Gabriel- (He's the only one that can pick him up if he falls down). Gabriel, not Greg. hehehe

Hope you are all having a grand weekend, and that your weather cooperates too!
Be safe. There's a lot of fools out there just waiting to rain on your parade. (In more ways than one).

Love to all.


Posted to Y! 360, Sunday May 24, 2009 - 07:27am (CDT)


  1. Good morning Rock,

    What a great helpers you have! Its too cool how those two are like a couple of kids go down to the river swim a bit and then come back up...

    So why did the belt come off? Out of all the mowing and stuff I have done I have not had a belt on a mower come off.. I have run over things that wound around the pulleys.. I have had to replace belts because they are worn.. but I have not had a belt come off.. You seem to have this issue on a fairly regular basis.. is this a Cub Cadet issue?

    Well.. I am gonna go have a cup of coffee out on the porch and visit with Danny and Wendy.. Have a wonderful day!


  2. Good morning! Love the pics of the dogs. And I want a shirt like Kelli's ! Thats Fan-tastic !
    Doing some painting today. Mikes not thrilled...its a deep pink color for the bedroom thats gonna double as his work out room. You should hear the jokes amid the whining!
    It's supposed to rain today so i need to get back to the paint
    Have a great day

  3. The lilacs here have already come and gone for the season. They are my favorite flowers along with peonies, both of which I do not have on this property and I'm not about to plant something I'd have to dig up later if I were to move elsewhere.

    Looks like you had a wonderful day yesterday and was glad that Casey was able to help you get the belt back on the mower. That's one thing about the mower we have....no worries about belts, gas, or enough umph to pull to get it started. Just grab it and go though we did get the blades sharpened the other night. That mower has paid for itself many times over since we got it last summer.

    I do sooo miss being out in the country though. No one to bother us, all kinds of space to do stuff and no one to complain about how our yard looks if we don't mow it like every other day like one of my neighbors. But we do manage with our little corner of the world.

    Glad to hear that you are able to get around a bit better and have so many that can come help you if you need it. Just don't overdo things, ok????? There's still to much of summer to enjoy yet and don't want ya to be "down" because of your back anymore than you already have been.

  4. Good Morning Sweet Beep!
    Don't think I didn't have to holler at them to come back up. hehehe
    They really ARE like kids!

    The belt wasn't off all the way- I shall have to take a picture of the front of the engine so you can see what I mean.
    But it had to be jimmied back into place too because there wasn't a pulley where it was "on".
    Weird I know. It was making that squeal even the day before. Guess I didn't dig deep enough. (Truth is, I just didn't want to bend over all the way).
    But all better now.

    Have a wunnaful Sun(ny)day!


  5. Sweet Bug;
    I will have to look at the site and send you a link to the Packers Pro Shop.
    That's where I bought that one. (They run small- just so you know).

    Casey painted her room an obnoxious pink a few years back. I had her 'sponge' over it to calm it down a bit.
    Jenne will probably paint it over when she gets here.
    But for a workout room? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


  6. Sweet Pam.
    Those most fragrant of flowers never do last long enough do they?
    Sad, that...

    I had a busy day- Came back in about 6:30 or so... Tired, hungry and definitely in a bit of pain. But I slept for 4 hours straight last night too!
    That's a HUGE payoff ya know!

    When I drove up to JoAnnes and Jims the other day I did explain WHY the yard looked so awful. They know there had to be a reason.

    I still have more to do- But just couldn't do anymore last night.
    I'll get there.

    OMG! I was so "down" for this past month that it even hurt to breathe sometimes. Glad that much is past.
    This really was an awful experience-
    Hurt worse than the fracture did too. Weird that.


  7. Sounds like you had a very nice walk and the dogs looked like they had lots of fun .. Great pics as always flint ..

    Sounds like you have a nice day planned today also with Casey , Greg and Gabriel .. Hope you enjoy it to the fullest .. Hugs

  8. I think it would be funnier to see Gabriel try to pick Greg up.. :-) I like how Punk helped you with your yardwork.. very nice of her! I had a dog in water incident myself yesterday.. how wonderful!!! Unfortunately for me, I had to get the stinky thing in my car to drive 20 minutes back home!!!

