[My] Life in Wisconsin

Madison Wisconsin's BIGGEST RALLY YET!

Start:     Mar 12, '11 3:00p
Location:     State Capitol, 2 E. Main Street, (in Madison, Wisconsin).
Better- (almost late), than never...
Plans for Saturday, March 12th, 2011? Make them now!

Do it for the teachers, the bus drivers, the prison guards, the snowplow operators, our nurses, our firefighters, the clerks, and our police officers...

This weekend, thousands of Wisconsin farmers will be driving their tractors in a mass tractorcade in support of public employees at the state Capital in Madison.
Three statewide farm organizations are organizing the tractorcade March 12 to protest Gov. Scott Walker’s state budget and proposal to end collective bargaining rights for state employees.
From here.

From my inbox today...

Dear MoveOn Member,

If Scott Walker and the Republicans in the state legislature thought jamming through their anti-union bill would end the protests and outrage in Madison, boy were they wrong.

Recall campaigns are gaining steam, appeals challenging the legality of the bill's "passage" are being filed, and tomorrow Madison is going to see its biggest rally yet.

At 3 p.m., the heroic 14 Democratic state senators who left the state to stop the bill are returning and will be addressing the crowd.

*** Can you show up tomorrow to welcome them home and help make sure Gov. Walker—and the whole country—knows that we are NOT backing down?

Here is the info:

WHAT: Wisconsin's largest rally yet
WHERE: State Capitol, 2 E. Main Street, in Madison
WHEN: TOMORROW, Saturday the 12th, at 3 p.m.

The national and local media are going to be out in full force and it's crucial that we have a huge crowd at the capitol as a show of strength and support.

Wisconsinites are pulling out all the stops to make the rally unforgettable.

Just one example: Farmers from across the state are going to create a huge "tractorcade" surrounding the state Capitol. Yeah, that's right, tractors.

People from every corner of the state will be in Madison tomorrow to send a clear message: "Attack workers and middle class families, and there will be consequences."

We're just getting started.

Thanks for all you do.

–Daniel, Tate, Milan, Marika, and the rest of the team


Oddly enough...

I have also come across a few articles- soon to be posted in a blog.

I thought it appropriate to include this one here 

Capitol reopens; no sessions scheduled Friday for Senate, Assembly

BILL NOVAK | The Capital Times | bnovak@madison.com madison.com | (21) Comments | Posted: Friday, March 11, 2011 8:05 am

Following a tense and emotional Thursday at the state Capitol, the building was quiet overnight and could see a return to normalcy on Friday.

The building opened at 8 a.m. Friday. Visitors will be able to use the North Hamilton and South Hamilton entrances.

Both the Senate and the Assembly will not be in session on Friday; the legislative calendar shows the next regular sessions won't start until April 5.

Gov. Scott Walker said on Friday he will sign the budget bill sometime during the day, but the time and location was still to be determined as of 8:45 a.m.

The Capitol closed at 6 p.m. Thursday, but protesters took their time leaving, and the doors weren't locked until about 6:30 p.m., police said.

Four people were arrested for refusing to leave the building at closing time, and two people were arrested earlier in the day, police said.

The Capitol will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, and from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday



With respect to the scheduled with Madison "seeing it's biggest rally yet",  methinks they might be in for a little surprise?

Added 3/14/2011

Madison Wisconsin's BIGGEST RALLY YET!

Boy! Were we right about that?!?!

farmers against walker

I am SO proud!

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  1. are you going to go? :)

    it's not just for them, in my mind it is for ALL workers everywhere! if the unions are broken away who knows what any employer will do in the future! we will all become slaves! nope, sorry....no time off, overtime is mandatory....no sick time.......no vacation time until after you've been here "x" amount of years.........oh and you will all be paid slave wages because that is all any employer will pay now, so where will you go for a better job? maybe we should all be moving to Canada or Mexico and leave this place for the rat race!

  2. I actually had plans this weekend....but I suppose I could make arrangements to go to WI....to piss all over the unions and those that support them. Count me in.

  3. ummmm....this rally is NOT against the unions! and don't even try to piss on me!

  4. Oh, I thought it was one of those liberty, constitutional, American thingies....I failed to grasp that this was a rally aimed at the continued degradation of the nation, freedom of choice, value of hard work and accomplishment over seniority and cronyism......I stand corrected. But, I am 50.....I probably couldn't piss on you unless you were directly beneath me.

  5. it IS an American thing! and seriously what makes you think that UNIONS are against everything which you speak of? you act as if union workers do not work as hard as any other worker???? Unions protect workers from "dishonorable employers" and if you take away that mainframe of what made America great and protected workers from being slaves, it will all come back again.

  6. Firefighters and police are exempted btw...Facts or hysteria?

  7. the governor has exempted them, yes.

  8. I think your eyes are turning brown and maybe you need to take a crap before you continue the debate.....I am guessing, based on what I have seen the last month plus, that Wisconsin suffers more at the hands of unions that it does at the hands of the oppressive "dishonorable employers". Note to all of you in the other world intellectually.....this is 2011......catch up.

  9. 60 years ago...Now they represent a parasitic entity upon non-union taxpayers via Lawmakers in their pockets. Therefore, to your premise, I feel compelled to submit a resounding "Bullshit".

  10. Oh now, c'mon.....if you are going to support a movement that is out of touch with reality and aimed at the destruction of the American way of life, you have to be thinned skinned and able to take it. Otherwise you are nothing but a left wing, socialist whinner...which I assume you have no interest in. My boss tells me I am full of shit all of the time....yet I am still employed and he still uses my work.

    You might not be full of shit...but your position certainly is....you just fell for it.

  11. The REAL thing here is "Public Employees" ... They get paid more in salary and benefits than their private employee counter parts that are taxed to pay the way for their "Privileged Class" status!
    --- By your referring to private tax paying citizens as "dishonorable employers" ...Makes you a Nasty Little Nothing! ---

  12. I am talking about EMPLOYERS in general.....breaking the public employees union is just the beginning to breaking all unions for workers. I work for a non-union company and I guess that is better according to you? Well my plant is going to close this year, and the work is being sent up to one of our facilites in Canada and to contract companies which, btw...........pay way less than what my plant pays their workers. Of course that is why they are closing down our plant, so they can make more profits by paying out less! I wish I were in a union to protect my job, unfortunately I am not. I am currently middle class while still employed after that, I will be lucky to find a job that pays me $15/hr. which is going to be a pay cut of over $11/hr. over $20K a year. I guess I should be happy to be joining the rest of the nations unemployed looking for a job that pays way less! YAY for non-union companies! Because they REALLY care about their employees!

