[My] Life in Wisconsin

Who is the Real Terrorism Powder Puff? (Quiz included)


Who is the Real Terrorism Powder Puff? -- "In These Times"

What an Eye~Opener for me! I believe Ms. Susan is quite an author.

 Read on...

By Susan J. Douglas

January 12, 2010

Michael Goodwin writes, ‘The Oval Office and the choices are Obama's. And so is the responsibility. If America gets hit again, it’s all on him. All of it.’

No sooner could you say “oy, longer lines at airport security,” than the right-wing blare machine was accusing President Obama of being a “powder puff” and soft on terror.

Brian Kilmeade said on Fox & Friends that the administration “won’t even acknowledge that we’re in the war on terror or that a terror strike could occur.” According to Media Matters, which debunks these delusional vituperations, Rush Limbaugh’s substitute host, Mark Steyn, claimed, “Obama’s ‘Islamo-schmoozing’ has had the effect of increasing terrorist attacks against the United States.” Dick Cheney charged that Obama was “pretending” there was no war against terrorism and was thus jeopardizing the safety of Americans. And Michael Goodwin wrote in the New York Post that Obama “is a war president who defiantly shuns the mantle. So be it. The Oval Office and the choices are his. And so is the responsibility. If America gets hit again, it’s on him. All of it.” Goodwin then claimed that after 9/11 there were no more successful terrorist attacks on the United States. That is false.

Steyn also argued, “Obama’s priority when it comes to dealing with terrorists is to make sure they’re not in Guantánamo.” He then falsely claimed that “70 or so” released Guantánamo detainees “are suspected or known to have returned to terrorist activity since their release.” Newt Gingrich echoed this accusation on The O’Reilly Factor: “The Obama administration continues to release terrorists back into the world.” When Bill O’Reilly, of all people, has to correct such misinformation—”But Bush did that. Bush released those two guys. That was under the Bush administration” — you know you might have a real whopper circulating.

So here’s a quiz.
(All information based on that bastion of the liberal media, The Wall Street Journal, citing a report from the Defense Department.)

Who released, and when, the following former Guantanamo detainees?

*** Ibrahim Shair Sen, who was arrested in Van, Turkey, and indicted as a leader of al Qaeda cells in that country.

A) Obama, yesterday
B) Bush, 2003

*** Abdullah Saleh Ali al-Ajmi, who conducted suicide bombing in Mosul, Iraq.

A) Obama, yesterday
B) Bush, 2005

*** Said Mohammed Alim Shah, who kidnapped two Chinese engineers, claimed responsibility for a bombing at an Islamabad hotel, directed a suicide attack in Pakistan, and blew himself up to avoid capture by Pakistani forces.

A) Obama, yesterday
B) Bush, 2004

*** (Saving the best for last) Mohammed Ateeq Owaid al Awfi al-Harbi and partner-in-crime Said Ali al-Shihri, now leaders of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which claimed responsibility for the failed bombing attempt over Detroit.

A) Obama, Christmas Eve
B) Bush, 2007

If you answered “B” to all of the above, you are correct.
If you answered A, you are watching, like, way too much Fox news.
(We now await Fox blaming Obama for bad weather).
Imagine, just imagine, if the record above was actually held by Bill Clinton, let alone Obama.

Of course, the real problem that the Bush and Obama administrations have faced is the utter failure by intelligence agencies to connect the dots. As Thomas Kean, a co-chair of the 9/11 commission, and its senior counsel John Farmer noted in The New York Times, the 9/11 commission was stunned to learn that the FAA had no idea that the State Department maintained a terrorist watch list. The current “no fly” list consists of about 4,000 people. As we all know now, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was not on it, despite his own father’s efforts to warn CIA officials about his son’s increased radicalism (and to actually share his son’s rabid text messages with them).

Anyone who saw Obama’s stern and angry press conference denouncing “a systemic failure” and his demands for accountability can’t think he is any more of a “powder puff” than Bush was. Our under-achieving intelligence system, our still-inadequate airport security system, and how we as a country protect ourselves against this hydra-headed network that is al Qaeda are not partisan problems.
Most people in the country gave Bush the benefit of the doubt after 9/11.
*** It is a mark of how craven—and indeed, unpatriotic—the right wing is that they will not do the same for our current president. 

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Yes, those quotes are real. Rudy Guilliani?!? Click for that story.
(Methinks he's been listening to way too much Palin).
Sarah Palin? Check out the "Lie of the Year"
Click for that verification/story about her.

