[My] Life in Wisconsin

Hospitals and Dog Fights

Casey and Punk
They (almost) look innocent.
Good Morning Everyone;
I am very tired today. 
(As are the two troublemakers pictured above)...

First and foremost, Casey was back at the hospital last night, treated for her pancreatic pain; and released in the wee hour of the morning.
The doctors in the ER at St. Marys know her now, and do not hesitate to treat.
There seem to be no further stupid questions about her nonexistent drinking, or (also nonexistent) illegal drug use.

I have spoken to her this morning. She sounds rough. Too little sleep and way too much breakthrough pain. She will be calling her Dr. shortly to let him know all of this.

Mr. Miller came yesterday. And since all the snow has arrived, I hadn't the heart to put him where he couldn't find dry ground. So I put him out by Miss Milly. They need to be amenable to each other because Milly will be residing at his house while we are gone for Caseys surgery.
And yes, they get along quite well.(And always have).

I let Punk outside yesterday afternoon as I went to shake a rug.
Looking at the 3 dogs so cute, I thought to come back inside to grab the camera.

But didn't.

Keep in mind now that the following all happened within a time span of about 15~20 seconds.

As I shook that silly rug, there was a most godawful noise.
I turn to look to the dogs.
They are fighting.
This is NOT rough housing and fun.
It is scary- something with a 'Cujo' air.
No wagging of the tails, indeed they are moving, but sure not in a good way.
Accompanied by this terrible throaty and menacing growling.
(By the time I had taken that all in, I was already hollering and running toward them).
My yelling and cursing did nothing to phase them.

I know it is not good to come between two fighting dogs.
I do so anyway.

I grab the old broom by the kennel, swing and yell at the same time.
With my legs between them, they separate; but they do not move away from each other.
Both dogs every hair standing straight on end, while their eyes were still locked on each other.

No one moves.
Well except for me...

I run my mouth once more, (adrenalin charged Tourettes); and forcibly move one away from the other.

Still hollering, I continue moving this dog toward the house...
She is walking kind of lame.
As is her mother.

Yes, it was Punk and Milly!


And it is over as soon as it had begun.

My question to you who have multiple dogs...
Has this ever happened between your own dogs?
And if so, what to do about it???

Milly is not in heat.
Punk has always run out to play with her mother.

They are BOTH females, but that should not be a problem.

I realize too that with emotions running high around my house now my dogs feel that also whether we think we 'show' it or not.

But still !!!!

I am always the first to remind people never to say "not MY dog" (for that is as stupid as it is ignorant and silly).

And I also know that sometimes we have a tendency to forget that
first and foremost these dogs are "animals" .

I have NO idea what set them off.
I am very thankful that I did not come inside and grab my camera. Those extra seconds would have cost them dearly; (probably myself as well).

The next time that Punk went outside, I was right there. Again she rambled up to Mamas kennel. Again the fur stood, and she was led away.

This morning all is well... ?

Please let me know what may have caused this? They both get along with Mr. Miller, and there have never been any other skirmishes.

Just one more damn thing to worry about.

Love to all.



  1. (((((((Anne)))))) Hoping that Casey feels better soon....prayers always for you and her As far as the fur babies maybe something spooked them??? Not sure what the heck happened there....I hope you find out what happened or that someone can offer you insight to this.....lol..I guess our fur babies will be fur babies....

  2. Maybe it was putting Mr. Miller out near Milly that set Punk off(?)

    My two whippets used to fight about once a year, it got so bad I starting using muzzles on both of them (quickly) once it started and would also do the "adrenalin charged Tourettes" thing. I use to call it "Tasia's takeover attempt of (enter year here)". She was the younger of the two dogs and was generally under Jezebel's rule (who was the alpha dog) and it seemed like every year she would make an attempt at taking over. Jez would have none of it and the fighting would start. It would also happen on occasion when company was at the house (typical kids!) they would fight for attention I guess (as if they weren't get a ton of that from me to begin with!)

    Punk is spayed - right? Sometimes spaying doesn't even help when two females are competing over a males attention. It's sort of a "survival of the fittest" thing.

    Sorry to hear that Casey ended up having to go to the hospital, glad to hear she's finally being treated with respect (about time!). Soon she won't have to deal with this anymore :-)

  3. Anne - Every once in awhile Ernie and Jesse have a tiff. Usually its because one over stepped their boundaries (meaning they didn't use their doggy manners) they are pack animals and sometimes dominance needs to be re-asserted. If Momma or Punk wanted to really hurt each other they would have. Think of it as a tiff between family members and they straightened it out themselves.

  4. Gosh Anne! I would imagine that they communicate mentally and although you could not "hear" what the dispute was about, I would have to say that Punk must have said something that set her mama off as our kids so often do. Plus.....maybe Miss Milly was having a menopausal moment. Hehehehe! I can relate to being "bitchy" during those times. Maybe mama dogs have those times too.

