[My] Life in Wisconsin

He's Ba~ack!


Taken last month...
...on his way to the woods!
Good Morning Everyone!
As I type, Master Gabriel has just woken up and is watching a few minutes of "Tom~and~Jerry"
I still like that cartoon!

Long story short... Roberta has to work a zillion days this weekend, and coming week. I am blessed to have the little master here with me!
Cnv0953 by you.
Right before he fell asleep in the car....
Cnv0954 by you.
He had to ride in the 3rd row seat- We brought Berta to her doctor appointment, and also had Casey (and The Punk) in the car.

We had to stop at Walgreens for a prescription for her-
This was across the street...
Cnv0956 by you.

I sure would like to start a "MOOvement" to fine people
who post misspellings on outdoor signs.


Casey dropped me over at Kelli's to finish the mowing...
Punk was just way happy to be seated up front once more too!
Cnv0957 by you.
Tim had to deal with the paper wasp nest--- on their garage!
Cnv0958 by you.
Way too close for comfort!
While Kelli and Mr. Miller had a bit of fun too!
Cnv0959 by you.

By the time I got home, fed the boy his supper and got ready for bed, the sun had painted the eastern sky so pretty!

Sorry it didn't turn out, but the colors were magnificent as they reflected the setting sun...
Cnv0950 by you.
Casey is watching Big Sam today... Hope all goes well.
And of course her Greg is pitching in as well!
His dads wife is expecting twins, so it will be some very good practice, don't you think?!

I'd better close for now; as my little native is getting restless....
Having caught myself unawares yesterday, we have a bit of shopping to do today also. That will be fun!

Time to fly!

Love to all.
Have a 'wunnaful' weekend!
(This is not an outdoor sign)!

Originally posted to my Y! 360, Saturday August 9, 2008 - 08:55am (CDT)


  1. You enjoy your time with Master Gabriel! I know you will. Hope to see pics of your adventures this weekend together. It's a busy weekend here for us as well. Take care and have a wonderful weekend yourself!


  2. Sweet Pam!
    Oh no worries, I plan on enjoying every minute!

    Hope your own weekend is fandamtastic too!


  3. I'm so glad you get to spend a little quality time with the Master...he's such a cutie (but I don't need to tell you that)

    YIKES~twins!! No thank you!! Yesterday I met with a young man and his mother because he is a candidate for my program. The young man is the 6th of her 14 children!! Yes, you heard me~14!!! And I thought I was nuts for having three!!!!

    Take care my sweet friend, enjoy your weekend~pinch the pin cushion for me!!

    lots of love~!

    xoxo thers

  4. Yeah!!!! ~ Glad to hear you are getting to spend time with Gabe again!! He is so damn cute and baby Sam is getting so big! Bless Marie for bringing him out to see you!!

  5. I saw my grandsons this weekend. I had to go to them but it was worth it. They seem to be setteling in well in their new home.

  6. No real time to comment...but I loved the pictures and am so happy Gabriel is coming round again. Grrrreat!!!!!!


  7. Sweet Thers;
    Oh that cutie was a handful today (correction, yesterday)... But only because Randy and I were trying to get the water connection from the well through the pumphouse and outside, fixed.

    No. Please, not for me either!

    My dad, (his borthday was yesterday), came from a family of 16.
    He was the baby.
    AND he was the only boy!!!
    (Methinks he may have been a tad spoiled)...

    I shall pinch the pin cushion just as soon as I see her!



  8. Sweet Katie~Angel;
    Not sure which one of you (Marie or yourself) is the biggest breath of joy in this whole s(h)ituation.
    Suffice it to say that I love you both for ALL of your efforts!


  9. Sweet Judy!

    I am SO happy that you went and saw them! Kudos for you for making the little trip and spending some good time with them!
    A new home is always so stressful on the little ones, isn't it? Happy that everyone is getting settled in so well.

    (And then there's the flipside where people just keep moving around everywhere and never giving their kids a sense of ROOTS). And no, I am not talking about our Military families.



  10. Sweet BethieBaby!
    Do not worry about that all... I can always be happy that you came by and DID comment.
    Glad you like the pics.

    And between you and I, (and everyone else), I am pretty damned happy to have him here too!


  11. Aww lovely pictures. I am glad I could give you the opportunity to go get Gabe for a while. He will definately be a lot happier by you. Thank God for Grandmas!!!

  12. Afternoon Bart,
    I hope today is going as well as yesterday for you. Around here Im mowing and then later I will start cleaning house. I have to come in between areas.. to cool off a bit before I start again. Its already in the 90's out there.

    That little Gabe is sure a good lookin little guy with a beautiful smile. Sure am glad hes back. I know you are too!

    I dont recall ever seeing a paper wasp nest.. Thats pretty incredible.
    Love the sunset..

    John blames the "cant spell" on texting.. I dont.. they havent been teaching spelling, vocabulary and speaking in a long time. I am amazed sometimes listening to people speak on televison that are supposedly educated and then using double negatives in the same sentence. Or using words that arnt words at all.. did we not learn how to conjugate verbs when we were in school????

    Well... breaks over .. time to get back on my head..

    Luv ya's


  13. Looks like you've had your hands full!

    We're going to spend the week in Mossyrock, starting Monday, looking for a place to rent, getting the kids enrolled in school, and checking the place out. The dogs will be at the kennel, so they should be cool and happy. I don't dare leave them at home in the yard for a week. Emma would be visiting all the neighbors and being a pest.

    Hope your week goes well!

  14. ummm. Who is standing in the sunset pic?? Spirit? Maybe that's why it didn't turn out.

  15. You are seeing something I don't...
    Please let me know?



  16. Do you want me to send you the original???
    This one is cut down to a smaller size...

  17. Right next to the tree. Looks like a person wearing a hat.

  18. OK Since you asked...
    I lightened the pic up as much as possible without losing all contrast...

    I still see NO man in a hat, but I sure as hell see father and son sitting on the old maple stumps.

    Check it out.


    Weird huh?


  19. I see a ghost running across the field carrying something.

  20. did you say it was your dad's 'borthday'..? isn't that some kind of soup..??
    love ya sis,

  21. Sweet 'Special" K;

    You are hilarious.
    Borscht, me no likey...


  22. Holy Crap!! What about the face in the tree??!! This pic keeps getting scarier and scarier.


  23. Suddenly I do not like my little picture anymore...


  24. and I shall never ever take another picture...

  25. You know it really hurts when a monkey flies out of my a$$

  26. How did he get IN there in the 1st place?
    Never mind, I don't want to know...

  27. Reminds me of a joke:

    The Calf
    A farmer was helping one of his cows give birth, when he noticed his four year old son standing at the fence, soaking in the whole event.

    The man thought to himself, "Great. He's four and I'm gonna have to start explaining the birds and the bees. No need to jump the gun - I'll just let him ask, and I'll answer."

    After everything was over, the man walked over to his son and said, "Well son, do you have any questions?"

    "Just one," gasped the still wide-eyed lad.

    "How fast was that calf going when he hit that cow?"
