[My] Life in Wisconsin

Me, Lately

Me, Lately magnify
I am sure that most that live north of "THE LINE" have seen this sign during/after a snowfall.


In addition to the above, the sign was also flashing this warning.


Good Morning ALL;

The roads were mighty bad yesterday morning... Plowed (maybe), unsalted, and so one needs to take their time. But this makes no difference to many people. (Unfortunately then, I have to be on the road with these dipsh!ts too).

As always there are any number of vehicles in the ditches on highway 41 - 141. But traffic was moving along, until I was about 2 and a half miles from my exit. Then all came to a stop.


As far as I could see were stopped/slowed cars...

Thinking fast enough to get off at this exit, (and having been going slow/fast enough to make the required lane change), I did manage to get to my appointment on time.


As I was on the ramp, I chanced to see the 'remains' of an earlier accident.


See ~middle, right, median...
I want to know who goes so fast in a snowstorm as to overturn their car?
Yup, read: "dipsh!t"


Having been in such a funk lately and finally calling the clinic to see my doctor, I have come to the conclusion that I am glad I am not a doctor.
As many of you know, I am hypothyroid, I have many migraines, and with the PTSD comes this godawful anxiety disorder. I also have a touch of arthritis. In addition I have developed a few hayfever type allergies over the past 10 or so years.
Blah. Blah. Blah.

And no, this is not a complain blog. Just a 'keep you informed' one.

I have been taking thyroid supplementation since shortly after Casey was born. I began with Synthroid, tried others, (even tried nothing for a few years); and most recently have been taking Armour Thyroid.
As it's name implies, Synthroid is synthetic.
Armour is a dessicated thyroid hormone replacement that is extracted from pig thyroid. (Kinda ucky to think about, but is the ONLY 'natural' thyroid replacement on the market). It does not leave me feeling as 'speedy' as the synthetic ones either.

For all of these things above I take meds daily, or as needed.
**Armour Thyroid 90mg

**Paroxetine (aka Paxil) for anxiety/panic 40 mg Side effects are weight gain, and brain fog...

**Migraines meds as needed, to include, (but not limited to), Maxalt, Fiorinal w/ Codeine.
(I prefer the fiornal because the maxalt makes me feel SO hyper).

**Vicoden for my back as needed when the arthritis flares up. (And this winter has NOT been nice to that either).
On a personal note, I refuse to take any of the arthritis medications like Vioxx and Celebrex for this.
The simple pain pills were good enough for my mom and many others; and too many people have died taking those newfangled pills.
"Better to know the devil" as they say...

**Alprazolam -Xanax- for if/when I have to go anywhere, or if/when I have anxiety attacks at home.

~~~Back to my "funk".

**I have been thinking "Why am I so freakin' depressed all the time?"

And have been forcing myself to do things for a long time.
Getting to the woods, playing with the dogs has been something of late, that I 'make' myself do.
And yes, it is partly because of how completely long and depressing this winter has been.
Yet I felt this way even before winter set in...
Even before I broke my stupid foot.

**I have been having a definite problem forcing myself to sleep though. hehehe

**I have also gained a few pounds.
Gratefully, I am tall enough to afford to do this (a bit); but unless I was expecting, I have never had a problem with my weight before.
Note: I have also had a complete hysterectomy, and had my gallbladder removed ~gallbladder disease~ when I was 26.
With BOTH of these surgeries I was told to expect to gain anywhere between 10 and 25 pounds. (It didn't happen).

So off I go to the doctor yesterday. He orders a CBC, a chem panel, and a thyroid panel.
He also put me on Topamax, 25mg pills to be taken twice daily, (to increase to 50 mg twice daily in two weeks).
I have tried this drug before, and saw no change with my headache frequency or intensities.
Hmmm ~I guess I will be trying it again.

After what Casey went through last week, (<--click) I did run a check on any potential drug interactions.
The worst is the paroxetine and the maxalt. (The rest don't really get mixed). No wonder I feel like I drank a couple POTS of expresso when I take the maxalt... So hopefully the topamax will eliminate the need for the maxalt and it won't be a problem.

I got home from my appointment, let the dogs out, and took a LONG nap on the couch... (and no, I didn't even have to try, just kind of tipped over and slept)...

...Back to what I had thought was some kind of depression...

~When I brought this up, the doctor sort of smiled and said he guessed not. Said it is probably my thyroid doing nasty things again.
I am not that much of a pessimist for cryin' out loud...
The Paxil (also an antidepressant), makes me a slug; so if there is anything 'off with my thyroid, it will exacerbate that all. ~And I didn't even think of this???

With that first Topamax I took yesterday with my lunch, (and that nice 'nap' that followed), I missed my only "Valentine" call; and of course I also missed the doctor calling to talk about my thyroid test. He said he will call back today. I'd better get off the line. (Besides, I do have to get out and shovel).

So please bear with me.
Give this all time to work, and maybe I shall be a bit "NORMALLER" soon.

Love to ALL! I hope you all have a "normal" Friday!!!


Friday February 15, 2008 - 08:14am (CST)


  1. Oh Annie!! What is 'normal' anyway???

    I hope the doc gives you all the answers and solutions you need! Mine has been working well for my own funk but the kids are feverish again and I have had a headache/migraine everyday this week.
    One day....one day....I will open my windows to the fresh spring air and some of this crud might just get better!

  2. yeah... nice. Love when the levels go wacky...

  3. Sweet Beth

    Not too sure how to answer that one...
    And am hoping the initial side effects of this pill wear off soon becuase they are making me stupid.
    Had an eye dr. appt today, and actually got a migraine while I was there...

    Oh and by the way, I never wait til spring to open my windows. If I did it might smell like an armpit in here or something else... I open a window every day, if only for a few minutes, or I leave the door open when I let the dogs out.

    I HATE stale air!!!

  4. Sweet Pea!

    Something is ALWAYS wacky...

    Maybe that's the normal part...


  5. You are such a good man JT...

    Such a simple reply, and yet such comfort to me.
    I humbly thank you.

  6. While I'm glad we finally had snow here yesterday, I'm also glad I don't live in the Mid-West or further North.

    Careful with the meds and I do hope you are feeling at least somewhat better soon.

  7. Yeah, but it does make for some awesome pictures.
    (That is, IF ya like black and WHITE(!!!
