[My] Life in Wisconsin

Texas Politics- *hehehe*


(The Ayes of Texas)

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Legal Affairs (The Ayes of Texas)

I'll Second That!

State Capitol, Texas Presidential candidate G.W. Bush prides himself on presiding over 121 executions with perfect oversight.

State representative Tim Moore wanted to show how careful the legislative process was in the state.

Representative Tim Moore sponsored a resolution in the Texas House of Representatives in Austin, Texas calling on the House to commend Albert de Salvo for his unselfish service to "his country, his state and his community."

The resolution stated that "this compassionate gentleman's dedication and devotion to his work has enabled the weak and the lonely throughout the nation to achieve and maintain a new degree of concern for their future. He has been officially recognized by the state of Massachusetts for his noted activities and unconventional techniques involving population control and applied psychology."

The resolution was passed unanimously.
Representative Moore then revealed that he had only tabled the motion to show how the legislature passes bills and resolutions often without reading them or understanding what they say.
Albert de Salvo was the Boston Strangler.

Yes, I know it's an oldie. (But it's a "goodie" too).
Would Texas please pack up and leave?


From: "The Story of a Bug Exterminator from Texas: Urban Legends Reference Pages: Legal Affairs (The Ayes of Texas)"


  1. Even though I live in Texas, I won't defend them one bit. I see so many moronic things happen here! And the most interesting part of it is, afterward, they then state how PROUD they are of themselves!

  2. Capital punishment was last used in 1967 in Australia Anna,
    In 2010 federal legislation prohibited capital punishment in all Australian states and territories.
    Ned Kelly, Australia Bushranger ( Outlaw ) on being hanged on the 11 November 1880
    was heard to say "Such is Life"

  3. ......If a man killed my daughter...they should give me the right to decide his fate...either I would go nuts ..and kill him to a million cells death or...I would forgive him...let God take care of him...wish it was my choice

  4. I am sorry for you!
    (Not only the damned weather but the politics too).
    My daughter lives down there also, married, 2 young boys.
    Poor children of hers- I wonder what the heck they will be taught in school???

    What's up with being proud of ignorance?
    Is Texas trying to set the pace for the nation in that too? Because I sure as heck see enough of it around these days...



  5. Not sure about the capital punishment angle, but I do know the we in the US of A cannot afford to have such an attitude about anything.
    Not this year.
    Not ever.


  6. Every single legislature in every single state in this great nation has or will do something they should not be proud of....including Michigan. Why single out just one state? I'm from Iowa and I know there's things that have been passed that I don't think should have but it's MY home state and I'm proud of where I come from. They made same sex marriage legal and I find that appalling and wrong but then the people didn't get to vote on that, the "suits" did that. The only reason you singled out Texas is because Bush's.


  7. Um... What?
    No I did not.

    The story singles out Texas, silly woman.
    The story is *about* the Texas legislature.
    (Did you even read it)?
    Good grief.


  8. Now that you went and brought up Dubya...

  9. That is a very valid concern. Texas has a large population and the school books they choose influence the school books that the entire nation buys because that is the bulk of books that get printed and are made available for schools to buy. This year, Texas is trying to eliminate Thomas Jefferson from history books (because he was an atheist.) BTW, so was Ben Franklin and many other of our founding fathers. It is because of THEM that there are laws establishing separation of church and state. They were wise men! (I have nothing against religion as long as it does not involve itself in governing or educating others.)

    My daughter took her education up to 8th grade in California and then we moved to Texas. The first thing this non-politically involved child did after beginning school in Texas was to exclaim how inferior the education was in Science. Before Texas, she loved her science classes. She signed up for several science classes and was appalled as what passes for science education in High Schools in Texas. It's very disheartening.


  10. Awww...
    To even read about that makes me sad inside.
    Two of my kids excelled in science and math too- (At least 2+2 still equals four, or is TX trying to change that too)?

    I am so sorry to hear that this already has adversely affected your child!
    A public school should mean a public education.
    A parochial, or other school, can then teach whatever the hell they want to. (But I do feel poorly for all the kids then that are trying to get into college with that piss poor of an education).
    Please tell your daughter to hang in there- And do let her get online long enough to learn how twisted and warped the Texas Board of Education is.


  11. I've talked to a lot of Texas parents here and most are against standardized testing. I've asked them how they know what kind of education their child is getting if there is no test to compare it against. There MUST be a federal minimum standard! If a school teaches beyond that, then lucky YOU! But you MUST provide the standard equally or there will be high school graduates that will not be prepared for college or whatever else they would like to do.

    Texas DOES have standardized testing, but many parents hate it. I've heard them say they wish they had enough money to send their child to a private school. I then asked how they know the education provided in the private school is superior to public schools if there is no test used to determine that..... They had no answer.

