[My] Life in Wisconsin


Breakfast is served!



Good Saturday Morning to All;

The forecast tells me that we just might get a few drops of rain. (Unfortunately the emphasis is on the word "few" too). Better than nothing though.

And I am sure that you are all wondering about CaseyAnne... The doctor has changed her meds twice now, in as many days; trying to keep her out of the hospital for the weekend. And then next week we are hoping for the referral back down to Froedtert. She is back down to just the three shots a day now; since doubling the Octreotide made no difference at all in her pain level.



Aw... She's SO cute!!!!



She is to remain in telephone contact with her doctor this weekend, and to keep him filled in on everything that is going on with her. Her lipase and amylase counts are 'up' again... And so we shall take it all just one day at a time.

I did manage to get a bit of lawns cut; although the trail to the woods, (along with the campsite), has been terribly neglected... And while cutting to have decapitated a young garter snake... Oops. They might be icky, but I don't like killing them so awful either. The grass, so deep and long in places that I shall re~mow that which I have already done. It is to be upwards of that 90~degree mark again today, with like humidity. UGH. (But no, I do not wish to be shoveling snow either).

I wanted to get to those mean wasps too, but have not been awake to deal with them when I want to either. Seems as I am just SO tired all the time. Have doubled up my own little vitamins and stuff just to try to stay ahead, but even doing that doesn't seem to be working too well. (Although I do wonder how I would be feeling if I hadn't begun to double those all up)?? Hmmm... Maybe tonight then I can get to those wasps in the ground.

And I have to spray around the house too. Seems as all the little spiders are somehow making their way into the house. AND I HAD ONE CRAWLING ON MY BARE LEG!!!! That is just bad. I beat him off, and immediately Punk was to my rescue, and finished him off. She is such a dearheart that way.

And I ...am such a wuss.

Oh well, there are worse things... (Um... Aren't there)?

I hope you all have a grand weekend. And do have some fun for me too!



Of course, you could just play "where's Waldo?" with me.
Er... I mean "Where's Gabriel?"






Have a good one!




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