What say you? 
Did you really believe that crap about death panels?

Far be it from me...
Nah; I really can't resist"Told ya so!" 

Have a grand weekend.



  1. Bill Cosby said a mouthful here...
    "A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice."

  2. Well.. I knew it was Bush.. watch fox all the time.. as you well know..

    Me thinks you are listening to too much of the liberal bias.

    Neither side in this total crap is right... and far be if from me to point this out..

    But its not a political thing..or at least it shouldnt be... It should be about keeping America safe, keeping our way of life safe and secure...

    I do not agree with the policies and strategies of this current administration.. I do not spread hate because I am afraid of the politician.. which is exactly what those who malign Sarah Palin are doing, spreading hate because they are afraid of her. I have noticed that either people like her or dislike her.. no inbetweens.. all because a few have tried to label her as something she is not.

    Is she perfect.. Im sure not. But there has not been any other politician who has been so maligned and attacked so vehemently, I find it incredible.

    Her death panel statements are true.. and you just wait and see when they pass this monstrosity of a health plan if they are not correct. It has already started with the panel that decided that women dont need a mammogram until they are 50. Its the same panel that decides what will be covered in the health plan.

    If this health plan is so great.. why then are they making special exceptions and buying off Senators to get them to vote for it? I find it unexplainable and totally unacceptable that one state gets special privileges while the rest of the states have to pay.. and make up the difference. Why does one group of people (namely unions) get a pass on the tax on the health care yet the rest of us will have to pay?

    Im sure you with all your liberal links you can find an answer to these ... Or maybe its not true.. Senator Nelson from Nebraska really didnt get a pass on medicaid payments forever for his state.. and Im sure the Unions will still have to pay taxes on their Cadillac insurance plans. NOT!

    Just a question from a right wing nut.

  3. Very interesting Anna but I stay out of your politics for now :) Love the post mate

  4. Funny how you always accuse me of being a liberal, whenever I choose to post the truths of matters.

    If by being a liberal you mean to say that I post the truth, then it is an honor to be called liberal.
    So it's not a bad thing.

  5. OMG! I could have predicted that you would have written those same words. Verbatim even. As you have begun to sound much like a cuckoo clock in writing them down.

    Now I ask you "which" policies and strategies? hehehe
    (Even you do not know the answer to that one).

  6. This needs highlighting...

    Before you try to content yourself with slandering my links, it would behoove you to realize that PolitiFact is neither Republican nor Democrat! (But since you have already stated quite clearly, many times, that you do not avail yourself to research and education, I can only take that comment at face value to know you have not clicked on any of the above links).
    PolitiFact leans neither way, and only posts the facts after much research is done on the subject at hand. (Can you say the same)?

    Taken from their website comes the following: (and I quote)

    ... PolitiFact is a project of the St. Petersburg Times to help you find the truth in politics. Every day, reporters and researchers from the Times examine statements by members of Congress, the president, cabinet secretaries, lobbyists, people who testify before Congress and anyone else who speaks up in Washington. We research their statements and then rate the accuracy on our Truth-O-Meter –

    We also rate the consistency of public officials on our Flip-O-Meter using three ratings: No Flip, Half Flip, and Full Flop.

    How the Truth-O-Meter works The heart of PolitiFact is the Truth-O-Meter, which we use to rate the candidates’ claims and attacks. The Truth-O-Meter is based on the concept that – especially in politics - truth is not black and white. Depending on how much information a candidate provides, a statement can be half true or barely true without being false. PolitiFact writers and editors spend considerable time deliberating on our rulings. We always try to get the original statement in its full context rather than an edited form that appeared in news stories. We then divide the statement into individual claims that we check separately. For example, a Bill Richardson TV ad produced two claims. (We only make Truth-O-Meter rulings on those individual claims. We don’t make them in our articles because they often summarize multiple Truth-O-Meter items that had different rulings.) When possible, we go to original sources to verify the claims. We look for original government reports rather than news stories. We interview impartial experts. We then decide which of our six rulings should apply: TRUE – The statement is accurate and there’s nothing significant missing. MOSTLY TRUE – The statement is accurate but needs clarification or additional information. HALF TRUE – The statement is accurate but leaves out important details or takes things out of context. BARELY TRUE – The statement contains some element of truth but ignores critical facts that would give a different impression.


