[My] Life in Wisconsin

I Need Your Help

Good Morning Everyone;
My rant today.
As I drove home last night, I was seeing a few people already had their little dumpsters out by the road. Calling my neighbor, she said she hadn't heard anything about a day/route change. (Could be the people up the road had their own routes changed then).
Oh well.
To be honest, that is the least of my worries.

Yes, my ear is being stubborn as hell. Coupled now with a bloody nose or two.
Again, 'worrisome' -but unimportant in the whole scheme of things.

  • "Things" = "Life" somehow.
If you recall, Casey has an appointment on Wednesday with a surgeon. Perhaps this referral will help. (There's hope there- a chance for enlightenment anyway).

She was at the hospital last Sunday.

  • Bloodwork.
  • Urinalysis.
  • IV pain treatment.

She was sent back home.

She had her own doctor appointment last week then; complete with the referral to the surgeon. Her doctor told her to take Advil since the pancreas swells.
Yes, she has had continued pain since then.

Due to the pain, she had called in sick yesterday morning.
After calling the clinic for 3 hours yesterday morning, (and waiting for a callback that did not come), I drove Casey to the hospital.

  • Bloodwork.
  • Urinalysis.
  • IV pain treatment.

Her pancreatic enzymes were doubled.
She was immediately admitted.

I have heard from various doctors and nurses at these hospitals that pancreatic pain is the absolute worst.
Cnv0486 by you.


  • As of this moment in time, all I know is that they will be doing still another CT Scan this morning.
  • Her appointment for Wednesday with the surgeon will have to be rescheduled; as one cannot 'annoy' the pancreas further when it is already in such a delicate state.
  • She may still end up back at Froedtert. Mayo was a laugh a minute.

In keeping with my title, I would ask that those of you that are able to do so please link me to either presidential candidate AND their VP's.

This link must not be their own sites.
I already have those.

Nor do I prefer to listen to any more useless scathing rhetoric about either one. In my humble opinion that is only so much BS anyway. And my own bullshit barometer is clearly on "overload"...

Please find me their applied stance on stem cell research.
Please find me where they stand on truly helping a 21 year old with chronic pancreatitis. (Is that even possible)?
How about what avenues are then opened to such a disease?

Anyway. I must get in the shower and get up to the hospital. Greg will leave there for work around 7.
Her CT Scan is scheduled for 10 or 11.

Love to all.
And my thanks in advance for any information you may be able to send my way.

I do not even care if your comments turn into a screaming political match.
At that point, I would promise to take only what I need from each little can of worms.
(And I further promise that your friendship is secure no matter what).


Free Site Counter
Originally posted to my Y! 360, Tuesday October 7, 2008 - 05:12am (CDT)


  1. Oops.
    The top picture?
    Just a cut of this one...



    Casey has just called.
    Was given a bunch of steroids yesterday evening in prep for the scan.
    She has not slept a bit.
    In pain.

    One hell of a way to go through life.


  2. Can't help with any links dear!
    But I can say a prayer or 2 for you both!

  3. Read this earlier but I had to stop and get dressed for work. Beings I had a few minutes before heading out the door, I thought I'd come back and reread it.

    Can't help ya with any links though. The best place to find out the candidates stance on stem cell research and the like is the candidate's websites. Sorry I can't be of more help.

    Sorry that Miss Caseyface is not feeling well. Will continue to keep her and all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

    gotta run...it's almost that time...damn, I wish I could go back to bed.

  4. Good morning Rock,

    I dont know what Obama's web site is but I do know John McCains web site is


    I have not heard either candidate speak on stemcell research this year... The normal Republican approach is to continue with Stemcell research but using alternatives rather than from aborted fetuses. But honestly have not heard McCain or Palins stand on it.

    Life can be so difficult in the best of times.. I hate to see Miss Casey have to go through all of this .. seeming constantly. Do I believe either candidate will end up helping? No, Im sorry I dont. Obama has a history of not making decidsions.. especially if they are the lest bit controversal. McCain he will be saddled with a do nothing Democratic congress.. (unless it is in their financial best interest, track record proven)..

    So my friend, although I understand your reasons.. I dont believe either man will help you and Miss Casey any time in the near future.

