[My] Life in Wisconsin


G'mornin' all;
A horrible day for my back... So I will be keeping this short(er).

Greg got home from Milwaukee about 3 yesterday afternoon- 2 hours later, a very happy Greg and Casey left for their home.
I napped. hehehe

Casey is doing very well- A laparascope surgery is almost nothing to her now, after the major major cuts she has had in the past.
Still, the need to rest and heal is of the utmost importance.
She is one tough young lady!

Perhaps my back can be blamed on our beloved Pack for making me jump a few times on Saturday night, hehehe -but upon waking this morning, I am unable to barely walk enough to let the poor dog out. I have managed to move to a different chair as I need to. I have also managed to get Casey's car moved and the garage door closed. It is beginning to snow- It is to snow all day and night- It is falling straight across the yard too. Never a good thing.

I think I am the only Packers fan who has been holding their breath all season long- Ever since Grant was out for the year, (way back when), it seems that the rest of the Pack is dropping like dead flies.
Yet, it also seems that the more we lose players, the more strong we know we have to play, and the better we do.
Not to jinx anything, but I am so looking forward to the game this coming weekend, that this week will not pass fast enough for me!
Win or lose, the fact that we have gotten this far is freakin' fantabulous!
Honestly I think almost any Packers vs Bears game is better than the Super Bowl.

OK... That said, it is time for me to see if I can sit to sew a little now.

Hope all is well in your little corner of the world.
Love to all



  1. My little corner has Italian gravy simmering in it....baked ziti tonight. My sister injured her back over the weekend. Hope yours gets better! (((HUGS)))

  2. you are so stubborn, forget about sewing and lay on the couch and watch some t.v........I need to show you how to be a total flake sometimes like me.....lol


  3. Thank you for the hugs Sweetie!
    And please give some from me for your sister- (Was she rootin' for Atlanta)? That would have been much more hard, painwise.

    I'll thank you more if you would send me some of your yum on the stove!


  4. Sweet Flaky Pamela;
    But but but--- Sewing is relaxing for me (*if* I can get in a decent position -comfy and all).
    No one coming out today, and especially in this weather, so my own shower will wait today.
    Not like you, like that. I would rather be stinky and not at the hospital.
    I know I shouldn't laugh, and since I did you can disown me... But you really are such a silly woman!

    And I did go through sewing machine withdrawal while I was gone to Minnesota...

    I was flaky lazy almost all weekend. That's got to count for something, doesn't it? hehehe


  5. my dear friend get well soon --keep that back warm--:)

  6. LOL! Is that as bad as 'chocolate withdrawal'???? Sigh! xx

  7. Hope you are feeling better soon Anna and Go Cheerleaders of the teams that have them Yay

  8. Glad to hear you all are back home...not glad to hear you are suffering with that danged back. Not sure which is worse...a migraine that makes you feel the world should end or a bad back that won't let you move around when you need to. Both are bad. But I guess I would take that back pain over the migraine. I can find some ounce of relief if I use heat/cold packs or just lay really really still and don't move unless I have to. At least while laying still, I can feel pretty good. lol With a migraine....I still just want the world to end if I have to have that kind of pain!

    I sure hope Casey will be coming back over to your house in the next day or two when the mail runs again. I sent mail to YOUR house for her.

    Now....go rest up that back and be ready for cheering and jumping wildly in front of the TV over the weekend. I'm not much of a football fan for any one particular team...but GO PACKERS!

  9. I'd route for the Bears since I live in Chicago, but a Packers/Bears game is always a nailbiter and I don't like to be disappointed. I'll probably tune in about 1/2 way through the forth quarter. (And actually, since I've spent a lot of time in Wisconsin, I don't reallly mind if the Pack wins. Only downside is all the droppy faces the next day.)
    Feel better soon!

  10. Anna, I do hope your back lets up and starts feeling better! Sit in a hot tub of water and just soak and then put some heating pads on your back. I always find that heat helps better than cold and well it feels a whole lot better too! GO PACKERS! :) (and this is from someone who doesn't even watch sports! LOL )

  11. Pack and bears IS always better than any game.

    feel better soon.