  13. at least NON-UNION companies don't move over seas.........why you think anyone would take the risk of running a company to not make a profit but to give into greedy unions i have no idea but what i do have an idea about as a taxpayer..........I am sick to death of paying high taxes for public workers

  14. I love you Anne and you know I won't talk politics with you. I got sent here, LOL.

  15. Tru, Su is my Friend and a Lady. Play nice, I know you can.

  16. so are you suggesting a national average pay for all jobs everywhere? take away incentives from people? it doesn't matter who you work for in other words, all pay should be the same everywhere. only executives and managers should be paid well and all the rest of us peons shall be slaves, cuz....hey we're all just a bunch of slobs....we don't deserve more oh, unless we ALL become managers and executives - BUT then who will do all of the slave work??? I guess what people aren't realizing is the United States is turning into a service industry.......sales clerks, waitresses, bartenders, cashiers, shelf stockers, garbage haulers, bus drivers. the well to do.... will be corporate executives and managers, doctors and lawyers. pretty soon what is left of our manufacturing jobs is going to be comparable with service industry pay......dead end.......going no where jobs. it's the master plan. if this factory can hire people starting at $8/hr with top pay at $15/hr. that should be the plan everywhere for all factory workers..........oh, but wait! they don't even have to HIRE these people! they can get them from a temp agency so they don't even have to pay any benefits! If I were a RICH corporation, I'd be rubbing my hands together as well....SCREW the people, they don't need good pay or any benefits at all - ALL the Money is MINE! (I am joking of course, I wouldn't be like that - unfortunately that seems to be what is happening all around us)

    be nice. I am not calling any one of you any names and I would appreciate you doing the same!

  17. wrong. part of my plants work is going to Canada, we already have other plants overseas. my plant however is the one whose workers get paid the most as we were the MOTHER plant. the rest of the product lines are going to American contract companies while my company will still be benefiting from the profits we already were making and they will be paying out much less to make these same products. I know how this works, we already do contract work for other companies.....most of it is the same juice...different product name, different company name. Much like the off brand products you can buy in the stores, when they say compare to "X" brand.....yep, most likely it is made by the same company.

  18. coming from Pa...............most my friends worked in Hershey's chocolate plants.........they were not just located in Hershey, Penna..................that was the mother factory but they were all over this state...............then between the governments demands and the unions demands...........they said.....fuck it, we will move to Mexico.............anytime you eat a hershey product know where it comes from now..........it may say Hershey, Penna on the label........but only the warehouses for distribution are here anymore..............i seen 1000's of people lose their jobs.............simply cuz the union just couldn't stop demanding more

  19. that is very sad, I agree. both sides need to see the value of each other. I wish I had a choice, even talking with my co-workers we all said, heck... if they wanted to give us a pay cut to keep our plant we would have done it. and now who knows why, but our big boss (the owner) has stepped down and another family member has taken over his position. we didn't demand our pay, we were employed by a very good company a non-union company that was known for treating it's employees very well. now, I will be turning 49 and having to start all over again. I'm not really old, but I am getting up there and who knows with the job market the way it is, it can be very hard to find a good paying job at my age. and it's only me to fall back on, I live alone. I plan on going back to school and getting into an office position in the health care field...hopefully they can't out source those kind of jobs overseas!

  20. my heart goes out to you............it really does,,,,,,,,,,

    its not just the unions that force plants to move overseas.............its our own government as well

    starting over is hard to do...........i wish you well........i will tell you, i go walking a lot and i see many many people who lost homes..........lost hope i guess you can say

    i pray for our Country and for good men & women to step forward for political offices..............cuz i am so tired of seeing people hurt............we were the greatest country in the world...........this isn't how we should be :(..................................good luck to you

  21. thank you so much, that is really nice of you. you've put a smile on my face! :)

  22. good night.......and your welcome

  23. I'm always suspect of people who call others names. So, Sid, who are you calling morons?

    Dr. Lee Hackle is infamous for idiocy, I haven't seen John before, thank the Lord, "moveon.org is one of the biggest lefty bungholed propaganda sites I have ever seen. Those who use it for information are queers, retards and other assorted progressives." (By the way, there's no such thing as "retards." Look it up if you know how.)

    Susan, you have more patience than I ever will or even want to. I'm out of here.

  24. Just a 'little' detail I've not seen mentioned anywhere in the blogs? Taking away the rights of these workers isn't only about money. They can't even report work safety problems. They're basically hogtied in every possible way. It's not enough that they agreed to have more money deducted from their cheques for pensions & health care. NO. That is NOT what this travesty is all about.

    Leebogus or whatever, just like John, fits the psychological profile of an impotent man. Have a little pity, Sigurd, for the handicapped.

  25. lol, I see students of the special needs class need to be pointed in the right direction.
    retards- http://www.google.ca/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=0&oq=retards&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ADSA_enCA411CA412&q=retards

    Lurchie, I suppose every day is special to some folk, enjoy, no doubt encyclopedia dramatica will be of interest.
    The Lord works in mysterious ways.

  26. Thanks for the laugh scooch.
    Are internet shrinks unionized too, or have they decided to join the lefty intellectuals from moveon.org at the special needs rally?
    Scooch on a float would be very entertaining.

  27. What rights? There are no "rights" involved. Collective bargaining is not a right,lol.It's simply a procedure allowed by the employer, they can change that whenever they wish. Unions can strike, if they want because they don't like it, then they can look for other jobs and the employer will hire other people.

    Right's. lol, not.

  28. Oh how I would LOVE to be there ande be a part of such "SOLIDARITY"-
    Alas, even if I had left when I received the email I would not have made it in this w/c of mine. hehehe

    So I shall just get the words out here- and keep on doing what I can from my little end of the keyboard.


    You have covered EVERY probable scenario that this is/can be, responsible for. (And that, unfortunately, is the way I raised my 4 children, alone).
    It is NOT doable.

    Thank you for pointing this out.

  29. Dear Mr. heckler;
    Don't put yourself out by changing those plans.
    You sound like one of those ppl that only inflect pain- and like to also.

    Are you a misogynist then, (given that Suzy would/should be female)?
    Or simply a sadist who can derive his pleasure from seeing others in pain?
    (Boy, these foreclosures and food stamp lines, and all other forms of suffering must be really getting you off)!

    Or are you of the 'switchable variety? A sadomasochist?

    But again- it sounds as if you would DEFINITELY be put in your place, golden showers or not, if you show up. At that, my friend, I double-dog dare ya.
    Do have fun.
    Wear armor.


  30. No worries-
    Bet he's all talk and no action anyway.
    A bit of a puffball.

  31. See Suzy- the 50 part... "All talk and no action" anyway- Just like I said.

    Our own families did not fight so that we could return to slavery and degradation.
    This person must own a company or be related to Walker himself.

    To Heckles-
    How do unions degrade the nation?
    How do they disarm any freedom of choice? (Unless you are a greedy employer)?

    Maybe now that I have gotten to the part of you claiming 'seniority' is the way to go... Whazzamatter? Did you find a young'un that can work circles around you and are clearly put in your place by this other person? You know. The younger, apparently more valuable, and less costly one?

    If you are just here to start things, then please go away.
    You are not wanted.

    See. People, AND their families are SUFFERING!!!
    (Please refer to my first comment to you regarding that).