    I've asked them WHY they don't like standardized testing and their answer is that the teachers teach to get the kids to pass the tests..... I can't figure out why they think that is bad.

    If you want your kids to have a religious education, then pay for a religious school. I went to one. My parents paid a lot of money to send me there. I graduated with good English skills and was functionally illiterate in math and science. My math and science grades were passing grades on paper only. I found out how dismal my knowledge was when I entered college and had to take REMEDIAL MATH!

  12. God loves Texas.... ; ) anyone wanna go to New York? maybe Cali..where taxes and Democrats eat you alive ....gotta run i here someone on my street singing Yellow Rose of Texas i need to get out and clap....LONG LIVE BUSH

  13. I've lived in Cali and in Texas. I prefer Cali.

  14. WORD! These people will eat anything Rush Limbaugh or any A.M. radio station feeds them, and they call themselves informed. Well, they are, if by "informed' you mean what station to go to to get your opinions. (Fox News anyone?) They are all for your freedoms as long as it's their way. I can't understand how people live under such ignorance and anger towards their imagined enemies.

  15. If it costs money, and is about Jesus, it's superior. (Just their mentality not mine)

  16. Literally makes me sick. Parents still have the freedom to teach their children to decide for themselves. Let's excercise this freedom everyone. Even if you don't agree with them. I live in TX and my sister in law is an outcast of my husband's family, due to her differing political and religeous views, and I feel for her. We had dinner at my mother in laws the other day and for the first time the conversation was almost nonexistant. I quickly realized it was because they didn't have the balls to complain about her in front of her face. I brought it up, and everybody acted ashamed, but I'm sure the story will be the same at the next "family dinner".

  17. Perhaps the reason she singled out TX was because she has an emotional investment in what goes on there due to her daughter living there and all. Emotional investments are allowed in the U.S. last time I checked... Well, Maybe not in TX.


  18. Why did you single out Michigan anyway?
    That clearly makes no sense-

  19. Why do private schools not have standardized testing? One would think they would like to know also how capable their children are, stacked up against the rest- ie: if they are getting their money's worth out of their schools?

    Or is it just 'assumed' that private schools are taught better, and therefore learn better?
    If it is that, then that thinking is wrong.

    Learning is an inborn NEED that we humans have. (Thou that 'need' differentiates greatly from one person to the next).
    If you have taught your child to prioritize, and to want to learn, s/he will not need to be disruptive to the others who are there because they want to learn. S/he will want to also.

    I love this:
    "I've asked them WHY they don't like standardized testing and their answer is that the teachers teach to get the kids to pass the tests..... I can't figure out why they think that is bad."

    One of my best friends went to parochial school- But only until 8th grade, then on to a public high school education- where she also excelled.
    Sorry that you still are shocked about the remedial math- But look back on it, just for a minute- and the thought has occurred to me that I would much prefer to enter college with remedial math than to have to go and take a real hard course for my freshman year. (Incidentally, this will not be agreed on should my youngest see that- she loves and excels at math/analysis etc etc etc). <---ugh.

    You did fine by the way!


  20. -ahem... God loves a good challenge!

    Or should I say "amen" ?


  21. I've lived in Flintville and Pulaski.

    (Sorry, I couldn't resist).

  22. Do you mean like this? :



    You wrote:
    "I can't understand how people live under such ignorance and anger towards their imagined enemies.."

    It is called ignorance; and its brothers, hatred and bigotry.


  23. I am so sorry to hear about your sister in law. Makes me sick too, and I don't even know her.
    What an awful thing to be ostracized for sharing your own point of view! I can only imagine how awful they would have been had she come out and said she was lesbian. (But that's a whole 'nother blog. hehehe)...

    Have her move to Wisconsin. She will be welcomed with open arms, no matter what her point of view.
    I honestly don't see a whole lot of that hatred or ignorance up here- Not that it's not here, just that we don't see as much. Wonders what's up with that too?

    I am happy to hear you had the backbone to bring this up at the table! Whatever did your husband say? hehehe Surely he doesn't agree with his mother/father on this? After all she is his sister, and siblings are supposed to stick together. (Not that I agree with my own sister Mary's politics though either)... But at least I would tell her to her face.

    Never ever say anything behind someone's back that you wouldn't have the gonads to say to their face.


  24. Yes, and thank you for pointing that out also.
    I worry for my grandbabies- and babies too- But my 'babies' have all been raised strong and smart. What they do with it is up to them. Grandbabies also being raised the right way, but when the parents are working up against so much garbage, it is hard to teach your children right from wrong. (Especially when those children are getting bs drummed into their little heads day in and day out at school).
    Guess the best thing one can do is give them their own emotional investments- and pray and hope that their future abilities are not stifled in any way.

    Personally I am hoping that my daughter will find her way back to Wisconsin before her children get into middle school.