  5. PMS.

    (Puppy Mommy Syndrome)

    Dogs are very big into social structure. I am sure that as it is her "turf" in the house Punk is the top dog. She most likely carried that outside to Mama's kennel and got a whatfer.

    Mama was letting her know that outside is MAMATOWN......

    Having Mr. Miller there likely escalated the need to not back down as it influenced the entire pack.

    I am sure it will all blow over. If they are still cranky put them where they can stare it out but not reach each other and they will work it out that way. Dog assert dominance that way too.

    Sorry to hear Miss Face is feeling it again..... *hugs* to ehr.

  6. Oh, and my dogs did the same. When ever we switched house the fur would fly. Riely was used to being top dog at my dad's house because he had lived there. Charlotte ruled the roost at my house by virtue of size and youth. and Little Miss Iz has just always followed the herd.

    She gets her whatfers for space violations. And now that she is the lone wolf, she GIVES whatfer to any other dog that comes along (if the bunny doesn't get them first.)

  7. LMAO that's what I like to see.. Top Bunny

  8. she IS.... that bunny rules the roost. She has EVERYONE buffaloed including me.

    She stomps we all jump and run.

  9. I had two dogs at the same time, Jackson Browne (a coon hound) got up in age and Scotty (a basset hound) decided he should be in charge of the roost now because he was a much younger dog. and every once in a while Scotty would challenge Jackson, Jackson never let go of the reins, he would put Scotty in his place. of course I would try to make them stop sometimes if all else failed I'd squirt them with the hose and that would get them to stop!

  10. Thank you for the big hug Sweet Toni.
    Casey was actually given the option of staying- getting put in the hospital, or not.
    She chose to go home.
    I would have done the same.
    After all, one can always go back, but once admitted, it's hard for her to get out!
    So we go hour by hour, day by day.

    Seems to as I have MUCH insight from everyone about the fur(flying)babies.


  11. Yes it happens here sometimes too
    Emily is afraid of Mattie but she holds her ground & tries to get up on Matties back. Shes taller so it is easy enough for her to do it. This usually stops the fight. What starts it? I have no idea! Emily is not fixed & Mattie is. Mattie is older & has never liked having another "girl" in the house. The jealousy is so thick here you can taste it.
    I just stand back & wait for it to be over. So far nothing bad has happened ! But if Emily ever decided it was time I'm sure there would be 2 dogs going to the vets!

  12. Sweet RT;

    I thought about having Mr Miller tied out there too. But he has been here since Spring, (Punk has known him since she was born, and Miss Milly has known HIM since he was a pup!

    and HE, with all of his wisdom, just mosied about 8 feet away, never once even looking at them, and plunked himself down in a snowbank.
    Kind of like "hey screaming wild woman, it wasn't me"
    He never was even fazed by it!
    (Maybe I should have taken my cue from him).

    So it was a takeover attempt?
    ...Then obviously SOMEONE is doing something wrong with government. ;-)

    Punk IS spayed- I didn't want to take any chances of her having inside problems after her accident, so I spayed her quite young.

    And yes, like I said to Miss Toni, Casey got so much respect that they deferred to her to see if she wanted to be admitted.


  13. Sweet CAB;

    God! It was just so fast...
    I guess when I think of 2 dogs fighting (besides that old Native joke), I always thought there would be a warning 'growl' or something.

    I know you are right too, that if they wanted to hurt each other they would have. But gee, just so scary! (To me anyway).
    And Punk outweighs Miss Milly by about 40 pounds.

    No problems today though... ***knocks on wood...


    Dominance WAS asserted.
    (I reminded them that "I" AM THE ALPHA DOG).


  14. Sweet PeachieBaby!
    A mental menopausal Mama Milly? (Sorry, but that was funny)...
    But maybe not too.
    Maybe maybe maybe...
    I do wish I knew what they thought sometimes. Knowing this yesterday would have come in handy.


  15. Sweet Splat;
    She sure did get WHATFER!
    (Maybe if I gave Casey whatfor she would then keep her pancreas in line)?

    I thought of the kennel too- And yet, Milly has never had a problem with Punk visiting MAMATOWN. hehehe

    Great advice about letting them stare down, though wouldn't it just piss them off more?
    I shall do that tomorrow.

    Last night when Miss Milly came in, I kept the entrance door closed and kept them both apart.
    Although in the middle of the night I did leave them out together with no problems.

    Miller didn't come today; Kelli and I giving them a chance to cool off.



  16. OMG, I just cannot see Izzy B giving anything a whatfer!
    Too funny that is to even imagine!


  17. Giggling at the Thumper routine!!!

    "Buffalo Bunny"?
    Pea, I do believe you can come up with a song (to the tune of Buffalo Gals) for that one.
    (And if not, you will be singing it forever)!


