[My] Life in Wisconsin

A Short Warning...

I miss you all, and have been very busy 'round these parts. Not to mention fighting with my computer on a daily basis.
Here's your warning then. "New blog coming later this morning." (Um, I hope).

For now, it's Wednesday and I must get the garbage out.



  1. I'm just off to bed Anne I read it in the morning (Um, I hope) after I've taken our garbage out.
    Good night for now

  2. ok, I have been warned, lol.........runs and hides! just kidding! :D

  3. will be looking forward to it Anne

  4. What have you been feeding that computer if its getting strong enough to fight with ya?? Please share. Forget the computer! I NEED TO BE STRONGER.

  5. Brilliant! I must go and bring the empty bins and boxes IN. Preferably before his lordship arrives home. Thanks for the reminder xxxxx

  6. I have a city meeting tonight................

    miss you too.

  7. ? My roadside bins are out Anne .......... be kind :)

  8. I'm looking forward to reading it too. I have missed you even though I come around and read
    your blogs, it's not the same as writing to you in person. I hope you are seeing that you are
    on my list of friends and have never been deleted. It must have been something wrong with
    Multiply. Have a great night and happy dreams. Hugs & blessings...xo

  9. Glad you said something about trash..I need to get it out to the street before morning.

    We were having issues with Drews laptop this morning...he threaten to throw it our the door..lol
    short time later it was working..so who knows.

    Time for me to hit the hay. Drew has a wound care tomorrow..night.!
