[My] Life in Wisconsin

Not Feelin' Too Groovy

I know many of you are "new" here.
Please do the clicks below if you want to know more about those things.
My comments are always open to all.

Your "Innards"

Good Morning.
(Is it)?
I am chilled today... It is so sunny out, but looks are deceiving. I've been out to feed the birds, my cardinal making such a fuss at Punk when I'd let her out earlier. (Those birds may be pretty, but none too bright to be thinking that Punk might be able to refill that feeder)! Dumb clucks.
Mom would call a few people that, and I have to giggle every time I think on it.

It was Mama's birthday on the 7th.
(To read about my mama, CLICK HERE).
She would have been 93 had she lived...

Reianna's birthday was on the 10th.
(To read about my Reianna, CLICK HERE).
So very hard to believe that she would have been 30 this year!

You will have to scroll down after you click those links since "Reianna", "Mom" and "Methadone" are all included in the tags on this blog.

Also included in Reianna's CLICK is the information about METHADONE.
***If you or anyone else you know is prescribed this drug for pain, or withdrawal, please DO NOT TAKE IT!

Doctors are still prescribing it.
People are still dying.
Please get the word out.

"According to the National Center for Health Statistics, medical examiners listed methadone as contributing to 3,849 deaths in 2004; up from 790 in 1999."
From here- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methadone

Methadone is also prescribed as 
  • Symoron,
  • Dolophine,
  • Amidone,
  • Methadose,
  • Physeptone,
  • Heptadon 
  • -and many others

The links above should work for you. If they don't please let me know.
Sometimes I really I wish we wouldn't have had to migrate all of our old Y!360 blogs to Multiply- Hard to find them all, and equally difficult to link them appropriately too. (Maybe that's just me)?

And now on Multiply, without many comments! hehehe The original ones at Yahell 360 had many of your comments, NOT that I can even get to them anymore.


... My top picture??? (Stolen from here).

As many of you have already read on my calendar on Multiply, Casey and I will be returning to Minneapolis once again.
This visit, to "see" what is going on within her colon.

Dr. Sutherland believes that he will have to remove 70% of her colon.
When I asked, he said she would not need the colostomy bag at all.
It would be a surgery to get rid of the hairpin turns in her colon.
Ideally, he would rather wait for 6 months after her TP/AIT, which would bring possible surgery to June or July. We wait now, anxiously, to have the upcoming test results.

I don't know how to wrap my head around her pain some days? Or how to help her anymore. Kind of a horrible and impotent feeling. Wish it was me.

In awful pain, now with vomiting and more diarrhea, and on her doctors advice, I brought Casey to St Marys hospital again on Tuesday.

They were going to admit her, and then did not.   wth?

Casey at St. Marys Hospital.
March 10th, 2009
She has blogged about it herself. CLICK HERE to read her own frustrations of it all. (Oh, but do grab a cup of coffee before you do, she has written at length). I don't know where she gets that from!?

She put on a very good and happy face for her appointment for Social Security Disability yesterday. (Not sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing)? But the man was nice, (even a sense of humor thrown in), and I hope smart enough that he saw through what/how she has lived these past three years.

I don't know much, but I do know that "something has gotta give" as they say.
Maybe say a little prayer?

  • Thanks to all the garbage at UWGB, at this point she has almost given up her own little hopes for college.

  • Remember the nasty apartment hunting, and how she was treated? <-Click those words for those two entries.

  • She has lost every job she has had in the past 3 years, save for the tax one (that was temporary; they did not call her back this past year either- Not that she could have worked). One waited to fire her after she returned from surgery. The other 2 "let her go" while she was hospitalized!

Like I said, something has just got to give for her.
It all seems to keep "snowballing"...

So there's my rant for today. Not too much newsworthy.
Cold or not I really have to get outside and work off some of this "grrr" energy.

Love to all.


My title? I don't believe I have EVER used the word "groovy" in a blog before.
Have YOU?

Posted at Y! 360, Thursday March 12, 2009 - 10:51am (CDT)


  1. GROOOOOOVY!!!! I still love that word.....

    Keep us posted on Casey's appointment. Sending up prayers for positive results.

  2. Hang on- Damnable links don't work yet...

  3. Sweet Ms Anne always on my mind and in my heart my sweet friend....always praying for you and Ms Casey....thats a given....I carry this up in prayer daily....

  4. Pfffftttttt on those who have treated Casey poorly when she has been ill. Karma is a biatch and she comes back around to those who deserve it. (In a good or bad way.)

    hugs on the family birthdays!

  5. No little prayers here. All big. God has a plan for Casey, and I can't wait to see how glorious it really is. ((((ANNE and Casey)))))

  6. Kinda speechless as a bi-product of my own day.
    I was here, I do care, I will pray.....love to you.

  7. I guess I'm not too surprised that you pick up on everything... It's just that very few do pick up on that...

    Had another shocker today as Minnesota called for pre-registration for the testing on Monday. She said, "Do you work full time?"

    Of course the answer is no, which is fine, except she gave me a slight twinge in the way she worded the next question:

    "Then you must be in school full time, right?"

    At this point, I feel like I have to explain my history to people so they don't think I'm just a slacker who just doesn't WANT to work or go to school... That is not the case... So I explained my stuff breifly... As I suspected it was grasped on her end by simple "uh-huh" replies, as she must have to call hundreds of people a day and doesn't really need to hear everyone's life story. I just felt so compelled to justify my answers... As I would feel with anyone who doesn't know me...