  12. Sweet Heidi;
    Trust me, I am trying...
    (on both counts).


  13. Sweet Mrs G;
    It is infinitely worse, given that chocolate can be picked up on any corner.
    And sewing machines can't.


  14. Thank you Mr. Lester;
    For some damn reason "soon" and healing do not mix with me.

    The Green Bay Packers have the best fans in the entire world. Therefore we have the best cheerleaders too!


  15. Sweet PeachieBaby;
    Honestly? I do think I would prefer the migraines. They can last over a week, but they go away.
    Thus far my back has not gone away.
    -(And I am not sure whether or not to be thankful for that)! hehehe
    I guess I *fail* with all these damned fractures.
    I take my pills for the pain, but today they are mostly ineffective.
    Though I did sleep (nap) for an hour and a half. (And was properly grateful for that).
    I hate when I cannot move, or even get comfortable in one position.

    The worst was letting Punk out- and getting her fed. Poor thing. She even cuddled up behind me, so she must know...

    I think I will have to get Casey on Wednesday to get her car.
    I called Snowplow Jim and told him not to come tonight, that I could barely move. he said he would come tomorrow after he is done working.

    I will drive out to the mailbox tomorrow if I can get the garage door open. I still didn't send my paperwork in for the delivery to my door. Will try to get that sent out tomorrow or Wednesday.


  16. Mr Whatzit...
    You are hilarious! Halfway through the 4th quarter?!? I don't think I could ever do that- Guess I would rather bite my nails. hehehe

    I would LOVE to see my Packers win... But even if they don't, and like I said above, it is miraculous that they have done so dang well this year, and I am more than happy with that all!
    I think we have over a dozen players down for the year... I think I stopped counting at 13 to be honest.

    Tell anyone in Chicago that might have long faces the next day to be thankful for how far they did come!


  17. Sweet Suzy-
    Wait... You live in Wisconsin, and don't watch sports?
    The Pack isn't sports. It's a way of life.

    If I could sit in a tub of hot water I would. But if I c/would get in there, and I promise that there is no way I would get back out.
    And I did take my shower today... Happy to have not used up the hot water for that. I have a 70 gallon heater, set high even- and it took so long...
    I also tightened up my brace, so that should help too.



  18. Sweet Pea;
    But you never said who you would be rooting for?!?

    Make my fractures heal and I promise to feel lots better.


  19. I'm sitting here using Bruce's Christmas present he got at work..a back massager w/heat. I've had upper back and neck pain today. I think I slept wrong last night. Someone had to break it out and use it..lol
    Hope you find a comfy spot and get to do some sewing. I need to get mine out and sew up some of Bruce's PJ's..how he splits the legs on them I can't explain( at the hem up the center of the leg..and not in the inseam..that I could understand). But I haven't a clue where my power cord for it is..lol it's most likely in a box in storage.
    Happy to hear Casey is doing well. You are right now..rest and healing are the important things for her.
    My football season ended on Sunday..unfortunately...thankfully there is next season! :) Bruce has decided its gonna be the Packers and Steelers ..so we will see how it turns out.
    Time to go check the weather here outside..we were to get some more rain. I can take rain as long as the temps warm up to go with it..lol
    Take care..xoxo me

  20. LOL..... You know me. I have to root for the bears.

  21. Weeellll~~I've never been interested in sports, but I'll root for the Packers for you.

    Do fractures ever really heal? I have a friend who was assaulted a while back, fractured ribs, contusions and so on. She thought the fractures had healed, but bent to lift something and they re-opened or whatever they do. She had severe back pain for months, and could not stand any longer than about four minutes. Her idiot doctor finally gave her an order for an x-ray, but before she was able to get it, she had to go to ER for as yet, no definitive diagnosis~but a whole week in hospital. Wouldn't you think they could have taken the x-ray while she was there for other tests? Heck no. A different doctor every night with a different opinion.

    I've heard that the worst place to be when you're ill, is in hospital. :~({