  32. The unions were berated so many years ago- and by such principaled characters too.

    Remember the quote?
    " We must close union offices, confiscate their money, and put their leaders in prison. We must reduce workers salaries, and take away their right to strike."

    Lee seems to be one of "those" that believe wholeheartedly in that idea.

    Unions are the ONLY thing seoaratingour American worker from their greedy employers.
    Take that away, and we are pretty efffing close to slavery, aren't we?
    (Oh never mind, you covered that also). hehehe

  33. It is fact.
    And ONLY because Walker thought he might kiss the asses of those who supported him for the election.
    That same support has now been withdrawn. Google that if you must. ;-)

    i am now left to wonder how many tickets will be issued at a few replublicans in our grand state?
    And for what? hehehe

    Of course ff's are exempted- They 'claimed' their support too.

    Remember, it was the firefighters that never were called as the crosses burned on ppls lawns either...


  34. 60 years ago, what?
    What is your point?


  35. IMHO once again, that beats the hell out of being a fascist.


  36. A word to the wise. And for EVERYONE within sight.
    I delete comments like this because they insult others in a very straightforward way.
    I will only highlight it here because you have made such a nice complete ass of yourself.


  37. Scott Walker is a hero. All the leftists demonstrating - who cares? They are all Union Members and extreme left wingers. The gravy train is over and they know it.

  38. Completely untrue.
    See below. Read. Comprehend.

    So very wrong- Read it and weep:


    When specific jobs, education, experience and other factors that affect compensation are taken into account, as the Economic Policy Institute has done, public-sector workers earn considerably less than their private-sector counterparts. Wisconsin public employees, for example, earn 4.8% less in their total compensation than comparable private-sector workers in the state.

    You can’t compare apples to oranges and expect to come up with a true understanding of the differences in compensation.

    Gerald W. McEntee, president
    American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
    Washington, D.C."


  39. Care?
    They don't care one bit.

    Like so many others, your company is outsourcing...
    I have even heard of some a-hole type McDonalds who outsourced their drive-in orders through India. (i have not looked that up, but I wouldn't bet that it's not true).

    The problem is China- and all the others who are so effing hungry that their 5 yr old kids have to go to work...
    They make cheap- We buy cheap.

    Like I said earlier-
    Care? They don't care one bit.


  40. Link please?

    If you live in Wisconsin, you are not paying for anything for public workers.
    My sister worked for the State of Wisconsin for her entire effing life- She ALWAYS paid her deductions. WTF are you talking about?
    Furthermore, my best friend in the whole world is a county cop. (Has been for over 35 years). He also pays into all the standard deductions on his paycheck.

    These things must change from state to state.


  41. "Tru's" comment already shot down. See my previous comment back to Trumain.

  42. You still have collective bargaining rights (now it is in-line with COLA), still have healthcare benefits, still have your pension and most importantly, YOU STILL HAVE A JOB!!!

    So what EXACTLY is the problem??


  43. Please hold. I needmore caffeine...
    Be back soon...


  44. In the ongoing face-off between Gov. Scott Walker and public unions in Wisconsin over collective bargaining, one point seems to have been missed. It has to do with what is and is not a right under our system of law.

    Put simply, collective bargaining isn't a right in Wisconsin. Rather, it's a privilege that's been statutorily granted by the state Legislature, which the Legislature may, as it is now considering, take away. Contrast that with constitutional rights, which no legislature can nullify.

  45. Yes. This name calling on a 6 year old level is so tiresome...

    Suzy Suzy Suzy;
    Please do not allow these people to be wrong... and to hurt you so.
    (I picked a hell of a night to shut the computer down and go to bed after posting). hehehe
    As {we} mentioned before, just look at the first full year of the 2008-2009 crisis when workers lost an average of 25 percent off their 401k. During the same time period, the wealth of the 400 richest Americans increased by $30 billion, bringing their total combined wealth to $1.57 trillion, which is more than the combined net worth of 50% of the US population. Just to make this point clear, 400 people have more wealth than 155 million people combined.
    The facts speak for themselves (whether or not we like the site they come from).XOXO

  46. yeah yeah yeah- and Mars went to England..................

    so..................are ya sayin' that Hershey had a union..................or not



  47. Because without the ubnion where it should have been you were all subject to the whimsy of whomever took over.

    The healthcare field is already being outsourced btw.

  48. Mr LurchMan;
    Great minds think alike, don't they? I have no idea who (s)he was referring to either?
    You are are right about Susan. But when she is right, she is right- and will die before giving up her ideologies and rights.
    That is a very honorable way to go through life too.

    Thank you too for setting me straight on who is who on here-
    I had no idea. Just rolled with exactly what my native gut told me.

    Again, no matter whether we care for whatever site the "FACTS" come from, right is right.
    So what the heck difference does THAT make?
    (But they DO show their true colors, and mental age, when they have to say things like that, don't they)?

  49. Squeechie;
    As usual you are right on the money- (To 'coin' an old phrase anyway)...
    "Hogtied" is the very best word to fit in too! And it is sad-
    Sadder still for all the people this affaects so negatively.

    Your last line has me in stitches! ROTFLMAO!
    So very true... Time for the little "blue"-



  50. Good Lord- You are a very cruel pessimist.

  51. I take that back- but only to add to it.
    You are a very SICk and cruel pessimist.

    Again- and ad nauseum...
    The facts speak for themselves (whether or not we like the site they come from).


  52. So sorry but my dial up does not permit me to watch video's.
    Perhaps you will be good enough to write a short entry of what it's about?


  53. Of course there are 'rights'
    Climb out from under that rock!


    The 'right' to collective bargaining is what is/was at stake!
    Or have you conveniently forgotten that these people AGREED to ALL of his financial concessions???

    Walker has a long record of attacking public employees’ rights to bargain for good jobs—and having his hand slapped by the legal system, too. Bob Allen, AFSCME Council 24 communications director, sends us this snapshot of Walker’s record.

    * In October 2010, the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission (WERC) found that Milwaukee County, under then-County Executive Walker, failed to bargain in good faith with AFSCME District Council 48. Walker’s own bargaining team reached a tentative agreement with county workers in late 2009, but within days he announced a budget that ignored the agreement and assumed major concessions that had not been negotiated. At that point, he threatened major layoffs unless unions accepted the un-negotiated concessions. Walker’s team had not discussed the budget’s impact with the union.

    In…his past actions, the governor has shown he is not interested in solving the budget crisis. He’s only interested in taking away the right of workers to have any say in the workplace.


    "Unions agree to all financial concessions.
    This point cannot be hammered home enough—the public employee unions in Wisconsin have agreed to all of the salary, health insurance and pension cuts in the so-called "budget repair bill." This fight is entirely over the rights of workers to negotiate with their employer. It has nothing to do with money.

    Walker rejects all concessions and refuses to negotiate with anyone about anything in the budget, ever
    Even though the unions have agreed to all of Walker’s proposed salary and benefit cuts, Walker rejected these concessions as a "red herring." So, instead of focusing on "red herrings" like the unions agreeing to all proposed salary and benefit cuts, Walker has instead focused on the need for the unions to agree to all proposed salary and benefit cuts."