    Truth is, I have no idea where any of this will eventually take me. If I'll ever be going back to school, if I'll ever be able to have my own horses, my own job, my own children....

    Just one of those in-sight moments that can make me feel more than a little down and out, nothing that a little faith and love can't cure....

    And you're right, "something's gotta give..." for BOTH of us... You have been through this all with me and even though the pain and physical stuff has been on my end, you have been there for me and since you're my mother, any problem that I have eventually gets taken on your own shoulders. You have been through so much with this whole ordeal that something has gotta be coming your way too... Like DeeAnne said, Good Karma comes back and rewards people!

    I love you Much Much,

  8. OH! And I'm just snacking now on those strawberries you got me yesterday and they are AMAZING!!!!!!

    Can't wait to try the blueberries!!!

    Love you MUCH MUCH!!

  9. Okay, so I finished the strawberries really quickly and am on to the blueberries... Those too are AMAZING!!!!!!!!


  10. I have faith that there will be a time in the near future that Casey will be free of these medical issues and be able to get on with her life! You and her are the 2 strongest women I have ever met! With all that you've been through, you can still find positive things to hold onto and go forward from there.

    Will keep prayers coming!

    Love Ya's Both!

    Slurkie :-)

  11. I clicked the nasty apartment hunting and how she was treated. It brought me back here. :(

  12. *hugs* baby girl....

    You WILL have your own children one way or another including furry/fuzzy ones. You will someday have your chance at school and before you know it, you will be longing for the days when you didn't have a full time job just like the rest of us....... Any one who thinks you are in anyway a slacker just doesn't know you.

    I doubt that she was much surprised by your explanation.... Where she works, I am sure her uhhuhs were more a feeling of she understands having heard that story before.

  13. Hiya Rock,
    I know it has to be frustrating for you.. I cant even begin to imagine how you guys deal with it all.
    She has such a wonderful attitude and such a big heart.. we forget how much pain she deals with and how many dreams she has had shattered. But I know in my heart, that things will work out for her and no doubt things will unfold as they should when they should. I have to believe that way or else I would go absolutely freakin nutty.

    My love to you both and my prayers will continue to be with you both!


  14. I'm so sorry to hear all you guys are still going through. It just breaks my heart & I can so understand your frustration.

    I will keep praying for you all.

  15. Glad to hear the colostomy bag was asked about and will not be needed. Maybe once she gets all that plumbing re-routed she will be having fewer bad days.

    You know Anne....Casey would be an excellent candidate for disability. I have known people with less medical problems who qualified. She made her attempts at keeping a job. She can't help the medical problems. Heck...when you're sick, you're sick!

    And for college....she could also check into online college courses. My daughter lives in Okinawa and has been taking online college courses through Troy State. There are many acredited colleges who let people go this route. She may even could apply for a grant to help out with that too. You still have to have those expensive books. Only difference is the computer is your classroom and you have to submit your homework and do the testing online. You get to study at your own pace. As long as it gets done. Wouldn't hurt for her to check into it.

    Love, Prayers and lots of Huggles!!


  16. hehehe
    I hardly ever have used that word- Guess it only sounds right coming from others.
    I promise to keep you all updated!
    Thank you for the prayers too



  17. So if I spit on everybody what will MY karma be???


  18. Gods plan is to make her the best and the brightest for us all.
    And to begin to teach me about our working 'innards' I think.
    (I still have LOTS to learn).

    Thank you! From us both



  19. I know you care deeply. So please do not be worrying about us.
    Love you


  20. WhazzaMatter???
    Why can't you work fulltime AND go to school fulltime too?


    I will never understand this younger generation.


    I am only trying to be nice so I can get to Heaven ya know...


  21. Happy I could help!
    Happier still that they were yummy.
    Sorry they are all gone now.
    (And you wonder why you have the poops)?



  22. I love your kind of Faith!

    And we HAVE TO LAUGH or nothing is worthwhile.


  23. It is called "How to keep a kid entertained."


    Try these two...

    Do the other links work? Or did you give up after about 45 minutes or so?


  24. I read.
    I love.
    Therefore I believe.


  25. Somedays even "frustration" isn't the best word. But like I said above, Laughter surely helps.
    ('Specially when I get so "frustrated" myself).
    That, and either running around the yard a bunch, or napping. (I believe I did noth of those earlier).
    er, I mean 'yesterday'
    Might be why sleep won't come now?

    I do know that everything happens only as it should.
    But it should have been me.



    Oh and FYI, we are already "freakin' nutty". What comes next? is what truly worries me.


  26. I know you do Sweetie. I am praying for you and your mama as well.


  27. Methinks a bag would be the least of her worries if it was a means to an end.
    (No pun intended).

    She is a wonderful employee- I raised all my girls as my own parents raised me. That, and they are all very smart. So they know what to do... Just that they don't always use what they have been taught. Nor did we from time to time. Live and learn.
    But I promise everyone that Casey lost those jobs through NO fault of her own. But even knowing that doesn't make it any easier for the psyche to deal with.

    I asked that idiot Herrity at UWGB about her doing online studies.
    He replied that this was only for "adults returning to college" and that it was not offered to students.



  28. Casey has just called.
    I will be bringing her back to the hospital...

  29. *big sighs* (((ANNE and Casey)))

    I know I am a little late , but starting my prayers again.

  30. Home again. And stupid tired.
    Casey is alright. We leave on Sunday.

  31. errr..... not good? I think you come back in the next life as a lawn sprinkler.

  32. XOXOOXOXOX From my keyboard to god's ears....
