[My] Life in Wisconsin

a hands-on type of love...

     Punk- Happy in the car!

Good Evening all
I can't believe that I haven't updated!
Know that I still have pictures to upload to Flickr from Minnesota-
So that means I am not even caught up with our Minnesota trip, let alone what's been going on since we got back home!
(Perhaps you will see more than one or two updates soon).

In my last blog, I had left off with Punk getting a little love in the hotel room.

But of course there is MORE to that story! hehehe

Know that the only thing I did to them was make the pics smaller- (For faster uploading).

remain in chronological order.

Funny Face, I love you!
This of course is CaseyFace- waiting for one of her doctors...
(Cute, ain't she)?

After her tests we had gone back to the hotel-
Order a bite to eat- and remind Punk that she is loved.

This generally means a hands on type of love...
"Hands on" means a bit of wrestling to a dog. 

A little LOVE!
Miss PunkLOVES her Sponge-Bob almost as much as she loves her Casey!

"Gimme it. It's MINE!!!"

Wrestling with Punk

Darn it!  Don't even TRY to hide it on me!

Casey and Punk

"I will hunt you down like the DAWG I am!"

But wait...

Casey and Punk????

What was THAT?

Casey and Punk...

Ummmm    ...
No really!  Stop laughing Casey!  -What was THAT?!?

Somebody ought to be able to tell us what happened? Pretty please? 
Love to all.



  1. Sweet Anne,

    You got me! If I didn't know how steady you are with the camera, I'd think you shook with laughter. But even when you laugh, you don't shake the camera that much.


  2. LOL from the look on Casey's face it was priceless

  3. Good Morning Sweet Snotball!

    I am fairly steady with my cameras-
    If I am walking, or in the car, the camera gets set to focus "in anticipation of movement"
    (I do love that setting)!

    I was only giggling-
    Casey was the one that just had the triple amount of meds for her conscious sedation.
    ... methinks they should be legal and over-the-counter for some people.


  4. Sweet Cab;
    I still am giggling at how these pics turned out!
    I do love to see her laugh-
    - And she does, a lot, but I don't always have the opportunity to get it on camera!


  5. Punks first pic at the top brought a smile to my face!! Casey looks just as happy near the bottom!
