[My] Life in Wisconsin

RAOP- Restoring Faith in Humanity. One Slice at a Time? hehehe

Good Evening Everyone!
I mowed a little more on the lawns today, and was reminded of chopped hay. (That would be an "UGH" thought, as I do not have great memories of getting hay in the barn; whether in bales or chopped). hehehe

Done for the day, I came inside, more than a bit dusty, itchy too; but was in time to catch the tail end of abc world news.
Their last little segment being RAOP. Or "Random Acts of Pizza"...

The link is above (Do the click if you can help out anyone, you will be surprised. I was).
I tell you if I had the nerve I would ask for ramps for my wheelchair, or other stuff to make this easier for me somehow... But I am guessing this would be best in bigger towns than mine.
And crap, how very very selfish of me too.

There are pages to click on that will take you to a food pantry, or assi$tance, or clothing exchange...

A heads up too-
So read that first! hehehe

Please do the help thing if you can afford to.

I have heard it said that what you give is returned to you tenfold. I would love to hear YOUR end stories later on. 
Then again, kindness should NEVER end...




  1. Waaaaa! *I don't LIKE pizza! She screamed*

    I can't send any to anybody because I found out five days ago that I was overdrawn $107. & my $ doesn't get deposited until the 3rd! & I'm behind in my HOA & my lender is threatening to foreclose because I can't pay my property taxes. Also, all my chickens are dead.

  2. Very interesting Anna wheelchair ramps are easy to make Anna, some one should be able to do it for you or even help you prior to your winter setting in.
    Obviously I can not give there because it is cheaper for me to give to countries where our dollar is worth far more, at the moment our $ is worth more than the US at $1.05 US however I do give quite a lot never the less my name is still missing from the list of some notable philanthropists I followed from George Bickerstaff link :-), I may just have to follow that up me thinks ;-)
    Take care mate

  3. I wish I could find a philanthropist. I've contributed a lot in my 38 years, & it's come to this. I'm a cripple. There's no other name for me. I'm 'leashed' to an oxygen machine, & the PG&E has just sent a notice to me. If I were a horse, I'd be shot.

    Annie dear, I hope you do get the ramp for your wheelchair. I can't even get to the elevator, & if I 'could' it most likely would squash me. Oh dear, I couldn't even reach up & lock my door!

    Well. Too bad so sad. I'd better start heading for bed. It's a long, long way.


  4. The chickens??? Oh no!!!! ROTF!

    There. You have just posted that you are in need. So go back and put your words on the site.


    (Why am I imagining a painting of deceased chickens)?!

  5. LESTER!!!!
    Wisconsin protocol and decorum states that one does not speak of "W" or "S" crap when it is SUMMERTIME!

    Jeez Lester, you really are going to have to donate to the Flintville cripple. hehehe (I'm sure that would get your name on the 'philantropic' lists).

    You have made me giggle! I love laughing in the morning too.
    Thank you for that!


    And I just called myself a cripple in my reply to Lester!!! Too funny!

    As far as the ramp goes, I don't know how it could be done- Too many angles between here and the doors that I use. One would have to be a real good carpenter.

    Do you not have a grabber/reacher that you can use for your door chain/lock? (Don't laugh. It might just work).
    I picked up a dime with mine the other day... (and if I could have I would have patted myself on the back)! hehehe


    At least YOU can get to your bed. It's been too long for me. If Casey and Greg would come around they could set up the bedroom downstairs here for me- Or even Randy. But they don't/won't.
    Do you notice that the worse you get the fewer times people come to see you? What's up with that? I'm not contagious for cryin' out loud, and I'm NOT a fookin' leper.
    (I think I may have come up with a rant for today, but will have to think on it a while)...

    *And yes Dee, I already hear that Casey has an excuse.

  7. I don't know how. I don't know how to say it. What do I need the most? To pay someone to come in twice a month to take out my garbage & run the vacuum over the carpet that shows? (I mean, the rest is under heavy furniture!) Water the plants? Take mail I should certify, to the PO?

    Oh, NO! More than anything, I need blinds for my balcony windows/doors! The drapes that were here when I moved in, got moldy. I used banker's clips to hang this really heavy satin quilt on the track bar, (they can't slide back & forth). I measured it carefully, but I was about a foot short on the side. I found an old venetian blind in my storage...it doesn't go up & down, but it fills the space. I did this in 2003 & now the quilt is getting moldy.