  18. OMG Sweet Pamela!
    I am sorry you also had to bear witness to these animals fighting.
    But I am so happy that this has happened at one point or another to so many people.
    For that I feel better.

    I have all my hoses put away already... But lord knows if I squirted them now, Milly would quit and Punk would enjoy it, (even if they turned out as PUPsicles).


  19. The poodle Boo-Boo and the Belgian Malanese, Maxie that my in-laws have go through these 'arguments' sometimes. With them it's jealousy... Dunno what might have set Punkie and Milly off... Stress maybe?

    But if all is well today... Perhaps they worked it out??

  20. Sweet Bug;
    See? Two female dogs at your house too!
    But you have them both together 24/7, and they also have the one spayed, one not.

    I am feeling so much better about this all...

    So I shouldn't have gotten between them?
    Which dog would I have packed up to bring in ifrst, because I damn sure wouldn't have put them in the same car!

    I suppose the jealousy thing might get all blown out of proportion now that Milly is older, and they will be separated for so long when we are gone.
    Can I say 'ugh' now?



  21. Swwet Slurk!

    Bite your tongue, there is NO stress allowed around here.
    Not in MY house!


  22. I sorry... is stress another *S* word?

    Did I cuss again???


    I just can't win for losing...

  23. Oh and I've bit my tongue before and it hurts!




  24. Too funny!
    I only wish I could have changed the font when I wrote that to Felix or something.

  25. More than likely it was a dominance thing. Mama Milly is the alpha dog to Punk, but every once in a while Punk will challenge that line of thinking. It is just like humans. When I lived with you every once in a while we got into a BIG fight. Not a little tif, but big yelling and stomping of feet. That is another display of dominance. I am sure that I know consciously that you will always be the "alpha" but it goes back to our herding instincts and the subconscious has to attempt to be the alpha person.

    If everything is well today, then I'm sure that Milly made her point and all is said and done. They are fine, nothing is "wrong" with them, it is all natural. Cab65 is right, if they wanted to hurt each other, they most certainly would've done it. The fight that happened between Dora and Banshee was not a dominance thing, but rather a "get out of my house and away from my person" thing and Dora bit Banshee causing enough damage to bleed for 2+ hours and all was done in a matter of seconds.

    Kind of like the mug of rootbeer thing! If Milly really wanted to hurt Punk, she would've... You don't get to be a 12 year old labrador retriever without knowing the in's and out's of causing trouble.

    They just had a bad day...

    Speaking of which, I am doing okay as long as I don't eat. I am hoping this passes soon, because the "Big Eat" day is tomorrow... Well, even if I don't get to eat that much, I still get to see you, the sassy pups, and Greg's family... I will NOT forget my camera... Greg's newest little brother and sister are WAY to cute! I will have pictures of Mr. Matthew and Miss Sophia soon!

    Love you Much Much,

  26. Evenin Rock,

    Well, dogs like children do pick up on the stress of the family... Im wondering if it was Milly protecting Mr Miller?
    Also.. Miss Milly may have decided that .. that was her space and Punk was not gonna take it. hehe
    She will probably be fine when you decide to bring her into the house.. then its more Punks area..

    I really have never had more than one dog at a time.. now I did have my sons dogs while I had Miss Nikki.. but she put her bluff in quickly..hehe

    Hope you figure it out before someone hurts someone.

    Luv Ya!
    Happy Thanksgiving!


  27. Glad to know Casey gets better treatment now, Anne. Hope she gets better soon and that you've had some rest.

    Sounds scary about the dogs... make us wish we can understand what's going on their mind, sometimes eh? Hope all is settled whatever it was between them...

    Take good care & big hugs!

  28. I'm sorry to hear that Casey was in the hospital again.
    Though, I'm glad she is getting better care and MORE RESPECT!
    I'll be keeping her in my prayers, along with you Annie.
    Wednesday must have been hospital day....
    I had to be rushed to the ER in the morning myself.
    Later that afternoon, a friend from church, her daughter was rushed
    to the ER and found out she had 12 kidney stones. Poor girl.
    Then later that evening, my son had to go to the ER for an asthma attack!
    As for the dogs, I think that they all got along before while being outside
    and in the house, but once you put Mr Miller out with Miss Milly, and Punk
    came around, Milly didn't like it because that is HER territory and she wanted
    to let Punk know that. It doesn't matter whether they are spayed or not. I had
    dogs that did that before, and it scared the daylights out of me. As it did you.
    Hope all has settled down by now and everyone is doing well.

    Much love to you Annie ~ ღ♥§♥ღ Susan X♥X♥X♥ ღ♥§♥ღ
