[My] Life in Wisconsin

Addressing the Masses (Respecting My Blog)...

Good Day All;
Before I post a new blog about our trip to "The Soo", I believe I must address the situation within my previous posted link. (Perhaps I should add this to my "about me" also)?

The greenish highlights below are only a part of a blog I had written years back...

I am finding it very hard to be keeping up with everyone, and apologize for this- Yet I do wish to be thanking everyone that has asked to be added as my friend too.

I have denied but a few people- on the grounds that I will never add an empty/closed page, or one without a photo; save for my personal friends and relatives.

I am hoping that you will know me as kind, compassionate, caring; (and halfway creative ~at times anyway)-

I have many positive energies- as well as a few negative ones- (we all possess those and work on them daily).

I am active.

I am not afraid to sweat or to get my hands dirty- (although I wish never to get my name dirty).

I love and respect animals, (and yes, I abhor spiders).

I can run hot, cold, ---and every conceivable degree inbetween--- (I reserve my hottest for the most appropriate times-, and know when to be absolutely cold also).

I do NOT tolerate immorality.

I do NOT tolerate drunks, druggies, liars, thieves, or cheats. (Or bloggers that, having NO life of their own, can only gossip and lie)...

I do NOT abide suffering or pain; especially that kind brought on by someone who is supposed to love you with all their being- heart and soul. Nor whether it is physical, mental, psychological, (or even just imagined).

Simply put,
Pain is pain. ..
Suffering is suffering.

As stated, please keep in mind that you need not agree with me on it all.
(Personally), I have a tendency to celebrate our differences, and not whine about them...

And yeah, I really AM the person I have written about. (Kinda boring that way too)! 

Originally blogged, Wednesday August 16, 2006 - 07:24am

We are all adults.

  • I can handle honest~to~goodness, good~natured ribbing, as I believe most of you can as well. Yet when it morphs into surly garbage, I am hurt.

  • I ask that you not be writing profanity or otherwise raunchy or really offensive stuff within my pages.

  • I ask that nothing be "stolen" "borrowed" from me without my permission. (This includes my own words and photos).

  • Know that if you "put yourself out there" and open yourself up, you may be written back at. (After all, that IS the purpose of commenting on my things, is it not)?

  • As always, and without exception, you are welcomed to disagree within any of my blogs, or links or reviews.
    Please just do it nicely

(The key word in all of the above is "my").

Casey is known to be very, very, fair.
She is also known to be very very passionate.
But there naturally comes a time when that 'level' of hers gets tipped, and all hell breaks loose.
This has happened to one person previously within our Yahoo! 360~Blogs.
I made no apologies for her comments then. I won't do it now.
Actually I do not think I have ever apologized for anyone that has stuck up for me, ever.

Know, and respect, that there is a huge difference between fighting and disagreeing.
There's a big difference between ignorant and "just plain st00pid" too. And I haven't called ANYone names in a bad way; (not with that last sentence, nor ever).
You will never have to ask if I am angry. I promise you will "know".

Should problems arise, please do the right thing, and just ask.
Since I comment "right backatcha" on most of my posts, it will not take long for me to address any issue you might believe you have.
(And I honestly do think of myself as a halfway intelligent and decent person).

Furthermore, I generally do not write what I may link to, save for the links within my blogs that ask you to reread something (see linked words above).
  • 99.9% of what I link to is NOT written by me.

Last but not least, it really is MY blog.
I reserve the right to write, post, blog, (and talk back), as I choose, w
ithin my pages.
Please see the empty boxes below. They really
are there for YOU!

I am done with this rant for now.

And NOW, on to my next real blog, (which should be posted within the hour).



  1. looks around....walks back out......someones in trouble.....hehe

  2. seriously though it IS your blog Anne and you may have any opinion you please on said blog

  3. Those who never bother to get to know someone through their blogs have nothing to really comment about. But there are those who will jump in there and comment negatively without even knowing the full story.
    I don't mind the differences of opinions. That's what makes the world and the people within it so interesting. But I do mind those who come in "off the streets" as you will, (In this case...off the net) and use "fighting" words just to stir things up. I doubt that many of them would even have the courage to speak up in real life the way they do on our blog pages sometimes. They like to hide who they are to be something they probably are not only to be the kind of person they "think" they want to be because it may be the only way they get pleasure. Sad isn't it.


  4. And truly I do not care if anyone agrees or disagrees-
    What a boring world it would be if we were all the same!
    But just not to do it in a depressing way...

  5. If someone comes to your page and comments, then you have every right to refute or comment on what they say. If they're offended by your opinion of their opinion, then they should not comment.

    I hope this makes sense and I'm glad I'm not the one in trouble. LOLOLOL


  6. Very well written Anne ... Variety is the spice of life so I agree and am glad we are not alike , how boring this world would be if we were all the same ...

  7. Wow, this is the fourth or fifth of this kind of rant that I've seen today. Must be something going around where folks are causing trouble in comment sections? I'll say the same thing I always say. It's your blog. People don't have to visit and don't have to comment. Easy as that.

  8. I love that fact that you are who you say you are, that you stand up for what you believe, and that you love your family and friends for everything they are. I even love that you allow your friends and family to come on here and speak their mind, knowing whole heartedly I have done that myself.

    Keep being you, that's why you are so loved by many.

  9. Hey that is so beautifully written , that goes for me on my blog too!! so there!.....Hope your having a grrrrreat day hon! xoxoxox

  10. *hopes she isn't the one in trouble*

    Different opinions are what make us all different and special.

    I love that you share what's on your mind so openly and that you let US share our opinions with you just as openly. You realize that we are all different and that we WILL all have a different opinion on certain issues. This is what makes you, you. This is what makes you loved by so many people.

  11. Ummm...would you like me to sing a Barney Song?

    The peacemaker in me is itching to come out and play...

    I love you....you love me....we're a happy.....


  12. Hi Sweet Mommy!

    What a sentence can do to people, huh? Especially a sarcastic one... Whew, just glad to get that off my shoulders... Yes, the fair-natured and peaceful side of me tends to take a step back when my family, friends or myself have been confronted on unfair grounds... I still try to be non-childish and simply state what I need to...

    You said it best by saying, "There is a difference between fighting and disagreeing"... I believe the main difference between the two is attitude...

    Sorry this is short, but my head is now throbbing worse. I took 1/2 of a max-alt about three hours ago and think I'll have to take another and try to sleep... Grrr...

    Love you MUCH MUCH!

    P.S. Why do I breathe so loud??? :( Everything is amplified with a migraine, but this just always got to me. You finally get into a nice, dark, quiet room and you realize that you still must breathe and even that is too loud... I don't think I'd do too well if I stopped breathing though... I think it's necessary for existence... :D

  13. We are family! ♥ ♥ ♥♫♫♫ ♫

  14. What an awesome and well put blog!!!!

    I am so sorry I have not been around more often but know I am thinking about you and your lovely family.....

    Thank you so much for your visits to mine....

    Much Love to a very dear friend....

  15. I have gas. Maybe you do too KC! In which case it is not breathing. Although equally (but unfortunately) necessary for existence.
