[My] Life in Wisconsin

"A powerful new ad"...

Received this in my email---
I do hope to see this ad soon.

I wasn't sure if I would post it until I read Astra's comment to Heidi's blog
entitled: "
Boehner: If Jobs Are Lost As A Result Of GOP Spending Cuts 'So Be It'... "

Wills reply...

"The American people are going to soon learn the irresponsibility of re-electing the Republicans...."

Read on. See how they (GOP) are trying to circumvent the healthcare passage, and try to limit womens choices for insurance coverage.

Make sure to check out # 6... While I am not a woman to seek an abortion, this just makes me ill to read every time I see an article like it!
I was fortunate to be able to carry all my children to term... Not everyone is.

Links below are all clickable and all are from this year.



"Lisa Edelstein" is Dr. Cuddy by the way...


Dear MoveOn member,

Today, we're releasing a powerful new ad. "We Won't Go Back," with Lisa Edelstein, star of the hit TV show "House," is a hard-hitting portrayal of where the Republican war on women's health will lead if it's not stopped.

From a bill attempting to redefine rape to gutting access to reproductive health care, Republicans have made anti-woman and anti-choice legislation a top priority this year.1

The new ad calls out the Republican efforts for what they are: an attempt to send women back to the back alley. But far too few people even know about their efforts. So to stop them, we've got to get this ad out far and wide, and make sure voters see just what Republicans are trying to do.

Women's rights leaders have warned that the Republican effort would be a radical, far-reaching rollback of women's rights. Rep. Carolyn Maloney called it "the deepest attack on a woman's right to choose in my lifetime."2 Expert Jessica Arons said it would "accomplish the unstated end of making abortion as difficult to obtain as possible without actually criminalizing it."3

One bill would effectively prevent women from purchasing insurance that includes abortion coverage in the new insurance exchanges even if they're using their own money. Experts warn this type of restriction could lead to insurance companies dropping abortion coverage entirely.4 The same bill would also levy a tax on small businesses and individuals who purchase insurance coverage that includes abortion.5

Another bill would, incredibly, allow hospitals to turn away a woman seeking an abortion, even if she'll die without it—a major change from current law.6

Republicans have a real chance of passing these bills—unless we sound the alarm right away. Can you help us get this new ad on the air? Just click here to donate and watch the new ad:


Thanks for all you do.

–Kat, Michael, Lenore, Tim, and the rest of the team


1. "'Forcible Rape' Language Remains In Bill To Restrict Abortion Funding," Huffington Post, February 9, 2011

"Abortion Funding Showdown Escalates," CBS News, February 8, 2011

"Extreme Abortion Coverage Ban Introduced," Center for American Progress, January 20, 2011

2. "Democratic Reps. Unimpressed With New House Abortion Bill," Talking Points Memo, February 3, 2011

3. "Extreme Abortion Coverage Ban Introduced," Center for American Progress, January 20, 2011

4. Ibid.

"An Analysis of the Implications of the Stupak/Pitts Amendment for Coverage of Medically Indicated Abortions," The George Washington University Medical Center, School of Public Health & Health Services, November 16, 2009

"Study: Stupak Amendment Will Eliminate Abortion Coverage 'Over Time For All Women,'" Talking Points Memo, November 18, 2009

5. "Extreme Abortion Coverage Ban Introduced," Center for American Progress, January 20, 2011

6. "New GOP Bill Would Allow Hospitals To Let Women Die Instead Of Having An Abortion," Talking Points Memo, February 4, 2011


  1. wow, us women have to make sure our rights to decide are kept safe! I am pro-choice.

  2. I'll say it again: The American public is soon to learn the consequences of the irresponsibility wrapped up in re-electing the Republicans.

  3. I'm with you 100% on this. Hopefully by 2012 they will have gotten the message.

  4. And they criticise China for Human Rights?

  5. The GOP takes hypocrisy to new heights.

  6. In that I support abortion when life of mom is in peril, that makes me pro-choice also. But, I do not support abortion as 'birth control'. Not when so many arms are empty and just waiting for a child to hold.


  7. Yeah- that comment gave me tons of inspiration!
    Thank you Will.


  8. Thank you for stopping by!
    I hear you on the 2012.
    We absolutely NEED to educate people in the meantime.

  9. Now THAT would be laughable- if it wasn't so tragic. AND, if it wasn't the truth.

  10. I agree it should never be used as "birth control". What needs to be done to encourage people to adopt HERE instead of going overseas?

    The GOP has tried every which way to overturn Roe v Wade and can't so let's try a different tactic.....circumvent the law by outlawing insurance and the Hippocratic oath.

  11. Sweetie;
    They do not care to adopt from US because they have to wait too long. An ungodly amount of time...
    Unless they have the mucho dolores in hand (and preferably in cash) to pay to some shyster attorney.in this day and age.

    I was fortunate enough, 'way back when, that my birthmother had gone through a local organization here- And that somehow I found- or my parents did, (or CSS) did...
    At any rate I was born at Misercordia Hospital in Milwaukee, and spent a good deal of my 1st month in their newborn nursery-
    Later to be shipped to some couple in the Appleton area-

    The CSS caseworker finding my parents -somehow- back then. And finally i had a real family.

    i know it's not like that these days- know that those 'empty arms' are still very hard to keep waiting...

    i cannot ever abide abortion as birth control either. It is a sick way to curtail responsibility somehow. And if those little spermies are getting passed along to a womans body; then so is a plethora of other stuff- (Read STD's- AIDS, etc...

    And still the GOP is profoundly against education! Go figure...
    -From their stinkin' reps in DC, down to local school boards all over the country- namely Texas- (and too many other 'bassackward' states)...
    It all makes me ill.


  12. I am not for insurance paying for abortion HOWEVER when it is a matter of life and death for the mother that is a different story. Letting a woman lye there and die proves what exactly? The baby dies too. This is the most retarded bill I've seen and that is saying something considering the crud Bush signed into being.