    Go figure.



  54. Again.
    please accept my apologies for having a very clow dial up connection on the farm here.

    If you could be so kind as to explain the video for me I would appreciate it.


  55. We have had a few go-rounds in the past, so I (still) care less what you have to say.
    You are a convoluted and misguided bigot and will never change or ever have any compassion for your fellow man.

    But hey, thanks for stopping by.



  56. Please read and comprehend my previous reply to you.
    Thank you.

  57. The unions "right" to collective bargaining has NO place in a budget bill in the first place.

  58. You said, "You are an intellectually dead, indoctrinated little Marxist orientated useful idiot aren't you!"

    Highly doubtful Dr Psych.

    To reply and to correct your attempt at a misguided insult, I simply quoted these lines...
    We must close union offices, confiscate their money, and put their leaders in prison. We must reduce workers salaries, and take away their right to strike.

    That IS fascism, no? And I did NOT agree with that in the first place.
    I believe that is where I used the word fascist anyway- (it's been quite a long day already). hehehe


    Petulant? Sullen, fretful and waspish come to mind...

  59. Now if you will all excuse me, I have a few things to do for myself today.
    Behave or leave my site. Period.


  60. I do support my fellow man. Just not Public Unions who's sweat heart deals have saddled my fellow man with debt.

  61. With public service unions, WE are the employers, and WE are the ones that are required to pay more in sales, propriety, licence, and income taxes so that our opposition, the public service unions, can get their members pay and benefit packages we couldn't even dream of.

    How many non-government employees pay little to nothing for our medical insurance and retirement? How many non teachers get a large paycheck for 9 months a year plus all holidays, and two week long seasonal breaks?

    We are paying our servants more then we get ourselves. The GOP was standing up for the people.

  62. How many of you libs would defend my right NOT pay to join a group I don't want to join as a condition of employment in the job of my choice?

    And after your answer, can you still call yourselves pro choice?

  63. What rights? There are no "rights" involved. Collective bargaining is not a right,lol.It's simply a procedure allowed by the employer, they can change that whenever they wish. Unions can strike, if they want because they don't like it, then they can look for other jobs and the employer will hire other people.

    Right's. lol, not.

    If it saves money, it belongs in the budget bill. Simple $$.

  64. If Unions Ran Taco Bell

    Crunchwrap Supreme $26.95

    Overweight Employee taking your order - 65K a year, 2 months paid vacation - can't be fired for any reason. Health Insurance, Pension that the customers pay for.

    Time it takes to get your order - 3 Hours - depending on if the cooks are off one of there negotiated 7 daily 30 Minute breaks.

    We all know Taco Bell would go out of business but our government is suppose to operate this way - INSANE!

  65. I get a kick out of you fartsuckers and all the associations you cling to lol.
    I can see it is a complete waste of time being near complete buffoons, enjoy the cesspit parade.

  66. And yet here you are curiously enough...........

  67. the public employee union gave a fair amount of concession sid...the republicans aren't trying to negotiate~they're trying to break the union by pulling a fast one
    that's not a fair game no matter what side of the aisle you're on

  68. you know i tend towards libertarian myself
    but i don't like cheaters
    a deal is a deal : put it all on the table and negotiate if it has to change
    don't play power games...the results suck

  69. for example i do Not like corporate/government health care (one thing i disagreed with obama on)
    when you get a 30% discount for cash at the doctors office you can see the extra cost pretty clearly...
    however~collective bargaining is a right of the people that cannot be taken away...they Will take it back

  70. "Sweetheart"
    I believe I said you had no compassion for...


  71. i am beginning to think it might also be an adjective since you obviously have not even answered a very straightforward question.

  72. he usually doesn't
    not saying anything else at this point...

  73. Be sure to remove your incontinence pads first.

  74. What If Public Sector Unions Ran Public Education (OH - That's Right - They do)

    American students rank 25th in math and 21st in science compared to students in 30 industrialized countries.

    America’s top math students rank 25th out of 30 countries when compared with
    top students elsewhere in the world. [1]

    By the end of 8th grade, U.S. students are two years behind in the math being studied by peers in other countries. [2]

    Sixty eight percent of 8th graders can’t read at their grade level, and most will
    never catch up.

    We spend the most $$ of any country on education.


    Next time the Union tells you they need more money "For the Kids" tell them "for what" So American students can rank 25th in math and 21st in science compared to students in 30 industrialized countries.

    Don't ruin public education like you ruined the auto industry!

    Go pound sand!

  75. supposed to
    and nasa's contracts are going to private sector....
    there's a smart way to re-balance the financials~or a stupid way dude

  76. Doesn't NASA actually produce results though?

  77. I know not which state you are from; but you seem more envious than intelligent.

    I do know that here in Wisconsin, state and county employees pay their own taxes and have all the other pertinent legal deductions coming out of their paychecks.

    AS I HAVE ALREADY STATED ABOVE: "If you live in Wisconsin, you are not paying for anything for public workers.
    My sister worked for the State of Wisconsin for her entire effing life- She ALWAYS paid her deductions. WTF are you talking about?
    Furthermore, my best friend in the whole world is a county cop. (Has been for over 35 years). He also pays into all the standard deductions on his paycheck.

    These things must change from state to state."

    The GOP stands up for white collar wall street people.
    That's not the 'real world' to most of us

    In closing I must say that it is odd to me to have anyone actually think that teachers, cops, firemen etc are our opposition. There is something inherently wrong with that way of thinking...

  78. Everyone like Teachers, Cops and Firefighters.

    Just not the Unions that represent them.

  79. yes,and will continue to..but now they will have competition

  80. Nyah. That would give you a terrible headache. I don't approve of inflicting pain.

  81. Good one. Did you write that one down?


  82. Why on earth would anyone of sound mind accept a job that they know in advance would want them to join?
    And why would anyone defend you if you already knew such a thing were to happen?

    So, yes. I can still say I am pro choice

    What was your point, exactly?

  83. Um...Bigbertha changed her name! Son of a gun. But not her attitude, knowledge or information.

    Read the bloody Wisconsin Constitution, read the AMERICAN constitution, come back only if you're feeling better.

  84. Gee, thanks. *Blushing* Maybe you should write it down? You have my permission. I mean, you just might have a chance to use it. You've nothing else to say....

  85. Wow. For someone so willing to shoot off their mouth, you sure miss a lot.

    Read (and try to comprehend) this: (NOTE: There are 2 pages- read them both)

    Not sure if it is a good idea or not- But I know I am SURE that I would much rather be served food by someone who is NOT sick to start with.

    Having had my Wisconsin Restaurant Managers License for eons, I can tell you that fast food places surely are not the healthiest places around. (And no, I never worked in one).

    But you do raise a point...
    A "Crunchwrap Supreme" for $26.95 might just teach people to go to the damned grocery store, buy some healthy AMERICAN meat and produce, and learn how to feed themselves off a plate, (with real silverware and linen napkins).
    *Paper napkins are made by the co.'s owned and operated by Koch Industries, which I surely want no part of subsidizing anymore.

