[My] Life in Wisconsin

Y360 news


Click on RUMOR CONTROL (above).

Good Morning!!!

To all my friends... Please click above.

Yahoo has confirmed that they will be preserving all of our blogs, and their content, INCLUDING comments to each and every one of our blogs there. 

Thank the powers that be.

Do the click thing please. 

Although it is not the place to vent, please let her know you were there.

And please spread the word, one click at a time...





  1. I'll beleive it when the transition is done and my logs are there. HECK! 10 of my blogs have already gone missing in thier "transition" Perserve them? Yeah right!

  2. I don't know, things seem to be running pretty smoothly here, unlike 360 where half of my friends can't post comments to my blogs or quick comments anymore.

    Regarding the RUMOR CONTROL blog: as far as there not being any "there" here, the answer to that is a question: how much are they putting into their site here, and how much are they interacting with other people here?

    Personally, I've visited a lot of pages here at Multiply in the past 2 weeks, (which, I might add, moved at normal DSL speed!) and I'm very impressed with what some people have done with their pages. There seems to be a lot more room for creativity available to us here.

    However, if Yahoo creates something spectacular out of 360 in their "new and improved" version I'll go back there (umm, maybe, - we'll see). In the meanwhile, I'm not impressed with the fact that Yahoo has basically dumped all maintenance in 360. So what are we supposed to do when we have problems in the next few months while waiting for the new platform to be developed?

    Also, In the past week I've been copying and pasting about 4 blogs per day from 360 to here, and there are times when I can't access blogs on my 360 page that I know are in there. Yahoo has made it extremely difficult for me to remain optimistic about how well they'll take car of any new site, based on what they're doing now.

    In spite of everything, I'm trying to stay open minded and will adopt a wait and see attitude regarding where I end up. I know I don't have time to run 2 pages at one time, especially when I have the same friends in both sites, it doesn't make sense to waste my time like that when I could be concentrating on just one site.

  3. Becca, Well, like I said, that was not the site to be venting. OK that you did on here though...

    Angie. I am going to keep blogging there, and keep seeing my freinds there- (here if they won't let me in anymore there I guess). But after reading FINALLY a place that makes me feel so much better about this all, I am hoping that like they said all that time ago that it is there... just different.

    (There is a HUGE difference between "different" and GONE).

    As long as the blogs are backed up here, what difference DOES it make to blog there?

    Like the site advised us to go ahead and back em up, here (or where ever one would feel the most comfy). It might not be necessary either, but we have all put oodles of work into our blog pages at 360 also.

    I believe that those who will lose the mostest are those who have closed/deleted their 360 pages.

    Love to you!


  4. I have done the clicking and the replying to the post! Hopefully they can remain one of the best in the groups on this world wide web!!!

    Love you Much Much!

  5. I have been keeping a close eye on this blog.. I try to be nice.. really I do..
    They have only deleted one of my comments so I suppose Im doing ok..haha
    Of course on this particular blog.. I did get a little .. rude maybe.. I just asked if they did business the way yahoo is doing business, how long do they think they would be in business? Of course I did call the execs at Yahoo arrogant ... that might get it deleted..hehe
    But I really dont care.. the execs at Yahoo are being arrogant.. because "they are the all mighty powerful Yahoo" and because they are.. we are supposed to bow down and quake.. and just wait until they decide to make the new page.. Oh please!

    I dont know who they think they are.. but this woman doesnt bow down and quake to anyone!

    Ooops sorry.. hehe Didnt mean to start a vent here!

    Love to you!

  6. Now .. out of the other side of my mouth.. I am not deleting my 360 and I am copying my blogs over to that site for my friends that are sticking it out. As the guys on the rumor blog say.. no harm in doing that.. but man o man they sure are getting my dander up (they being Yahoo execs)

    I still love 360 the best.. I always have.. thats why Im there.. but they sure arnt making it easy. Eventually.. I will have to make a decide.. just like everyone else.. and when the time comes.. I will decide.
    But it sure better be one heck of a great new site!!!!
