[My] Life in Wisconsin

60- What Does It Mean To You?


Good Morning All;
This little entry will be short and sweet...

Today will be the 60th Annual Yusvak Labor Day Picnic. click

It will also be the last on this farm.
Last, but not least.

Again if you are close enough to come, please stop over this afternoon. 
(Yes, this means YOU)!

Do bring a little something to drink, whatever your pleasure.

  • Beans are already in the oven.
  • Wieners are (still) in the fridge.
  • Pool is open if you like cool water.
  • River is also open.
    (If you like cooler water with crayfish in it).
There is only one rule... No throwing of apples. hehehe



  1. Wish we were close enough.. I think it will be a glorious picnik.

    Hope you have a wonderful day full of happiness, good health and good friends.

    Big hugs

  2. Wish I could be there. HUGs to you and I pray all goes extremely well.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time to be had...drink a Coke for me :D

  4. Sounds ..lovely Anne and I wish I was close enough to drop over .. I wish you all a wonderful Labour day and enjoy the picnic to the fullest ..

  5. Must sit for a bit...

    Back is killing me- Casey has helped me all morning long-
    Greg has just woken up- Poor kid, allergic to cat, dog, ragweed- he is miserable.
    And I haven't even started the fire yet. (God help me)...

    Sister Janet called and will be coming up with her crew.



  6. Here is my drink for the picnic and I'll see if my scooter will get me there in time from Nova Scotia!! Guess you should have invited me a month ago, at least!! LOL Oh well, if I'm not there have a coke and think of me anyway. I would love to drop by and see you all.

    Poor Greg, has he ever thought of getting injections for allergies?? They really work well with the
    people I know that have taken them. Worth looking into if he hasn't already.

    Have a great time but watch your back!! Hugs xo

  7. Wish I was there!! Hope you're having a great time!!

  8. *giggle*

    I wish I were able to be there!!!

    voting for cooler crawdad water!

  9. I hope that your day has been filled with fun and laughter!

    Sad to hear that it will be the last year there at the farm. Where will next years picnic be??

  10. Sounds so fun. Wouldn't it have been great to have your internet friends there? LOL
