[My] Life in Wisconsin

Dragons, and Dead Toads

Entry for October 28, 2007

Dragon Image from here
(Seems kind of mean, but I am thinking with the way our trade has been with "the dragon" lately that perhaps it is merely practical advice)...
This is actually an informative site, opposing trade with the PRC.
Particularly catching my attention (besides the obvious), was the link he has to MSN's story "Chinese County Clubs to Death 50,000 Dogs"
How sick is that?

Good Morning All!

I am mighty sickened by that story, and a few more that were on there too. (So much for a danish and a bit of fun this morning)...

But yesterday was a completely different story... As I was almost ready to get outside and try to tackle the mowing, the back door opened (seemingly of its own accord), and in walked Punk!

TRUE story.
But what I didn't see right away was Master Gabriel right behind her...

And for the first time ever, as he walked in, and clear as a bell, he says...
"Hi, Grandma!"
I almost started crying; those young voices sounding so much the same.
He sounded so MUCH like Valerie, and Isaiah too, those few years back!

Almost needless to say is the fact that I did not finish up the yards. But that is not to say the rider didn't get started. (I figured as long as everyone was dressed for outside, then outside we would go)!

Miss Punk found a brand new friend almost right away while Berta and I got the little trailer hooked up...



Somebody had squashed a toad on the driveway...
Petrified now; and FLAT!



Master Gabriel didn't want to even wait for a sit~upon to get thrown in the trailer either...



He tried to stretch that short little leg to crawl in...
...(It didn't work)... Maybe next year! hehehe



And we were "OFF"... Down the overgrown trail and back to the woods!!!



Even Punk is much happier INside that little trailer!



And we stopped back at the old campsite...



Miss Punk finding LOTS of sticks...



And we wondered if anyone had to use the (ahem), "Powder Room"???



Hey! Go easy on the guffaws here...
..I built that with my own two little hands!
(AND, it works)!!! hehehe



Gabriel and Roberta went for a walk down to the river. (I stayed up top because of my stupid foot)...



WAY down there... (The river about 80 feet behind them).



And Punk loved it too.
Though she heard the wierd beep when I turned on the camera, and realized I wasn't down there with them!



And came running right back up to see me.
After seeing I was fine, she went straight back down again too!


Coming back up that ravine is a bit harder, and they all stopped to take a break.



Nice of Mother Nature to throw that old tree there for them!



And almost to the top again!



But still not completely tired...



Gabriel collected a few sticks...



This one taken right before The Punkster stole those sticks from him.



And it was time to head back home. We took the long way back, going all the way around the fields...



Berta had to restrain Punk from attacking the migrants as they picked the fields.
There are literally 100's of piles of squash out there yet.
These spaghetti squash are earmarked for the Chicago market.



And Berta took this picture from one of the closer corners of the field.



We wheeled around the "little forest" after we got back home...



Gabriel was more than cautious seeing that branch coming right at him too.
he says "HEY"...



We brought the recyclables in to Suamico, Casey was still sleeping. (She needs that)! And coming home she had woken up. ...Still sick. I wish this episode would just get over with already. Since she has had almost every test known to the medical profession and mankind, we know there is nothing to do but wait it out. As long as she is not barfing, and can manage her pain this will pass. Keep those prayers and positive thoughts coming!

I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday! I would cut lawn today, but since it is only 37 degrees yet, I shall be staying INside! Maybe later...

Love to all!



Sunday October 28, 2007 - 10:10am (CDT)


  1. Gorillas! roflol This is the second time today I've commented on this blog. It's okay, I like it.

    I'm still laughing about the ''powder room'' picture. *laughing sideways*

    Me thinks that the petrified frog is the body of Yah-phooey's CEO.

    Love the pictures of you and Casey. hehehe

  2. I just LOVE the scenic loo!!! That's just brilliant, just to sit there and contemplate nature while you do what comes naturally!!!!

    The photo of 'home' amazed me. You live in the middle of absolutely nowhere! It's fantastic!

    And Miss Punky, charging up the hill to Mama ... That made me smile as much as she does.

    Thanks again for a lovely trip out in the countryside Anne.

    Hugs to you all xxxx

  3. What a wonderful ride.. You got some great pictures! That little man is really getting big.. "Hi Grandma!" Oh I bet that did your heart so much good!

    Oh your much better than me too.. I woulda been hard pressed not to grab at least one of those wonderful spegetti squash..hehe Do you think they count them? hehe

    Love that camp toidy.. what a brillant idea! Hopefully its off in a very secluded spot.. and not right at the campfire..haha

    Hope all is well in your world.. Hugs to you

  4. hehehe Sweet Pea... it was a little BIGFOOT, not a gorilla. (But if it were a gorilla, then maybe they got dressed up for Halloween, and I just THOUGHT they were migrants)!

    HR, No he is alive and well. And forsaking his people too.

    Mrs/Mama I am glad that you enjoyed it too! But what you can't see from that angle is the county road that I live on. (And yes, it is even getting to be a bit noisy for me). >sigh<
    Glad you so love the Punkster too! She hears that click and beep of the digital camera, wherever I am, and has to come running!

    Miss BEEP! hehehe Of course it's for the taking. The guy that rents it out has told me many times to help myself... But if you saw my freezer you will understand why I don't take more.
    Oh and the HI GRANDMA was SO cool, I cannot even begin to do it justice!

    Grandbabies are the BEST!!!

    Love to you all!


  5. I love the powder room.....
    Have you considered trying out for that Great American Inventor reality show????
    lol, I know how much you love reality shows....hehe!
    It could make you a millionare!!!