    Crunchwrap Supreme does sound like a myocardial infarction Just waiting to happen- (heart attack in the offing).
    - Go for it. Please.

  86. Methinks Albert Einstein already replied to you anyway...
    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.”


  87. With all do respect funny guy, it is you who has nothing to say. You may not like what I say but at least I am saying something. I have an opinion on this matter - where is yours?

  88. And my kids would rather be taught by someone who is sick (BAD TEACHER) to start with. You should really try the Crunchwrap Supreme. It's a mouthful of flavory goodness

  89. You are correct.
    Back to Einstein I guess...
    The employees conceded to EVERYTHING Walker asked for, save for their Collective Bargaining "Rights"


    Know that there is a follow-up video, too.

    Unions agree to all financial concessions.
    This point cannot be hammered home enough—the public employee unions in Wisconsin have agreed to all of the salary, health insurance and pension cuts in the so-called "budget repair bill." This fight is entirely over the rights of workers to negotiate with their employer. It has nothing to do with money.Walker rejects all concessions and refuses to negotiate with anyone about anything in the budget, everEven though the unions have agreed to all of Walker’s proposed salary and benefit cuts, Walker rejected these concessions as a "red herring."  So, instead of focusing on "red herrings" like the unions agreeing to all proposed salary and benefit cuts, Walker has instead focused on the need for the unions to agree to all proposed salary and benefit cuts.
    {Last} Sunday, even Chris Wallace of Fox News had a hard time swallowing this:    Host Chris Wallace pressed Walker on why he’s seeking to end collective bargaining rights if he’s trying to balance the budget. In his answers, the guv frequently went back to talking about the pension and health care concessions he’s seeking because of the state’s dire fiscal situation.Additionally, Walker has rejected negotiating any aspect of the bill with anyone at anytime. Walker’s spokesperson, Cullen Werwie:    "Gov. Walker has repeatedly said that we won't negotiate the budget and we can't balance the budget on a hope and a prayer," Werwie said.<span style="font-fam

  90. Everyone who matters already knows what I think. I'm just having fun. Try it.

  91. *grins*
    think you've covered it anne

  92. Very well said.
    There was no "give" at all by the dictator of Wisconsin... After all, he was elected governor, not god.

    I thank you again!

  93. randy has been like that for over 6 years...i don't think any constructive dialog will ensue

  94. Trust me. I do this for fun as well. I am glad to see you have an opinion. It would be cool to hear them someday.

    Peace Out - time to go watch some college Basketball.

    Flintville - thanks for letting me post. Have a good one.

  95. Odd. Healthcare is the 'reason' I became so very interested in the political side of my life...

    Removing the Public Option was the full disgrace.
    Anything that came after that was 'settling' for less.
    But that's a whole nother 100 blogs so we shall stay away from that for now. Please?

    The bottom line of your reply... "Collective Bargaining IS a right."
    I guess that LEGAL point seems to be conveniently forgotten and/or overlooked by a few...

    Please see my reply to Tami? (i think that's her name...


  96. I thank you for the heads-up on that one. ;-)

  97. we could have further debate at a later time anne
    but it would be a considered debate :)
    peace out

  98. I'll be damned- A lot of which you have pointed out is correct as applied to the US students of today. Though you neglected to mention how come these kids will not catch up with anything.

    So let's go a point further...

    Let's allow that if the proper dollars were given and managed correctly- (and that the parents -and their jd offspring actually GAVE A DAMN), there would be NO reason whatsoever to accept mediocre as a right either.

  99. What NASA?
    I can't find it? Am I blind?
    (Or was that part of RSR's 'edit')?

    Last line is right on the money!

  100. I haven't a clue what you two are talking about.
    And besides, I would venture to guess that this remark has little to do with unions anyway.

  101. it's about everyone, "the teachers, the bus drivers, the prison guards, the snowplow operators, our nurses, our firefighters, the clerks, and our police officers..."

    And the 'problem' is NOT with the unions- It is about the "RIGHT" to collectively bargain.
    Um... Remember?


  102. You came back!
    And I thank you for giving me yet another giggle!

  103. It seems to me that people who constantly speak in hyperbole do so because they have no grasp of the facts. It’s easy to make threats and call names but it takes a bigger person to use the tools God has given them like their intellect, ability to read and thoughtful communication to get their points across. I love my sister Anne for many reasons. One reason I love her is because she researches her opinions and looks for the facts of each situation. The issues today around the unions, teachers and the Republican Budget in Wisconsin can be bandied about with hyperbole or, they can be researched with the goal of having reasonable discussions regarding the issues and the facts. Anne gives you the opportunity to see clearly the facts behind her opinions. That takes a lot of care and hard work on her part. Rather than shouting or name calling, why not do the same for yourself. Read. Think. You might also want to start talking to the people this budget directly affects, teachers, students, disabled folks, the elderly, and find out how these changes will impact their lives. Here are some of the facts I have learned and stories that I’ve heard recently.
    Per the Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau, the end of the year 2010 Wisconsin had a budget surplus of over 20 million dollars. The current deficit of $137 million was created when Walker gave tax cuts to some of the folks who supported his election. The $3 billion deficit is projected to occur in 2013 (if at all). So in my mind, it begs the question of why the big rush to force changes that are so controversial? This is Wisconsin. We usually take time to read, talk, negotiate and then we all go out and have a beer together. It’s worked incredibly well here for many years, Republicans and Democrats alike.
    Due to this bill, my brother has lost his job. My small business can’t get off the ground. My brother-in-law has to sell his business. This is not hyperbole. These are facts from people that I know and love.
    So let’s all follow Anne’s example and do a little research. And talk to some of the good teachers you know. Ask the social worker who provides services to your grandma or foster child how these changes affect them. Then, let’s talk.

  104. Your reply is a good one Sweets-

    Now on to the 'name'...
    "Big Bertha"
    I would remember the name- Haven't seen it before on anyone's blog
    The picture tells me there is a self-loathing person there.
    Given that bit of insight from just a picture, why then w/should she care about anyone else?

    Giving myself the latitude here to continue so as NOT to be misunderstood one bit:
     * I know many overweight, large, and/or obese people.
    I happen to love many of them too.
    But those among my friends (online and off), have enough class and decency not to bring such negative attention to themselves in such a self-deprecating manner


  105. national aeronautic and space administration


  106. Oh for the gods sake, quit it.
    Maybe if you would like to know how anyone feels about anything you would click on their name?


  107. You seem to make less and less sense every time you post something.


  108. Holy crap!
    What a day here...

    Thank you Shane.


  109. I came to that conclusion once before- and am decidedly coming around to it once again.


  110. OMG Kris-
    What can I say? But thank you.

    I love you-


    If you do not mind, I am going to highlight some of your words- Perhaps it will drive home a point or three- as you have already done.