    See....the lake & park are just a bit away from my balcony, & if the window weren't covered, any miscreant could see in here at night! I haven't the strength to raise the window in my den, (there are two, but one won't open cause it's got a dowel in it after someone broke in...wow...that's another story), but I could slide the balcony door easily if I could get to it. I desperately need to get fresh air in here! It's so stale I feel like I'm smothering, & the carpet still smells like cigarettes even though I stopped in December.

    Oh Lordie, some vertical blinds with no holes where the threading is for people to look through! Vertical, because I wouldn't be able to raise & lower horizontal! I could even look out at the beautiful lake!! Did I ever post pictures of it?

    "(Why am I imagining a painting of deceased chickens)?!" Um.....that's awful! Are they plucked?
    Why am I babbling like an idiot? Is that what happens when you never see anyone but plumbers, pharmacy prescription delivery bla bla bla?

  8. O boy. Here we go. As I was being discharged in January, a nurse was showing us that grabber. She said they were $30.00 in the gift shop. I must have made a long face, because she gave to me, the one she was showing. It's great for some things that I drop on the floor. A dime? Wow. Not mine. I meant, if I could get in the wheelchair, if I could get the portable oxygen in my lap, if I could get over the bump at the foot of the door, I wouldn't be able to reach high enough to insert my key in the door lock!

    "Do you notice that the worse you get the fewer times people come to see you? What's up with that? I'm not contagious for cryin' out loud, and I'm NOT a fookin' leper."
    Hahahahahahahaha. The few people that are still anywhere in this area all seem to have gotten bad knees, vitamin deficiencies, & kinks & hicks & flu & ZITS for many months now. Gas would also cost at least $50.00 for 45 miles, (HA) & someone is suddenly scared to drive, or even to take Bart which lets off 2 blocks away from me.

    Their excuses are so damned transparent, IT'S INSULTING MY INTELLIGENCE.

    I live in fear that the huge, heavy shelf above my PC desk is going to fall on me, & all it needs is someone to tighten the Phillips screws. BIG FRIGGIN' DEAL. They know this is where I 'live,' this is my station, my social life.

    "(I think I may have come up with a rant for today, but will have to think on it a while)..."
    Please let me join you!

    There's one more thing. Online. Probably elsewhere, too, but I've not been around to find out. From your pictures, a guy thinks you're attractive. You have things in common. You finally trust him enough...first with your phone number. It's great talking with each other! After a year or so, he wants your address, just to send you something. Whoopee! Wonderful surprises with ribbons & poems! Can't keep that UPS guy busy enough!

    He gradually finds out you're A CRIPPLE, when you yell from a stabbing pain, or lose your breath or have to use the speaker because your hands are having spasms. "Courtship" over. Over & out. He still calls, but no boxes of surprises, & the calls get later & later so it's beddy bye time for him. How about THAT?

    Sweetie, "THEY" aren't there when you need them most.

  9. I don't think wanting a needed wheelchair ramp is selfish. There are groups of people in fraternal organizations looking for projects to do. Letting them know what your needs are is not selfish, they want to help others, it's part of what they do. Just like food pantries or assistance, they are there for people who need help. People who have more than enough give to these places to remain anonymous because they want to help others and don't want thanks.
    I seen that on the news about random acts of pizza, sounds fun as long as one knows where to send it.
    I just finished a 2 hour mowing job on my riding mower and despiritely need a shower now. It don't smell like hay around here. lol

  10. My Sweet, Precious, Wonderful, Loving, Beautiful Sister,

    If I knew what kind of pizza you like, By GOD and all that's holy, you'd have one. If I could be there, you'd have your bedroom set up so you could use it. If I were beside you, you'd have the best hug you could stand. If, if, if. Dammitalltohell I hate that word. I love you and wish I were there.


  11. Can you make mine a Ham and Pineapple Family size please as I get hungry over the weekend and they are nice and thick, you'll have plenty of time Cillie, it is Thursday 20:25 Hrs there now and Friday 09:50 here so call around your 02:00 Hrs and I'll set the table for one ( Me )

    Montebello Pizza
    Ph: 83880008


  12. I don't have a delivery address, Mate, LOLOLOL.
