[My] Life in Wisconsin



We do NOT need anymore of what has transpired since last November.

Hi All;
I plan on trying to get dressed and heading to the polls very shortly.
From my wheelchair to that voting booth will be a trial of mammoth proportions for me.

If I can do it. So can YOU!

There are some of you who do not realize exactly what importance your vote holds today- (Far too many also, who do not even realize that there IS an election)!

At any rate, please take a moment to consider these few points.
Hopefully all of the enclosed links will work for you...


Special thanks to Laurie, Kris, and all who helped me put this together.


Remember Patrick Lucey, former governor?
Please read this as he has changed his own vote, AND he has also resigned as Co-Chairman of David Prosser's own campaign...
(Very very smart man)...

MILWAUKEE (AP) -- Former Gov. Patrick Lucey is withdrawing his support for Justice David Prosser for Supreme Court and is throwing it to Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg.

Statement from Patrick J. Lucey
March 31, 2011

“As a former Governor who appointed to Wisconsin's Supreme Court two quite different but equally principled Justices – Shirley Abrahamson and Roland Day – and who has over the years endorsed several more Justices, I have followed with increasing dismay and now alarm the campaign of Justice David Prosser, whom I endorsed at the outset of his campaign and in whose campaign I serve as the Honorary Co-Chairman."

“I can no longer in good conscience lend my name and support to Justice Prosser's candidacy. Too much has come to light that Justice Prosser has lost that most crucial of characteristics for a Supreme Court Justice – as for any judge – even-handed impartiality. Along with that failing has come a disturbing distemper and lack of civility that does not bode well for the High Court in the face of demands that are sure to be placed on it in these times of great political and legal volatility."

“At the very same time that my confidence in Justice Prosser has waned, I admire and have continued to be impressed with Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg. She has adhered throughout the campaign to even-handedness and non-partisanship and has exhibited both promising judicial temperament and good grace even in the heat of a fierce campaign."

For these reasons I have today resigned as Honorary Co-Chairman of Justice Prosser's campaign, and I endorse Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg for the Wisconsin Supreme Court on April 5, 2011.


Walker; (& his Buddy'$ young son)...
Walker administration questioned about hiring of lobbyist's son
CLICK HERE, or simply do your own search.

Tue Apr 05, 2011 at 01:53 AM EDT
Walker hires uneducated, inexperienced, 2 time drunk driver, son of lobbyist for $80k+ job

One thought posted in that story... "Walker gets his undies all bunched up about those damn educated teachers making $35k and yet he gives this two time drunk dropout a job paying $81,500!?!?  Walker is a criminal."
******** I am thinking I quite HEARTILY agree with those words...

For more on THAT story: CLICK HERE:
   or simply do your own search.

From JS Online:
"Wisconsin Republicans claim that their state is broke,
and have used that claim to justify stripping state workers of their collective bargaining rights. And yet, even though they claim to be broke, Scott Walker's administration just gave a state job, and a 26% raise, to the son of a major supporter who has no college degree, no relevant experience, and two drunk driving convictions." 


Tuesday, April 5, 2011 6:07 AM
Dear Anne;


Today is Election Day for the State Supreme Court. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Many progressives don't know about today's election or how it's our first chance to fight back against Governor Walker, so please forward this email widely.

Click here to find your polling place:

Find your polling place

Dear Wisconsin MoveOn member,

Today is Election Day. We want to make sure you, and all your friends, are planning to get out and vote for JoAnne Kloppenburg for Wisconsin Supreme Court today.

In an off-year election like this one, turnout will make the difference, but many of your friends and family may not even realize there's an election. 

Progressives in Wisconsin are incredibly energized. MoveOn members helped collect more than 22,000 signatures to force a recall vote of State Senator Dan Kapanke in record time, and recall petitions for seven other Republican senators are doing really well.

Much of the fight over Governor Walker's anti-worker laws will likely end up in court, and electing Kloppenburg would tip the balance of the Supreme Court toward progressives. So it's up to all of us to make sure that all our progressive friends, family, and co-workers in Wisconsin know they need to go and vote for JoAnne Kloppenburg TODAY. 

Please forward this email far and wide.
Thanks for all you do.
Daniel, Eli, Milan, Carrie, and the rest of the team



Brothers and Sisters,

The day is TODAY and the time is NOW
. If you haven’t already, please be sure to vote for working family candidates including JoAnne Kloppenburg. Wisconsin has stood united against political attacks by Scott Walker’s cronies for months. We cannot let another Walker ally, David Prosser, be voted into office.

Prosser has voted with Walker 95% of the time. He is not on the side of Wisconsin’s union members and Wisconsin’s middle class. Prosser is simply another rubber stamp, ready to do Scott Walker’s bidding.