  7. You spread hate, in its most insidious form, every time you choose to post things that are not true.

    As far as fearmongering goes, if you would simply educate yourself you would not have those fears.

  8. Sarah Palin is the least person that I would ever be afraid of.
    Like yourself, she spews her uninformed lies.
    What's worse is that people believe her?!

    I thought she was kidding when she kept saying the bs about the death panels and all...
    But she's only a sad sad quitter.
    Besides, what can anyone expect of one who lies? And more importantly lies to old people?


  9. The money isn't coming in from the insurance companies unless they are "against" this plan.
    And those that are against it have already received in excess of 14 million dollars to vote against it.

    As far as your assertion about Kansas, one congress cannot legislate what the next congress will be held to. Therefore Sweet Beep, we are not in Kansas any more.

    As far as the mammograms go, that was done by an "INDEPENDENT" commission, NOT by anyone in congress.
    Good grief, Connie, even YOU know that much.

    Now let me know if I have missed anything.
    You may not like it, but I promise to answer truthfully.


  10. Probably a very wise thing to do Mr. Lester.

    And so you know, you will notice that my posts are FOR the Public Option here in America, and FOR the Healthcare bill to pass.

    I made that very clear when I posted this (and this too). Go ahead. Click when you have the time. They are long reads, but having Casey as an inspiration keeps me steadfast and strong about my commitment to this issue.

    I plan to see it through.


  11. Here's the rest of those lies...

    And the runners-up ... By Angie Drobnic Holan
    Published on Friday, December 18th, 2009 at 5:13 p.m. From here. CLICK
    PolitiFact readers overwhelming chose Sarah Palin's claim that the health care bill contains " death panels " as Lie of the Year. A resounding 61 percent of our 4,864 voters picked death panels as the top lie. No other finalist in the field of eight statements came close. Here are the runners-up:

    • With 12.3 percent of the vote, a claim by conservative talk show host Glenn Beck that John Holdren, President Barack Obama's top science adviser, "has proposed forcing abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population."

    • With 8.7 percent of the vote, a claim by Orly Taitz that a birth certificate showed that President Obama was born in Kenya .

    • With 7.1 percent of the vote, President Obama's statement that " preventive care saves money ."

    Rounding out the rest of the finalists:

    • 5.8 percent: The shout of " You lie !" by Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., in response to President Obama saying health reform would not insure illegal immigrants.

    • 3.2 percent: The claim that Page 92 of the House health care bill "says specifically that people c <a href="http://politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2009/nov/03/michele-bachmann/michele-bachmann-cla

  12. Since some will not click the link, here is what happened with Palin.
    (No wonder she cannot be governor anymore).


    Sarah Palin falsely claims Barack Obama runs a 'death panel'

    Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska, urged her supporters to oppose Democratic plans for health care reform on her Facebook page. "As more Americans delve into the disturbing details of the nationalized health care plan that the current administration is rushing through Congress, our collective jaw is dropping, and we’re saying not just no, but hell no!" wrote Palin in a note posted Aug. 7, 2009. She said that the Democrats plan to reduce health care costs by simply refusing to pay for care. "And who will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course. The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil." We agree with Palin that such a system would be evil. But it's definitely not what President Barack Obama or any other Democrat has proposed. We have read all 1,000-plus pages of the Democratic bill and examined versions in various committees. There is no panel in any version of the health care bills in Congress that judges a person's "level of productivity in society" to determine whether they are "worthy" of health care. Palin's claim sounds a little like another statement making the rounds, which says that health care reform would mandate counseling for seniors on how to end their lives sooner. We rated this claim Pants on Fire ! The truth is that the health bill allows Medicare, for the first time, to pay for doctors' appointments for patients to discuss living wills and other end-of-life issues with their physicians. These types of appointments are completely optional, and AARP supports the measure. Palin also may have also jumped to conclusions about the Obama administration's efforts to promote comparative effectiveness research. Such research has nothing to do with evaluating patients for "worthiness." Rather, comparative effectiveness research finds out which treatments work better than others. The health reform bill being considered in the House of Representatives says that a Comparative Effectiveness Research Center shall "conduct, support, and synthesize research" that looks at "outcomes, effectiveness, and appropriateness of health care services and procedures in order to identify the manner in which diseases, disorders, and other health conditions can most effectively and appropriately be prevented, diagnosed, treated, and managed clinically." The idea here, which Obama and