    I will be writing a new blog today... which will include Appleton ...


  9. Laugh all you want Annie
    Like I told him... "It's my house and it's still a bedroom for Ari when she's here.Workout with your eyes closed or put it in the garage"
    It will just make it more challenging to be manly in that room lol

  10. PS...its more of a dark rose than pink
    He actually liked it after it dried.
    Well maybe not liked it...he said it wasnt bad
    But isnt that "guy speak" for like?

  11. Glad your back is letting you function today. Don't overdo.

    Punk jumping into that water reminds me a past cliff incident with her and Miss Milly. I still remember laughing about that one. What a dog!

  12. Your Lilacs are beautiful. It's so cool that you got some cuttings from your moms original Lilacs, and they look very happy to be back on the land where they once were!

    Your yard looks great, I love the picture of Punk in front of the Bleeding Heart.

    Interesting info about the Killdeer bird. I don't think we have those in the south, at least I've never heard of them before. What lengths a mother won't go to to protect her young! Aren't moms amazing?!!

    I'm glad your back is feeling better. Now that you know what the problem is, what might your doctor be able to do for you to keep it from spazzing out again?

    It looks like the "kids" enjoyed their swim. I'm sure Kelli appreciated getting a mud-caked Mr. Miller back! Their "kiss" picture is too cute!

    Hopefully, since Master Gabriel will be coming to the house with Casey and Greg, we'll get to see some new pictures of him and see how much he's grown(?) It's been a while since you've posted any pictures of him.

    I have a metal arch at my gate; right now it's bare at the top because my Morning Glories haven't gotten to the top yet. Anyway, I hang a suet cake there for the birds but I get so pissed at the squirrels because they can devour an entire suet cake in a few hours, so this morning I sprayed cooking spray all over the exposed part of the arch. Now I'm ROTFLMAO at the squirrels sliding down the arch and falling off! (HeHeHe!! I'm so mean!!)

  13. Glad you are feeling better!

    Hope that your day with Casey, Greg and Gabriel has been the most awesome day ever!

    Too cute, Punk and Mr. Miller kissing... Could love be in the air? hehehe

    Love Ya!

    Slurkie :-)

  14. It's sorta funny to hear that Casey's calling to check on you. What a pleasant turn a round. I, like Punk, prefer to keep my tail dry also.

    Nancy - Pink is so wrong. My muscles atrophy at the thought.

  15. Just passing to say hello before I jump into bed!! :) Can you just picture all 350 lbs of me "jumping"
    into bed??? LOL It would probably throw Dave right out of the bed....poor man!!! hahahaha
    OK that's enough of that! I haven't been around much, but I do come and read everything but not
    always answer because I'm having such a time with my legs. I was in the hospital in February with'
    this horrible rash caused by the diabetes and now it's back with a vengenance and it's also starting
    on my right leg...arghhhh!! I'm glad your back seems to be getting better slowly. I hope you won't
    hurt it again before it gets better, but with Punk and Casey helping, you should be fine. :) I love that
    dog...he is so gorgeous and he looks after you. He just loves to pose for your camera..just like a kid.
    That Casey is looking better every day! I just love those dimples. I'm glad you had a good day. So
    I'll be around tomorrow sometime, in the meantime look after yourself and try to sleep. G'Nite xoxo

  16. sounds like a lovely day!

    Curious about Punk's tail how do they DO that?!?!?1

    Love the packer shirt! so cute!

  17. Good Morning Annie. Love the pics. Miss Punk and Mr Miller are too cute together. I hope you continue to heal and have a blessed day.

  18. Good Day to you! I hope you are having a great Monday! Sorry you woke up so early!!! I love all the pictures of the dogs!! There so funny!!! I am glad that you are feeling better too! Enjoy your new week my friend !Hugs

  19. Mimi wouldn't have held back. Altough she wouldn't have been looking for the nest. She would of gone straight after the Killdeer.

    Loooks like the "kids" had fun out there. Glad you were feeling good enough to get out that far.