    All my love to all of you guys

    Mucho hugs


  5. Hi Anne,
    First off....a hug.....you need it.
    I dont know what to say about politics...I hate it too.
    Sorry no links, but instead an idea.
    I know that we have both seen the beauty in Caringbridge. I am ever so impressed with all the networking I witnessed while following Mariah. I would have to say there may be power in numbers there and support too. I would be willing to bet that you would find many others in Caseys situation....and advice too.
    So my advice would be....sign her up on there, you never know...

  6. I tried to add comments to your 360 pge..don't know if they made it or are still in cyber scape. Praying for my pin cushion and I will DEFINITELY be on the look out for info for you ~

    my loveand thought and prayers follow you today~

    Love, Thers

  7. Anne I'm so sorry Casey is so ill, and I know this is taking its toll on you, to have one of our children sick is torture. I will pray for Casey and you. I will look into the stem cell research and see what I can find.

  8. Awwwwwwww big hugs to you and Casey! I am so sorry all that is going on with her and the pain she is in!!! She does look cute in her pictures but the poor thing! I will continue to pray for her!!! I don't have any links for you!! Sorry! Big hugs your way and Casey!!!

  9. From what I can find both McCain and Obama support Stem Cell research.


    McCain Supports federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.

    Q: Would you expand federal funding of embryonic stem cell research?

    A: I believe that we need to fund this. This is a tough issue for those of us in the pro-life community. I would remind you that these stem cells are either going to be discarded or perpetually frozen. We need to do what we can to relieve human suffering. It's a tough issue. I support federal funding.

    Source: 2007 GOP primary debate, at Reagan library, hosted by MSNBC May 3, 2007


    Barack Obama believes we owe it to the American public to explore the potential of stem cells to treat the millions of people suffering from debilitating and life threatening diseases. Stem cells hold the promise of treatments and cures for more than 70 major diseases and conditions such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, spinal cord injuries, and diabetes. As many as 100 million Americans may benefit from embryonic stem cell research. As president, Obama would:

    * Promote Embryonic Stem Cell Research
    * Support Medical Advancement and Innovation
    * Expand the Number of Stem Cell Lines Available for Research
    * Ensure Ethical Standards

    Obama introduced legislation in the Illinois Senate to ensure that only those embryos that would otherwise be discarded could be used and that donors would have to provide written consent for the use of the embryos.

    Source: Campaign website, BarackObama.com, "Resource Flyers" Aug 26, 2007


    Hugs, positive thoughts, and prayers being sent to Casey!


  10. Hi All;
    Just peeking in while Casey is having her CT...

    She has a ton of pain. the IV linkage actually put a hole in her skin too.

    Thank you all for your love and support and the research too.

    Must fly...
    Will let you know what we learn today.
    Hopefully SOMEthing...


  11. pincushion.

    get yourself some anitbiotics while you are at the hospital, sounds like you have an ear infection....

    back later.

  12. Only able to send a "virtual" hug and send up a prayer request.

    I have found that over the years nearly all political figures make promises and rarely follow through with what they say they can or will do. They may "say" they support this or that but when they actually have to "do" something to make changes happen, it rarely does.

    Researchers are still working on the stem cell programs. They have proved to be very valuable to helping our bodies cure themselves.

    Ear infection....bloody nose???? Do you have severe allergies at this time of year?? Like Deanne said....get that antiB so YOU can feel better.


  13. Thank you Sweet Bug
    Now go back to work!


  14. Sweet Pam,
    Giggling because I know you are home from work already.

    I know they had a vote in Washington about this all. Not too sure where to find what everyones input was/IS.

    Speaking of going back to bed. I took a 3+ hour nap this afternoon!
    But hey, I was 'up' before midnight too.


  15. Sweet Beep;
    Big sigh...
    Casey's pancreas is never 'pain free'.
    But there are many days that it is down to a naggling little reminder of exactly where her pancreas is.
    The last time she was pain free was shortly after she had that EUS with mnometry.
    Her readings were 89. Normal is about 20.
    Dr. Dua had then placed that stent into the Sphincter of Odi.
    Shortly after that- about 4 weeks, it needed to be surgically removed because of the pain level increase.

