[My] Life in Wisconsin

Lessons of "STUCK!"

Lessons of "STUCK!"
Lessons of "STUCK!" magnify
The 'pit' road...


Good Morning, and 'Happy Hearts Day' to ALL!

What a day yesterday was...
And of course we have another half a foot of new snow coming today.

Between the winter snow (so far), and the awful fact that I seem to have MORE than my fair share of 'cabin fever', it dawned on me that the old saying is true.

"Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures"...


Me !!!
And yes, I am on these...
Once upon a time, Mama studied at Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary
... and made these gems!
The lacing on the one on the right not quite finished...
But fully functional too.
They DO work wonders to get me back to the woods.
Unfortunately though, the dogs are on their own...



And they have a problem, sans snowshoes of their own, remaining on TOP of the snow.


The Punkster got stuck multiple times...
Miss Milly not so often...
But she did manage to get stuck a few times too!
Not so deep back by the woods...
They have a great time playing "Hide and Seek" too
Milly "hiding"
Punk! Looking for Mama!


Which is EXACTLY what I had to do once we got back up to the house. (More on that tomorrow).
At one point, Milly decided she wanted my snowshoes, and firmly planted herself on my snowshoes. AND, then refused to move! After begging her to do so, she finally decided to "cheat"... She simply ran to the neighbors and ran up their driveway. Punk and I took our time heading back.

By the time we got home, Milly was nowhere to be found. I decided to go insearch of the wayward dog, and packed up The Punk in the car. And drove up the road.

There is a gravel pit road about 1/2 a mile west. It once was our access to the back forty. Since this road was always used during the winter months, I turned onto it, and drove due south.
And wound up MORE than a bit 'stuck' myself. (That is the road, by the back forty, in the topmost photo).
I still had my snowpants on, so I wouldn't have minded walking...
It took me about 15 minutes of 'rocking' to get out of there. I had to reverse all the way out too. (About 1/5th of a mile).
Nasty that.
Punk didn't like it much either, and had a bit of 'the drool' going by the time I got ut of there.

Now, I have a doctor appointment in an hour. Many schools are closed, and the rest will close after lunch I am sure. The snow is already coming down, and about 3" are down already. I have to leave very soon if I am to get there on time...
YOKES!!! (Wish me luck)!

Special Valentine Love for ALL! Make it perfect by telling those you care about that you love them! And give them a hug from me too!


Free Website Counter  Thursday February 14, 2008 - 07:28am (CST)


  1. What wonderful photos!

    I love your snow shoes--to think I bought a pair on ebay from British Columbia, spent more on shipping than the shoes....to hang on my wall in my cabin room!! I need to get those suckers down and WEAR EM!!!

  2. Yeah...is Milly home now?

    I realize it wasn't funny then, but story IS funny now.

  3. I actually wasn't as frustraing as all that either. Just that I would have been really pissed if I would have had to $pend money to get out of there too.

  4. Oh and check out the title, "Miss(ing) Milly" a few blogs ahead...

  5. I read that one...thought I left a comment there too.

    I'm still trying to find the one with the four-legged beef picture. I clicked to see the picture, then my laptop decided to take a nap. rotflol

    I also read where she found you guys. Yea!


  6. It is called brain freeze. And it happens whenever the temps dip below 72 degrees.


    Yup. Sounds right to me!
