[My] Life in Wisconsin

Happy Sunday! Weeds 'Bee' Gone!


BUSY AS A BEE! hehehe



Good Morning All;

We did so much work yesterday that even I do not recognize my own little corner of the world! OK, Not true, but it surely looks different without all of the weeds!



Roberta came out, sans Master Gabriel, and even had the courage to pick up a pitchfork. (After putting that one through her foot last month, I didn't think she would ever chance to even look at another one)!

And there were PLENTY of weeds.



She dug out by the old fieldstones, and came up with a whole fork~full quite fast!



While she was busy killing weeds, I was off doing the mowing. It had rained a bit in the morning, and later had looked like rain a few times, but nothing, thank goodness! (The grass was wet enough; and I still have to scrape that deck). The high was about 75 or so, the breeze was wonderful; as was the intermittent sunshine! A perfect day to be outside!

Suzy Q and her hubby came and picked up all the deer apples and pears, clearing that all away for their deer herd friends, and I could even cut the front yard!



The grass so high that Milly could almost hide in it!

It has rained so much in the past week that there was no drying time inbetween to be able to get to the mowing and the trimming. There were even a few spots where I went over twice just to knock it all down. (At this point in the season, I really do not mow anymore. The blades are dullened, so I just beat it down and off)... Oh well.


Greg did a whole bunch of weedwhacking!

(And only took out two of my moms lilac bushes). Dang.

He even trimmed in back where the yellow~jackets are, after I told him not to. No stings though...

He also cut back by the woods, and the trail, and the campsite. Honestly, I was just so happy when I saw him pull in with his own little tractor. And he'd remembered about the Labor Day Picnic so wanted to help out. (Click, if you do not know about this familys annual picnic). This will be our 58th year for it!




A weed growing out of my vegetable basket??
Funny, but sort of pretty too...
And CHEVY, This shot is JUST for you!!!
(Berta is 5'8" tall)...
I TOLD you my weeds were bigger than yours!
I saved these just to take this pic for you; (rest assured, they are gone now)!!!!



But for now I must get back outside and transport that little wagon full of weeds back to the woods... Sun is shining brightly!
Hope it is by YOU too, and that all those bad storms are gone and have left you all safe and sound.


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