  111. My sister Kris, ("clovercitykris" above), whom I love, respect, and admire greatly has said it all so very well.
    Please read on if you have missed her comment.


    Per the Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau, the end of the year 2010 Wisconsin had a budget surplus of over 20 million dollars.
    The current deficit of $137 million was created when Walker gave tax cuts to some of the folks who supported his election.
    The $3 billion deficit is projected to occur in 2013 (if at all).
    So in my mind, it begs the question of why the big rush to force changes that are so controversial?

    This is Wisconsin. We usually take time to read, talk, negotiate and then we all go out and have a beer together.
    It’s worked incredibly well here for many years, {for} Republicans and Democrats alike.

    Due to this bill,
    My brother has lost his job. My small business can’t get off the ground. My brother-in-law has to sell his business.
    This is not hyperbole. These are facts from people that I know and love.

  112. I know that.
    I just DON'T know how it came into play on here is all.

  113. it seems to be forgotten about with all of the slinging of mud and name calling Anne! I don't care what political party anyone is with, we all the right to choose which side we see, but in the end what it all comes down to is the RIGHTS of the people! some people think that everyone who is in a union is a bad apple and doesn't deserve the pay or benefits or the protection to work in a safe place, that they shouldn't have a say at all about what goes on with their workplace OR their lives. Like you, I beg to differ! We are PEOPLE, we have rights and to take away rights from one group is just the start to take away rights from all groups, people need to wake up!

  114. lol, I love that video and thanks the giggles were much needed!

  115. Thank you so much Sweet Suzy-
    You have said so very much, always, (well, except for the duck, hehehe) that seems to be plain old common sense.
    Yet common sense is what so many lack, or simply refuse to 'employ'.

    The next thing that is conveniently forgotten is that one's own personal rights only go as far as the next person's begin.
    Anything more is a mockery of human kindness.

    There seems to be much envy about the unions- Especially from those who have never worked for one!
    I have never worked for a union, and yet to take away the simple right to bargain, is stupid and overbearing.
    It has NO PLACE WHAT-SO-EVER within this "budget" -(which Walker is only 'using' to cover his massive screw-up giving the tax breaks out).
    It is an ill thought out concept-

    It didn't work for Hitler; and I promise you that it won't work for Wisconsin.


  116. no, thank you dear! you and your like minded friends here say it all so much more eloquently than I ever could, but I am glad that we are of the same thought! {{hugs}}

  117. We are PEOPLE, we have rights.
    To take away rights from one group is just the start to take away rights from all.

    Well stated Suzy.

  118. one day sweetie, I would very much love to meet you in person! :)


  119. I am going to check a few other sites- AND my email etc etc etc.
    I really am done with this one for the day.


  120. me too, lol. time for other things. *sigh*.....I may go out grocery shopping yet tonight! lol


  121. Ooh -good timing...
    I would too-
    When our backs can handle it? hehehe

    Love to you
    And good night!


  122. A wee bit of education might come in handy.
    Not in Wisconsin.
    Your links are for international Trade Unions, LOL, nice try.

    Collective Bargaining Is Not A Right
    Unsurprisingly, 60% of Americans told The New York Times they did not want to take away the rights of other Americans. Problem is collective bargaining is not a right. It is a privilege.
    There is a big difference between rights and privileges. Americans have the right to vote. The state, barring a felony conviction, cannot take that right away. Driving, on the other hand, is privilege. The state can refuse you the privilege of driving for a myriad of reasons including failure to pass a test showing you know the rules of the road or failing to purchase auto insurance.

    Similarly the freedom of association is a right shared by all Americans and protected by the First Amendment. In contrast, collective bargaining is a special power occasionally granted to some unions. In upholding North Carolina’s ban on government union collective bargaining, a federal court wrote in Atkins vs. City of Charlotte: “All citizens have the right to associate in groups to advocate their special interests to the government. It is something entirely different to grant any one interest group special status and access to the decision making process.”

    Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) budget bill in Wisconsin in no way infringes on any Americans’ right to associate and lobby government. What it does do is allow Wisconsin employees to choose not to join a union and keep their job at the same time. It also forces the government unions in Wisconsin to collect their own union dues instead of using the power of the state to withhold them directly from employee paychecks.

  123. He doesnt have an opinion for anything. Right-wingers are like that. He attacked my page also..

  124. They can still negotiate for pay within inflation. But pay is now on merit, and it will be easier to fire bad employees.
    Like Nancy P. Said, "Elections have consequences. We won the election, we make the laws."

    BTW, those evil fat cats that the public employees unions are standing up to, are US.

  125. They didn't change the rules. They followed the rules as written.

  126. First of all, I am not attacking anyone...I come from a long line of COAL MINERS...you know, those people the liberal pukes want to put out of business. Second, UNIONS had their place in time...way back in the old days (where the liberal pukes WOULD love to have us all again)...when there were no laws to protect the working man (woman, child...whatever) my grandfather was at MATWAAN... look it up. BUT they are a private industrial driven union...you don't want to belong, you don't work there. PUBLIC UNIONS are supported on the backs of all the people that work at McDonalds, the maids that work at Holiday Inn, the people that own their own businesses (and employ people by the way) Why should a bus driver make 106,000 dollars a year? Not counting his health care and pension. When the average working class person makes 33,000 a year...has to pay their own health care and 401k out of that 33,000? Seriously, when one of you bleeding hearts can tell me that simple thing, I will gladly quit calling you liberal pukes.

  127. Lets say I want to be a teacher. The constitution gives the right to free assembly. That would also include the right not to assemble. But if I don't join I can't get the job I went to school for.

    You would deny me the right to choose not to join a union.

    Liberals are so predictable. You call yourselves pro choice, but all you are pro choice on is abortion. You are anti choice on all other decisions.

  128. Bigbertha is the name she recently used on the Multiply group, MUDS. I get alerts from them, & her complaint was that they banned her...I didn't bother to go into the group. I haven't see her on Multiply for perhaps over a year...just the MUDS alert. Who could forget that obscene avatar?

    Yes, Annie, "The picture tells me there is a self-loathing person there."

    Didn't I get someone royally upset about my "Impotent man syndrome?" But I was right. LowBogus confirmed it. How transparent some people are!

    You 'might' be surprised by the many AKAs used here. One truly, truly psychotic person opened over 15 Multiply accounts for no reason but to harass certain members. No further comment on that.

  129. Andy doesn't really want to know about what I think. My last blog was 10 March from the Wisconsin State Journal, in which I noted:

    Again, the Capitol belongs to the people, not to Walker, or the abominable creatures who set up this underhanded, manipulative plot...which was what they wanted from the start, having nothing to do with the budget...but with rights of the unions.

    Anne Habel, a steward with AFSCME Local 171, said Wednesday's action will further inflame the unions, which have staged daily protests since Walker introduced his budget repair bill in mid-February. "Every time something happens, people become more militant," Habel said."

    I hope that they do.

    Nyah, I honestly don't think Andy wants to know what I think.

