[My] Life in Wisconsin

Another Long Night

Another Long Night...
Another Long Night... magnify
Punk thought she would show you how we all feel today...


Good Morning all;

So tired, having spent until after 3AM at the Emergency Room with Casey...

Last week, she was being treated for a UTI, (which for some reason unknown to the medical profession always preceeds another bout of pancreatitis for her).

She had to go back in (to the clinic) yesterday because the sulfa drug she was given last week had not taken care of this UTI. Cultures showed that she had three different types of bacteria in her urine. The doctor put her on ciproflaxin (sp) along with another dose of the sulfa.

By 7pm she barely knew her name, and was talking about too many weird things. By nine she was no better, and by ten she was worse. So, in the dark of night, on the ice, and in the bitter cold we went to the hospital.
(This all, in additon to a very UNwilling CaseyFace)...

The ER doc had never seen anything like it, but did tell us no more of either of those pills for Casey. Oddly enough. they had redid the urinalysis, and there was absolutely NO bacteria anywhere in her sample.


I have to bring Roberta to the doctor this morning for an ultrasound. Hopefully Casey will sleep through my absence. I will bring her back to the clinic this afternoon; or as soon as is humanly possible after Berta's appointment.

...God, I hate these days.


Thursday January 31, 2008 - 09:17am (CST)


  1. Oh, Anne! So sorry to hear about Casey! Hope she's not in too much pain now!
    Please give her my hugs & love!! She'll be in my thoughts and prayers!
    Hope you take good care of yourself too!
    Lots of hugs from all of us!!!

  2. Hang in there my friend! You are in my thoughts and prayers! Hugs!!!

  3. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way, as well as warm hugs. I simply don't know what else to say.

    [much love to one and all]
