[My] Life in Wisconsin

Everything is alright

Hi All;
Sorry to have been so MIA.

Casey has a bit of a blood clot in her arm by her PICC Line.
(Marked by the ultrasound dept by the lines on her arm)
January 2nd '09 003
They removed the old PICC Line yesterday to be on the safe side.

I promise to blog later...
Just tired for now.



  1. Did they move the PICC line to her other arm, or did they totally remove it? Other than that how is she feeling? I wish I could make sleep into a pill, and mail it to you. You sound worn out dear girl.

  2. Still prying for both Casey and you...

  3. Morning Rock,

    whew you have indeed had a whirlwind of a week... make that 2 weeks.. You definitely need to work on getting yourself some much needed rest.
    So glad too that Casey is still doing well and is on the road to recovery.

    Now you take care of yourself and get all rested up because when its time to take her home.. Your not gonna have the luxury of nurses..

    As to those marbles.. I think I found one the other day 'cause I have this habit of pulling up a page and sitting there for awhile too.

    Hugs and good wishes your way!


  4. Good morning!!! Don't you worry your pretty little head about being MIA!!! We all know what you and miss Casey are going through. You take all the time you need. No long blog is needed...just a quick update. Now you just go back and lay your pretty little head down and rest. We will all be here when you return.

    Much love, big hugs, and super big prayers for you and yours this day and always.

  5. We truly understand your "MIA"..it's been a longggggg road and you've been so kind to keep us up to date..I'm so happy that Caseyface is doing good today now it's time for you to get some much needed rest!!! xoxo

  6. Not to worry..you have so much going on..we all understand..my goodness what a time..things are looking up..just you wait and see. love and hugs to you and yours.

  7. Well I'll be the first to admit I was upset that there was no news about Casey...lol......hon I was worried!! no news is bad news sometimes........So I'm relieved to hear that she is hangin tough like she always does and things are moving along towards her recovery! Ditto to thee above, hon you gotta take care of yourself, I agree you sound totally overwhelmed and tired, you need a nice long snooze and a good meal. Please take care of yourself, that way you can help take care of Casey. My thoughts and prayers for Casey and you.

  8. I am so glad she is doing better. I think everyone understands you not being here 24-7, as that is how it should be, you are needed with Casey. Don't worry about not being able to update us on the spot. It's very relieving that Casey is doing good.

  9. We do worry when we hear nothing. But instead of assuming the worst I keep telling myself you have to gone to get some much needed rest while you can.

    Heck....even a rubberband has to relax a little sometimes before it snaps!

    Anne, remember a while back when I blogged about the ads in the right rail relating to what we are blogging about.........well.....right now...those ads are about VEIN CENTER....PERSONAL ULTRASOUND UNIT....SWELLING AFTER SURGERY.....PICC LINE CATHETERS. And they think we don't notice they notice what we do...Ha!

  10. Thanks so much for the update Anne! As long as you're on that roller-coaster ride, glad to hear you're both on the upswing where you belong!
    Funny how - now that you know that Casey is OK - YOUR body's telling YOU that it's time for you to get the rest that you need! And that's a good thing!
    Am still going strong on the prayers!


  11. Prayers are still coming your way. I am glad to see your little fire ball looking so good. I am hoping all is well and thinking about you guys lots. Love ya!