  130. Not my problem you are so anal...maybe you should see a doctor about that? I thought (my opinion, of course we all know that if we don't have your opinion, they don't count) he made an EXCELLENT POINT! If we do not agree with what you say we are the devil and stupid. Heaven forbid anyone have a different opinion...like the PEOPLE that voted Walker in. THEY wanted fiscal responsibility...oh wait, I forgot that "R" word is anathema to you liberal pukes.

  131. I'm so very glad you liked it! I wish Annie could hear it.

    Doesn't the baby really sound like he's laughing at the absurdity of what he's reading? It's so much more than just a baby laughing, it's his attitude!

  132. Keep writing. As you write, you add to your Dullard resume. (Please note nuances in dullard synonyms.)

    Your ignorance accounts for your misuse of 'anal' as I must assume you intended it as a psychological term? but do have fun!!

  133. By the by, how long did it take you to come up with "dullard"? Seriously, I didn't think I was that insensitive to your liberal plight...but than again...call me what you will. You can't fight facts, you call names...NANA NANA BOO BOO to speak in your vernacular.

  134. Hi, Patricia. As I wrote...way back yesterday...

    scootch2 said Mar 11
    Just a 'little' detail I've not seen mentioned anywhere in the blogs? Taking away the rights of these workers isn't only about money. They can't even report work safety problems. They're basically hogtied in every possible way. It's not enough that they agreed to have more money deducted from their cheques for pensions & health care. NO. That is NOT what this travesty is all about.

    Leebogus or whatever, just like John, fits the psychological profile of an impotent man. Have a little pity, Sigurd, for the handicapped.
    lurchie wrote on Mar 11
    I'm always suspect of people who call others names. So, Sid, who are you calling morons?

    Dr. Lee Hackle is infamous for idiocy, I haven't seen John before, thank the Lord, "moveon.org is one of the biggest lefty bungholed propaganda sites I have ever seen. Those who use it for information are queers, retards and other assorted progressives." (By the way, there's no such thing as "retards." Look it up if you know how.)

    Susan, you have more patience than I ever will or even want to. I'm out of here.

    (Sigurd is a very wise man!)

    LeeBogus & flatwhatchamacallit have the same problem, I think.

  135. I found this whole commentary to be quite amusing, especially watching those who are defending the rights of the unions to keep inept and criminal members employed at taxpayers' expense. I remember those news stories about that board of Education building in New York City that is totally populated by teachers who are no longer allowed in classrooms for reasons ranging from pedophilia to larceny, but because of union rules, the City can't fire them so they warehouse them. Those misfits show up every day and spend their day playing cards or reading newspapers or whatever, but they can't be fired and the taxpayers are footing the bill.

    That's exactly what the liberals are supporting and promoting. Schools are not allowed to keep their most productive members over the ones with more seniority and that's the biggest reason why our educational system is lagging behind just about every nation in the civilized world.

    It's exactly the same mentality that has the TSA strip searching geriatric Nuns at airports, yet they fail to find the three boxcutters in the luggage of a Nigerian Muslim on a Jet Blue flight. This is what the liberals bring to the table.

    Sorry, as a taxpayer, I am an employer and I retain the right to fire an employee who is under-performing or participating in criminal behavior. While we're on the subject of criminal behavior, lets also not forget the FLEEBAGGERS. The Democrats who defied the will of the electorate and tried, unsuccessfully, to stop the governmental process by running away, just like the criminals that they are. The voters spoke in Wisconsin when they kicked the Democrats to the curb in the House, the Senate and the Governorship yet these Democrats put themselves and their union cohorts above the will of the people. The whole bunch of them belong in prison.

    Keep this in mind; The unions collect money from their members (who have no choice BUT to contribute) and they use that money to elect the very same politicians who will work with them to keep public employees a step ahead of the private sector. it's the worst kind of symbiotic relationship that can possibly exist and even the Great Father of Socialism, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, warned against allowing it to happen. Yet, the Democrats have no problem climbing in bed with the likes of Jimmy Hoffa and Richard Trumpka.

    Lay down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.

  136. Keep writing. As you write, you add to your Dullard resume. (Please note nuances in dullard synonyms.)

    ( I don't need to look it up. I'm a psychologist.)

  137. Keep writing. As you write, you add to your Dullard resume. (Please note nuances in dullard synonyms.)

  138. I just ran across this, & thought it was interesting. I was looking up my mortgage company trying to find an email address, a fax or anything where I might be able to reach them.

    "The way it works is as follows:
    Right-wingers complain about government.
    Right-wingers get into power.
    Government goes all to hell as everything is defunded, restaffed with incompetent idiots, and used for cronyism and corruption.
    Right-wing media and right-wingers point to subsequent government failures as "proof" that government doesn't work.
    People fall for it.
    People elect right-wingers who complain about government.
    Lather, rinse repeat.”

    I didn't write this, & I don't remember what context in which it was written, but I like it!

  139. an effective rebalance
    nasa did some awesome things ,but the private sector can do better in some aspects
    "the smart way" to cut government spending is to give it to the private sector as soon as it can take it on
    and let business dynamics have at it.
    otherwise the tendency is to support ineffective (selfish) structure
    i know you have a load on your hands,and i would be quite willing to help with it
    but i would debate the most effective method ;)

  140. i will note that there are very few businesses i am willing to deal with
    if you don't see a moral obligation to your customers and your employees
    i don't need your product

  141. this a general argument and not directed at you specifically anne

  142. i opted out of health care because it became a 30% extra charge as another layer of paper shuffling infrastructure was built
    it gave us nothing but headaches
    more effective would have been an insurance product for catastrophic health threat~which was already available
    the drawback of medicaid was to put the insurer of last resort into the hands of the government and although i agree with the concept...our skill set in medicine has outrun our ability to pay :( ...as a society
    so...what's the best we can manage?

  143. and yes~that's point and counter point
    humans are like that...

  144. If you was a school teacher you could have it for 5% and complain about that

  145. yes sid...but they agreed to negotiate and got clothes'lined
    not fair

  146. i'm calling foul on this one...sorry

  147. I've found, I believe, that correcting grammar never corrects thinking. At least, I've not seen it so. Illiteracy seems to 'go' with stupidity.

  148. Seriously, then how long did it take you to find it so you'd know what it means?

    Alas, you are so out of tune. You weren't called names.

    "As you write, you add to your Dullard resume." Did someone call you a name? If you're looking for a job as a Dullard, this would help build your resume. If not~~what's the problem?

  149. That baby isn't laughing hysterically at ripping paper, he's laughing hysterically at some of the comments.

  150. And here I would have sworn you were attacking liberal pukes!

    What on earth is all the rest of the gibberish about, pray tell?

  151. I did not read much of this but did skim through it. As a "liberal puke" I must say that we will all be sorry if the unions can't hold on during this time. What people seem to be forgetting is that although not every work place is an appropriate place for a union shop, it is the union shop that sets the bar for all the wages and benefits of other places. As with all organizations I am sure there are issues in unions. Why not work on fixing the issues rather than getting rid of the entire process? Finally, if anyone comes over to my page and starts writing the sort of name calling and low life comments that have been placed here on Annie's page they will find themselves deleted and blocked. For those who can watch videos please forward the below video to 14:30 to realize about the right to form unions as declared by the UN.