  25. Yes - That conclusion is simply assumed - with no evidence to support it.

  26. Having to re-take courses that I should have already passed at the high school level wasted both my money and my time. That is why I resented it. They assured my parents I was receiving a college prep education in that baptist high school (affiliated with Dr Timothy LaHaye - the author of the Left Behind book series.) They lied. (LaHaye didn't specifically lie, but the school was started by his church. I was both a member of that church and a student in that school.)


  27. I could give you plenty of evidence to the contrary.
    (At least around here). hehehe



  28. I understand the waste of time and money that should have been done much earlier.
    And I am sorry that you had such a rough time retaking those subjects too.

    LaHaye is not a good word to one of my best friends.
    She is a teacher, (k-12) and was given 7 separate 3-ring binders back when and needed to know every word in all of them. Each of those binders was at least 3 inches thick with papers. Laws, by laws, and every little thing we thought our teachers should know.
    Of course she passed all of her testing with flying colors.
    But still, it must have been hard for the teachers that are not as bright as she.


  29. By the way... I'm much better now... Fully recovered, I'm sure of it!

  30. WOW!!

    Miss Pam, can you see the HATE seething from your soul??? Sad, I surely feel sorry for you... Well, actually, I'm quite apathetic to you as you have proved time and time again that all you feel is hate towards others and their situations... As you have also showed that if it's not happening to you, then it doesn't happen to anyone...

    WAKE UP...

    There are more people out there besides yourself...

    Listen up, and learn that because my sister and two nephews are in TX, that's part of the reason why texas was singled out... I, personally, haven't been to a state that has ever been as condescending as TX is...

    I just can't believe you've said this about same sex marriages... I've known many lesbian couples and gay couples that have lasted for YEARS longer than marriages that are heterosexual. They love each other... Love only knows souls, not gender, not faces, nothing else... You love the SOUL not the physical aspects, although they are plus!

    Speaking of which, how is your marriage working? It should be perfect because it was heterosexual, right? Oh wait.......

    THINK before you SPEAK woman! Deduct the hate from your vocab....


  31. Sweet Bobo-
    Remind me never to p*ss you off.


  32. I'd have to agree with you on that. I moved to Texas 4 and a half years ago for financial reasons and I can't afford to move back to my home state - ever. I knew when I came here that it was a one way ticket. The native born Texans I've met are very proud of their ignorance and prejudice. I find that VERY hard to deal with. I've only been able to make friends with the imports.

  33. Sorry 'bout that on your page... Low tolerance for hate and discrimination whether it's race, color, sex, etc.... Can't stand it one bit...

    Love you MUCH MUCH!

  34. Hi Sweetie,

    Thank you for your comment!

    I don't think any good natured, and purely loving soul, would be able to tolerate any level of ignorance and prejudice. What makes it worse in TX is that when they use their ignorance or prejudice, they immediately follow that up with pride over these negative acts! WHAT??? I guess some people thrive on evil, and love to make fun of and hurt others... I, for one, could never ever live like that...

    I was only down there for about 2 weeks, and from my in-laws alone I saw/heard so much discrimination that it made me queasy... My sister still deals with that CONSTANTLY, and worries what her children are going to be taught when they get into school. Her oldest starts kindergarten soon...

    TX has tried and tried to get things taken out of history books... How is that possible??? History has already happened and we can't change that??? Even in WI we were taught about Native Americans (I am Chippewa) but they failed to tell us about how the Europeans arranged a genocide that wiped out 99% of all Natives in North America.... I guess if the authors of the history books just don't feel it is necessary, it didn't happen....

    I feel for you honey, that you have to live through this negativity every day! I bet your escapes into the online realm help, though!! We definitely enjoy having you here!!!

    Have a wonderful day!

  35. Yes going online does help! And thanks for the warm welcome, too!

    I have met many very nice people here in Texas. And after talking to them for a while, the ones I get along best with end up telling me they are from somewhere else.

    I ran into a very friendly and talkative black lady here and I noticed she made eye contact with me easily so I asked her where she was from. She was from Southern California. So I got bold and asked if she had noticed that blacks in Texas rarely make eye contact with white people. She replied that she had noticed it and that her black family in Texas advised her to quit making eye contact with whites because that increased the chances she would get hurt... Then she laughed and said she could only be herself. She was delightful. I hope no one hurts her.

    I also know gays here who "have had the gay beaten out of them." It didn't work, of course, but they have scars to show from the attempts.

    Texas sure don't seem to mind being obese and inactive, though... And when the men get to be my age, they are unable to function as men... They accept their loss of function as inevitable but I've met men in their 70's who could still function. Those men were trim and physically active, though.

  36. This is absolutely uncalled for! I can't believe how afraid of whites that sweet woman's family was! I also can't imagine what it's like to get beaten just for a sexual preference... Or to fear it happening again and again... Those poor souls... I hope they were able to file charges against the people who did it. Although the legal system down there would probably turn a blind eye towards it.