    I remember being more than angry at Bush for limiting the # of stem cell lines.

    You said,
    "The normal Republican approach is to continue with stemcell research but using alternatives rather than from aborted fetuses."
    Um, WHAT ?!?!?
    Simply put, there ARE no alternatives!
    Human tissue comes only from human tissue.
    And since legalized abortion doesn't seem to be going away at any point, there is an urgent need to be 'using' these fetuses to further medical knowledge and to enlighten the scientists, and ultimately our very own doctors.
    When we incinerate these fetuses, we clearly incinerate too many possibilities, and way too much hope.

    There just HAS to be something. Somewhere




  16. Sweet Beth;
    Thank you for the hug. (Darn good thing I took a shower).

    As far as CaringBridge goes...
    There IS power in numbers. But no doctors there either.
    And she needs a doctor with balls.
    One that is not deaf to his patients.
    Who actually hears what they say, EVEN IF IT IS NOT IN HIS DAMNED BOOKS!
    Seems to be that KC's biggest problem is that SHE is writing their damned books on this all

    My apologies, I digress.

    CB has been a sanity saver and friend maker for many many people and their loved ones who are dealing with end stage "life". Or so this has been my own experience with the site
    I guess I am not ready, willing, or able, to go there at this point.
    Even now I can read Mariahs entries, Micki's, and cannot even offer any words most days. But Mariah is here too. There are many plants that I see, seemingly everywhere, that are PURPLE!
    And I think of her always



  17. Sweet Thers;
    There is only one from you over there, apologizing for Y! losing your 1st comment.
    JT left me a comment too.

    Does Houdini now work for Yahoo? Because they sure seem to be losing a lot of stuff.
    Personally I thought he was dead. (Houdini, not JT).
    Soon Yahoo will be too.


  18. Sweet Thers;
    There is only one from you over there, apologizing for Y! losing your 1st comment.
    JT left me a comment too.

    Does Houdini now work for Yahoo? Because they sure seem to be losing a lot of stuff.
    Personally I thought he was dead. (Houdini, not JT).
    Soon Yahoo will be too.


  19. Sweet Pamela;

    When the girls were little I would hold them and rock them to sleep when they were sick.
    (The "mom" version of putting a bandaid on an owwie).

    But Casey waited til she was 18- and 275 miles away from home at college before she started being so sick.
    My arms were not long enough then.
    And any offered bandaids seem to fall off.



  20. Thank you Sweet Sheri;

    I must agree, even with her pain she is still so beautiful.
    (And yes, I am very biased).


  21. Sweet RT!
    Thank you for doing this all for us.

    And believe me, I think I could go on a major rant with a few of those lines.

    I know this was probably hard to find...
    Where can I go to find out how they each voted the last time it came up?
    And all else.
    I am sorry that I keep putting this out for you to do for me.
    But lets face it you are very good at it. AND you don't have dial up!

    From the bottom of my heart, I thank you again.


  22. Sweet Pea;
    The drops I have to put in my ear are called 'ciprodex'.
    They ARE antibiotics.
    Oddly when I put them in now I feel them in my eye.
    Something seems to be wired wrong.

    Me? I just wish I was wired.


  23. Anne,

    I came across this site and thought it may help you some:


    That's how Obama voted...

    I'm sure McCain's vote is there also... I just didn't take the time to look for it, sorry...

    Sending healing thoughts and much love to you and Casey!



    OK found McCain's vote:


    I really hope this helps you out some Anne!

  24. I agree it is a waste and the aborted fetuses should be utilized rather than just destroyed. The issue with expanding that issue.. is the implication of farming and then people being paid to have an abortion.

    Would it benefit? No Doubt.. but are you going to get these folks who are so vehemenantly opposed to change their minds??? Regardless of the good from the bad. Its just maddening!

  25. Sweet SweatLady;
    Never apologize for 'only' sending a prayer.
    "More things are wrought by prayer than what this world knows." (Or something like that). Mama knew.

    You are right in your assessment of campaign promises. I have seen very very few carried out.
    That is why I wanted a link or two other than their sites.
    And how they have spoken (voted) on this before they ran.