  152. Looks like MP has issues. To view the video follow this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epVZrYbDVis

  153. flintville wrote on Mar 12
    retrochcop said

    please accept my apologies for having a very clow dial up connection on the farm here.

    This thing doesn't play, anyway, Anna. It wasn't posted properly.

  154. Amen.

    Also, the video (prior to the Youtube link) played very well. I watched all of it. GREAT to see you, Mary.

  155. Thank you Patricia-
    As I wrote earlier I will be visiting your page.
    Now, I can't wait to!



  156. Previously addressed
    See link in prior comment.

  157. Still agreeing with Shane here.

    Now, by "US" (capitalized) do you mean us, or United States?
    Your reply seems senseless either way.


  158. Now whose rules?
    No one, but Walkers own.


  159. Correct me if I am wrong, but you were repeatedly asked who you were referring to as morons?

  160. Collective bargaining isn’t, ( I mean, wasn't ), job security for good employees, many times it results in just the opposite as it imposes impossible requirements to fire bad employees, depletes resources at the expense of others so that good employees get laid off or are never hired.
    Seems like a lot of "bad employees", also cry loud.

    flintville, posting links from union sites is not going to smarten you up any. LOL
    Fact is their arguments are built on a false premise. The premise that collective bargaining is a right, since it is not, then their whole argument is a lost cause.

    I agree unions are necessary, to insure safety in work areas and just treatment of disciplinary actions taken by employers on workers concerning, docking pay for bad behavior and such, but that's about it.

  161. Welcome to this wacky world.

    Again with the childish boorish name calling...

    1st point covers another topic completely. Saving our Earth is of utmost importance, but does not belong on this blog.

    2. Apparently unions are still necessary- or this blog would not have even happened.

    3. If memory serves, you have misspelled MATWAAN.
    (If anyone is further interested please look up "Matewan" or "Matawan").
    3 a . Trust me, as full-blooded Native Americans, my forefathers all fought to stay alive too-

    4. Not every union is private or industrial

    5. ? I do not understand: "PUBLIC UNIONS are supported on the backs of all the people that work at McDonalds, the maids that work at Holiday Inn, the people that own their own businesses (and employ people by the way)"

    6. Your bus driver analogy is envy at its worst.( And actually boarders closely on a communistic point of view).
    *People make what they make. Live with it.
    imho, Some "earn" it. Some don't. But I'll not be arguing about who makes how much. That is unimportant and almost irrelevant to this blog.

    (I kinda like it, thanks). ;-)

  162. First of all, let's say you ever COULD be a teacher...

    Why would you go to school to be a teacher, knowing full well what you were getting yourself into, and then whine about doing it?

    You should have made a wiser "choice" then, wouldn't you agree?

    Your point again?
    Oh never mind...

  163. None needed. hehehe

    But I will anyway...

    I am SO way past thinking about which one of these trolls are more ignorant.
    Then again, one can fairly well tell by the 'style' of writing and the language capabilities anyway. (Or, ahem, more precisely, the lack of them).

    They wanna play? I can too.
    They want to be genuinely serious and mature? I generally am on important issues that matter very much to my fellow man.

    Do not worry about upsetting anyone on this one. A spade is a spade is a spade.



  164. All I have to do with this one is highlight it for posterity sake!
    Thanks Sweets


  165. You are welcomed to have an adversarial POV anytime.
    But when you speak like a child with the name calling etc... you lose much MUCH credibility that it becomes near to impossible to even generate an adequate response.


  166. I do know that I love to hear a baby laughing out loud!!!!

  167. Misuse of much around here Sqeetchie...
    Glad I shut 'er down last night.


  168. You two are hysterical!
    Thank you for the giggles!

  169. Sure seems longer than that, doesn't it?


  170. Out of here for today-
    I do have other things to do.

    Play nice or go away.

  171. They refused to move on collective bargaining for low or no pay healthcare and retirement, and to move to merit rather then time on the job for promotions and layoffs

  172. I've found that when people resort to correcting spelling and grammar, it is because they are unable to logically defend their own point.

  173. No periods after the U and the S. By US I mean the taxpayers who are required to pay for pay and benefits packages for government employees that are better then what most of us have in our own jobs.

  174. The bottom line, and the thing that has the unions panicking, is that the right for them to deduct dues from employees' paychecks is being stripped away from them. basically, employees don't like having the money taken from them and not having input into how the money is used so unions will see a decrease in their income because the employees will stop paying dues and start paying for things like food and gasoline and clothing for their children. That will lead to a lessening of political power because the union goons won't have the funds to buy Democrat politicians like they have traditionally done in the past.

  175. I received my teachers degree from the University of the State of Ny.

    How would you feel about wanting to get your dream job, and being told you would have to join the Tea Party and send them money each month to get the job?

  176. sidramone-
    There are 24 "right to work" states that do not have teachers unions, you could relocate and be union free. Though I have to warn you having taught in NYC and now teaching in Va. (a right to work state) the pay and benefits are not nearly the same due to a lack of collective bargaining ability. Right to work states are also the ones bringing education stats down-- states that lack collective bargaining and unions in general perform much worse on standardized tests (the ones used to judge our performance compared to other nations) than union states. Which SUNY did you attend? My degrees are from Stony Brook and University of Buffalo.

  177. Yikes. Now we have aviators on Multiply? Do they belong to unions, or not? ☺

    I never said it was your 'real' picture, that is a fact. However, it's disgusting, & reflects what you think of yourself.

    In the alert, you were complaining about being banned. I had absolutely no interest in looking into it further. The name you used in MUDS was Bigbertha. Surely you don't believe that liberals give a damn about this one way or another?

  178. ROFL, give up the psychology annalists career, you suck at it. Your not even close.lol. Click on my aviator and read what the name is.lol. You libs are so easy.
    Then read and comprehend the Ban thing. I was not complaining of being banned, Admin could not figure out why I was getting that message as nobody was banned.The post was about why someone not banned would get that message. One of the Admin in that group is here on this thread, lol.
    You do not understand things very well do you. I bet you think collective bargemen is a right also.hahahahahahahaha
    Also you care, lol, you brought it up.

  179. Oh Anna, do not try to discuss issues rationally with these people. I have encountered many of them on other sites and they are not reasonable, not polite and not remotely interested in critical thinking and reasoned discourse. I advise you to shut this down or you will have these pack animals sliming you for days.

    Sid, randy, leebob and some others: how sad to see you are still practicing your tactic of trolling multiply and then ganging up to flame a stranger. What sterling examples of neighborly and patriotic behavior you are.

  180. Thanks, Patricia. I saw in an alert just this morning, the valid rationale why Obama did NOT go to the rally, but I can't find it now. There's really nothing surprising about Fox News, is there?
