[My] Life in Wisconsin

Tiffany ...and The Heat Wave...

We are to beat this by about 15 degrees today...

Good Morning All;
I do believe the sun might be peeking out from behind the clouds.
Either that, or the sky is on fire.
Both are a shock after these past days- Out of the past 3 weeks, we have only had 7 days that were not rainy. (That is not to say they were warm though).
Last Friday was perfect!

Have much running around to do today, so will keep this short and sweet.

Short, would be my blog. Sweet would be this picture...

Cnv0093 .
Tiffany, Casey and Jennifer!
My cousin Tiffany, (aka Buttercup), stopped in on her way home to Sault Ste. Marie.
She has graduated, and will be teaching in Colorado again this coming year. But has all summer to spend at home!

She stayed overnight on Sunday, and is now back to The Soo! I cannot wait to be able to get up there myself.

Been wrestling with a bit of a migraine yet. Still, have much to do, but the day is relatively young. Must get my wash on the line before I leave to do my errands.

Have a wunnaful day!


Posted to Y! 360, Tuesday June 9, 2009 - 07:31am (CDT)


  1. that sweet smile tends to run in the family doesn't it? Both CaseyFace and Jenne have it...wonderful where they get such a wonderful trait!!

    Hope the head gets better!!


  2. Awww You are SO sweet!
    Sent you some "shoes"! (Didja get them)?


  3. got 'em!! Actually there's a couple pair in there that I wouldn't mind owning !! ;)

  4. You're right! this is a Short and Sweet entry. lolol
    take care. I even have a mild migraine today. Sun is peeking out a little.

  5. The picture really is sweet. I hope your migraine goes away soon. Lots of love!!!!!!

  6. What a wonderful picture ... I hope you start getting better weather ..There is nothing nicer then the smell of fresh clothes off the line , I love it .. Have a great day Anne

  7. Hope you had a great day and the head stopped hurting. Good looking Ladies up there.
    We had a good trip and I will get pics uploaded.

    Hugs from Usuns in KY.

  8. Been warm here... Shall I try to send the warm to you??

    Hope your head stopped giving you grief... And would you, could you, possibly come and do my laundry too?? LOL

    Lots of love to you!

    Slurkie :-)

  9. what a great looking bunch o girls.....

    *hugs* feel better soon!

  10. Sure hope you win the wrestling match. Have a fine and fun day.

  11. Hi Mommy!

    I can see clearly now the rain is gone.......
    I can see all obstacl--


    Okay, maybe not ALL obstacles... Hee hee hee...

    ANYWHO, it was great to finally see somewhat clear skies... Hopefully tomorrow will work out for visiting the horses...

    It was even MORE great to finally meet Tiffany in person! We've talked on the phone and chatted online but have never met! I'm glad she decided to stop in and rest at your place...

    I know you'll be up in the Soo with her soon as you've wanted to be for years but my illness has put the wrentch into all your best made plans... Sorry about that... Hopefully you can do everything you've dreamed of doing now that you don't have to worry about the darned pancreas!!! (Hopefully I can do some of my own dreaming/doing as well!)

    Love you MUCH MUCH!!!!

  12. Evil pancreas....

    stuck in a good kid.