    There was a movie made in 1996 "A Time To Kill" based on a 1989 book by John Grisham. It is about the racial discrimination in Mississippi that still goes on even after the civil rights movements. Touching, and very dramatic. The storyline is that a young black girl is raped, beaten and left for dead by two white men. She survived and the movie is about the black father fighting to make sure justice is done to the two white men who did it.

    It's amazing all the prejudices and hate that people still have if someone isn't "just like them." They seem to think that they are normal and if someone is different, they are "bad"... Did these people ever stop for one second to think about the fact that they might be the different ones where everyone else is "normal"??? Personally, I don't think any physical features or preferences should be looked down on. I think what matters most is the goodness of the soul, the compassion towards others, and the intelligence to learn from any mistakes whether they are ours or someone else's....

    The lyrics in the song "Love Train" by Big & Rich says it best: "The whole color thing's never made sense to me. Who gives a hoot if you're red, yellow, purple, or pink? We're all mixed up anyway. We might as well give each other a break and take a ride on the Love Train...."

    Those hateful people need a good dose of reality to make them learn they are not the only type of person alive. There are OTHER people on this planet. Hate towards others will lead them to live a sad, lonely, and pathetic life...

    I bet they'd be just fine by blacks or homosexuals if they were in a life/death situation and the only doctors around were black or homosexual... I guess as long as it serves their life, it's "ok"...

    Sorry to rant, but stuff like this just boils my blood...

  37. ME TOO!! I'm trapped for financial reasons too. I'm an import, I'll be your friend. Where in TX are you?

  38. History=His story. Think about it.

  39. Um. Not to sound Ynkee and crass, but YOU and people like YOU are gateways bringing hatred from Hell to Earth. You talk about Oprah and Obama being the anti-Christ. If you've ever bothered to read a bible, rather than have it fed to you by Rush, you may have noticed that in Revelations Everybody was behind the Anti-Christ(s), and the false prophets. Last I checked Obama's popularity was at around 50%. Perhaps you shoudl check where your allegences lie. Grow up, and grow a brain for yourself.

  40. See, the thing is, I've figured out, is that it's really not about God, or Christ. It's about how you look to other people, which is about the biggest sin, I can figure. Spend $$ on church, people see you in high esteem, go to heaven. If you are poor, then you must be poorly educated, and Athiest. It's bass ackward, but you can't tell these people that. Their pride screams louder at them, and you know what the bible says about pride. Sad really.

  41. Me too. I know someone who used to teach at a private Christian school here. He copped to just making things up, skipping science altogether, and even chastising, and embarassing children who went trick or treating or confessed to liking Halloween.

  42. I have never been there Sweet Zus;
    But from all accounts- (what I have heard, what I have read, and what my own daughter has said), I don't think it will ever be in my top 50 places to want to live.
    Not with people that are PROUD of stupidity. I couldn't bear it.

    No money? I would find a truck driver heading north and get the hell out of there.


  43. No worries.
    You may correct the igno-'rant'-musi anytime.
    You do do it well after all.


  44. Great commenting once again!

    "Texas is evil."
    Makes one think.

    .... and don't even get me started on the pick~and~choose history.


  45. I would be remiss to say that the treatment that lady gets doesn't happen here, but there sure seems to be a whole lot less of it.

    As far as gay goes, (well, you have already seen my blog on that)! But there are many homophobes and haters up here also.
    It is because people, for whatever reason, do not allow that people are people.

    Dang men anyway. I giggled at your comment. And would much prefer a younger man that CAN keep up with me, whether my back hurts or not. This would be far better than a man who is afraid he will die if he has some joy!



  46. Truck drivers have room for kids too.
    Come with Zusi.


  47. I thought about it.
    You are right.

    Something crazy about that-
    But wait, Texas does have females that serve on that board of 'edumacation' too.


  48. It is nonsensical, isn't it?
    But, I have heard tell that "the meek shall inherit"...
    Sadly, your comment is right on though.

    Course, I have also heard that "Pride goeth before the fall"


  49. Why oh why do people send their children to school in Texas?
    Things are at a critical point there...
    ... and I see no end (more specifically, "positive change"), in sight.

    Goodness, to take away a few childhood joys by making the kids feel badly about it?
    It's only good fun for cryin' out loud!

    The worst abuse that any adult can ever do to a child is to break their little spirits.

  50. Knock yourself out anytime. You have good decent valuable points.
    Be heard. Always.

    For the most part, my entries have been “civilogues”
    ... (to borrow) the term coined by PD's (Politics Daily), Jeffrey Weiss) –

    I like that about you all.


    I have pictures now to upload...

    Have a "wunnaful" day!