    Researchers would have made a LOT more advancements if GW hadn't slammed that damned door in their faces a while back.

    As far as my ear and nose go...
    My nose bleeds weird times, so I am not sure if they are related. But I hope so.

    My own b/p has been creeping up this past summer, and I know the bloody nose can be indicative of high blood pressure.
    Given that mine is/was generally about 100/58, when I see it at 135/77 I cringe.
    No biggie though. It never bleeds long anyway. And never does get to the pillow or the clothes either!


  26. Anne,

    I added McCain's vote to that post... Sorry I should have taken the time to look for it before I posted the whole thing...

    You are most welcome my dear friend! Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with!

    Love Ya,



  27. I have to go unpause my Dish TV so I can see what trouble these two clowns are getting themselves into now...

    My Love (and thanks) to all.
    I shall be back...


  28. Sweet Slurk!

    I see that Sen McCain voted yes on that too. But I can't find any comments pertinent to it either.

    I thank you again!


  29. Here is the bill that passed both the house and the senate- VETOED by GW. (See below).

    Key Vote

    Stem Cell Research Bill

    Bill Number: HR 810
    Issue: Science and Medical Research
    Date: 07/18/2006
    Sponsor:Rep Castle, Michael N. [DE]

    Roll Call Number: 206
    Bill Passed (Senate)
    How members voted

    Senator Obama voted YES
    Read statements Senator Obama made in this general time period.

    Official Title of Legislation:

    HR 810: Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005

    Project Vote Smart's Synopsis:

    Vote to pass a bill that allows for the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct and support research that uses human embryonic stem cells.


    -Calls for stem cells that are taken from human embryos that were donated from in vitro fertilization clinics (Sec 498d(1))

    -Allows only embryos in excess of clinical needs and would otherwise be discarded to be used (Sec 498d(2))

    -Stipulates that those donating the embryos give written consent and do not receive any compensation for the donation (Sec 498d (3))

    House Passage Vote: 5/24/2005: Passed: 238 -194: (Roll No. 204).

    Senate Passage Vote: 07/18/2006: Passed: 63-37. Record Vote Number: 206.

    Presidential Action: 07/19/2006: Vetoed by President.

    House Veto Override Vote: 07/19/2006: Failed: 235-193 (Roll No. 388).

    Last Updated: 07/25/2006

    Additional Sources:

    The Library of Congress, (2006). Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005 (Enrolled as Agreed to or Passed by Both House and Senate)[H.R.810.ENR]]Retrieved July 24, 2006, from http://thomas.loc.gov

  30. Annie, since your eyes, nose, and throat are all connected through the sinus cavity it sounds like you've developed a bad sinus infection that's spreading throughout your sinuses. You're going to have to go on a very strong antibiotic (like Z-Pack) to clear this up. Please don't delay, it'll only get worse!

  31. Definitely sounds like a sinus infection (like I mentioned above). When I had a sinus infection every time I bent over blood would run out of my nose.

  32. I wasnt really thinking of it as end stage place. I still occasionally follow JoAnn Wigglesworth there.(as far as I know she is not terminal)

    It seemed to me it was a place for people to not only vent but get helpful advice from others suffering the same. I was just thinking if she was able to vent her situation somewhere where other people like her are likely to be that there might be talk of doctors who are on that cutting edge of medicine who might be more invested in a cure.
    Please do not think for one moment that I want to write her into a terminal stage....that is what I hope she can prevent. Her wellness is my prayer.

  33. Why can I not edit this entry???
    Too weird...

    Just wanted to thank everyone who took the time to help me out.

    Updated here


  34. Hi,
    I don't know all your case history, but I totally empthize with you. This summer I had Whipple's surgery, and nothing but problems, I never thought something like this would happen to me, I've gone from a fairly big guy to 160 lbs.. Now seeing different Dr.s Whipple's is rare, so like what do we do now? They left a stent in my liver, Dr. Dua took out this last Mon.I still have lots of pain in my pancreas.Now trying new meds for panc. enzymes.
    Now they tell me I'm stuck with this atuo immune disease, so I was just looking around and saw your blog.
    Hope things go well for you. Bruce