JoAnne Kloppenburg is the best candidate for Wisconsin Supreme Court.
She will bring the needed impartiality, level-headed judgment and judicial demeanor that our courts deserve. Be sure to spread the word at work and around your neighborhood that today is the day to vote.

It is crucial that everyone take the time to go to the polls today.
In November, many of us were silent and we are now paying the price.

Thankfully, today we have the opportunity to change the shape of Wisconsin’s future for the better.

Vote and help rock the vote for working families by clicking here for a list of times, ways and location to spread the word.

We have been united in the streets for months and we now must be united at the ballot box! Click here for a list of GOTV activities.

In Solidarity,

Phil Neuenfeldt, Wisconsin State AFL-CIO President
Stephanie Bloomingdale, Wisconsin State AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer

To find out more about the AFL-CIO, please visit our website at www.aflcio.org.


5.  Healthcare
Save for adding to it, to change any part of healthcare plan is a death knell for too many Americans; -
 - including my daughter and myself.
This is exactly what most, if not ALL Republicans, GOP,  and Tea Party people, wish to do...


6.  This YouTube WILL make up your mind-
(As if there could be any questions remaining)?

This is one of the best ads I've seen.


Most people will not see it unless it's distributed person to person. So please send it to your contacts, post it on your Facebook page, do whatever you can to make it go viral.


I've been told more than $2 million has been spent this week alone attacking JoAnne, so we need everyone to help spread this. 



  1. we always have a small turn out for state elections, those who do not vote shouldnt complain.....Good Luck.

  2. thank you sweets
    see above- i had a little help... hehehe

    oh hey our mutual 'friend' was 1st to look at this blog- I am still laughing at that...


  3. we generally do ok- not at the bottom anyway. hehehe


    now if y'all can't tell, i can barely breathe, let alone type or even move right now-
    signing off for tonight.

    love to all


  4. Hi Mommy!

    I believe I know a Deschane... But for the life of me I can't think of the first name, nor how I know him/her....

    I do know that many many politicians have recently been cited for drunk driving. I can't believe, though, that one would be eligible for a job that pays over $80,000 a year especially since he has no college degree and little management experience... AND not only the one, but TWO drunk driving convictions... I wonder what Wankey Walker will do when Deschane gets his third drink driving and is thrown into jail. (Third time is mandatory jail time...)

    I really don't know how Walker made it into office. Money must have such a power over people that he could throw it around and get the votes. Far as I've seen, most of WI people can't stand his policies and views. Then again he was the one who never revealed his plans. Was even narcissistic enough to say, "WHEN I'm elected, then you'll know my plans for WI!"

    Sadly, his wish came true... And now we're paying the price...

    What else is sad is that the current government disregards everything, including the law! What kind of position does that lead for us as a state to know this fact??? This state is getting more and more like a dictatorship every day. Walker has disregarded laws passed for how State Legislature should be run, he has disregarded the law passed from a judge banning his unlawful disregard for that operation... What's next??? He's already shown wont for taking rights away from working citizens... Maybe his next step will be to take away our freedom of speech and like Haiti, start hanging protesters from streetlights to show his disapproval and his power...... Makes me so sick to see this man running our state...


    Love you MUCH MUCH!

  5. Well...how about a president who has broken international law by invading an innocent country, & advocated torture, (which he says in his book as I understand, he's "proud" of)?

    Money = power, my dear.

    I wish I could vote for you, (Wisconsin, the State where I was born). There's a 'debate' (she said kindly) going on in Multiply about "Walker has disregarded laws passed for how State Legislature should be run, he has disregarded the law passed from a judge banning his unlawful disregard for that operation.."

    "This state is getting more and more like a dictatorship every day"
    The Country is a Plutocracy. I wish you, & all of us not just "good luck," but to fight back in every way that we can. Our options are getting more slim.

  6. Why vote for anybodies say so?
    Each State post should carry a statement of functions and a performance report to measure it.
    Following this the person can be judged by the unpaid support work he does for the community.
    Until you prepare the ground nothing will grow.

  7. RESULTS as of Wednesday, Apr 06, 2011 at 05:13 am CDT Election Home
    Supreme Court


    *** David Prosser (inc) 733,074 50%

    ***Joanne Kloppenburg 732,489 50%

    Good Grief--- I sure hope there will be a recount?


    From here: http://elections.todaystmj4.com/G8801.htm

  8. I always vote Anna :-) not at this one though mate OK, I hope you excuse my absence ;-)

  9. Oh yikes. Where were those 585 people? 1% to go??

    I love how this country hasn't got any money, with Social Security, health care etc. on the chopping block, but there are always millions & millions to campaign...to attack opponents.....

  10. Supreme Court
    REPORTING 100%

    Joanne Kloppenburg 740,090 50%

    David Prosser (inc) 739,886 50%

  11. I'm so proud of you, Annie...I wonder how many votes you're responsible for with all the work you've done!

    We've all got to keep these weasels OUT.
