[My] Life in Wisconsin

Sometimes you just have to give 'up' a little...

No. No. No.
Just a little note...
At 6:45am today-
I had a zillion of your pages open this morning when something 'gave' in my back. The pain was indescribable, and immediate. I couldn't even move my feet off the little stool under the table to get my phone, let alone even take the weight off my forearms.
Punk was at my side immediately.
Stuck in my office chair, I texted Casey to call Randy- (her car is here yet). They were here within 45 minutes.
We spent the morning at the E.R. where they treated my pain, and of course took more Xrays. According to the doctor and the radiologist I have "the back of a 90 year old"

I don't think I have to tell you how it made me feel to hear that I will be in a wheelchair soon. It is more than defeating -to put it mildly.
I have an appointment with my pain doctor tomorrow. Hopefully I will know more after that. E.R doctors have been known to be wrong, right?



  1. Gosh I'm so sorry to read this Sweet Sweet Annie, as you know I fight my own demons with my disabilities, going into a wheelchair being one of them, now oxygen to boot, youre a go go go girl so you will be much better off in an electric chair or scooter.

  2. E.R doctors have been known to be wrong, right?

    Yes they have been Anna, I wish your pain would subside and your tests prove otherwise.
    Take it slowly, carefully and very easily my friend

  3. oh dear Anna! you need to have back surgery and soon, I feel soooooo much better since mine! {{hugs}}

  4. Anne....our backs tend to do things to us at the oddest times and in some of the oddest ways. I once worked with a guy who threw his back out when he leaned over towards the sink to spit while he was brushing his teeth!
    Whether it bone or muscle or any of that other stuff in there that holds us together.....once its been injured...the repeat injuries will come more and more frequently.
    Too bad there isn't a BACK store so we could go trade in our bad backs for newer ones!
    A BACK-UPGRADE......yeah....that's it!

  5. I'm so sorry to hear that. Yes, ER docs have been wrong and your pain doctor will have a better idea. I have some notion of that "give," having once sprung my back by removing a bath towel wrapped around me. My life-long back problems are getting worse, as the spina bifida occulta seems to be getting a lot less occult as I age.

    Just because he said you'll be in a wheelchair soon doesn't mean it has to happen. Best of luck to you Sweet Anna.

  6. er doctors are NOT the ones to be deciding this.

    that said, you need to look in to the concrete NOW. Whatever you need to do to get it fixed.

    pretend it is casey's back and do it. Do not make me come out there and kick your gimpy butt

  7. I got nothing to add. She did good. I'll give her a ride to kick your gimpy butt.


  8. No violence necessary Girls. hehehe - This is all "a big OOPS on me"
    The misunderstanding is my fault here, as I did not explain that remark well at all.
    (fater all, they had given me injections of dilauded and valium, what can I say)? <--- I am sorry now that I turned down his offer for 2 additional shots before we left there too-

    Here is the more accurate explanation...

    After the xrays this morning, and after the doctor returned to talk with me, *I* asked him... about the chair. Actually, it was more of a "I guess I'll be in a wheelchair yet, huh?"
    He quietly nodded his affirmation, then added the part of my back being that of a ninety year old already...
    He further added that there doesn't seem to be any part of my back that is not affected.

    Now, last month when I had been at Dr. Mario's, I had asked Becky if I would ultimately be in a wheelchair- (after those xrays had revealed that I had 3 'new' fractures).
    She thought for a moment, then said, "maybe not"
    - I do think she was being kind to me with that reply as I was already upset about the 3 new fractures, and it was about 3 or 4 days before Christmas.
    That, and she is just a very very very kind and compassionate type of girl; (who is in exactly the right profession).

    As I had commented and blogged about earlier, http://flintville.multiply.com/journal/item/1144, my back is INOPERABLE, so just going in and fixing the 5 bad disks that I also have is not an option.

    *** I will be asking her to retell about the injections, the concrete, and the tens tomorrow too. I promise.


  9. Well, this just won't do at all! Osteoporosis did this to you?

    Yikes. Of course ER doctors can be wrong, but any doctor can as well. I was discharged from hospital a couple of days ago...after ER & a ten day stay...& I never got a definitive diagnosis. My (used to be) studio looks like a missile launching pad with a huge machine to which I'm attached by a 50 foot 'cord,' & three tanks of oxygen, but I don't know what I had. A different doctor consulted with me every night.. "Well, it could be, but no, there isn't, & it's not what one thinks of as, & the symptoms don't... " DUH!

    Sweetie, I hope for better news tomorrow from you? Maybe??

  10. yeah well.... you know, in the last 6 years, I have been told I was never going to walk again and that I had six months to live....

    so keep asking. and ignore any answer you don't like..... keep pretending it is Casey who needs a new back

  11. Hope by now you are feeling somewhat better. At least enough to be able to rest.
    And as Drew learned...never turn down pain shots when they are offered!!!
    ER docs are good...at what they do..emergency medicine(well some are..you should still watch/? them).
    Always trust your instincts. Hope your Dr's can find something soon to help you.
    hugs..and stay warm...

  12. Anna, dear, I hope you're resting, too. The only pain medication I can take is morphine, & I know perfectly well how to inject it in the IV on my hand, but I wound up going home with nothing because no one agreed on anything. I mention morphine...like this...because it gave me instant relief from pain in hospital.
    Having confidence in your doctor is so important. (I have none in mine.)
    I hope you, & we hear some good news soon....
