[My] Life in Wisconsin

Sault Ste. Marie- And Her People!


It's raining!
And has been since early morning!

Good Late Lazy Afternoon!
We came home from The Soo to the fact that it had rained also. More is needed for the crops and for the water tables. As they said on the news this morning, it is still a "moderate drought"- So every little bit helps...

*Better grab a cup of coffee, I might have gotten a little long-winded.
Back to our trip to Sault Ste. Marie aka "The Soo"..

This is the back of Grandma Rose's home. This is where my birthfather was born on Christmas Day 'way back when. (They also had a place on Sugar Island where they would reside during the warmer weather).

Dummy that I am,
I never did take a picture of the front, and the new porch Uncle Chum put on.

I may have put that on an earlier entry though...

This is my Uncle Chum...
OK...  I will concede that the above picture was taken last year... or so.
Here he is!
Uncle Chum last week.

Uncle Chum and I
We got there on Wednesday- It was the last full day that my cousin Jerry, his wife Maria, and his daughter Kathy, were there. They live in Pennsylvania, and had come to Sugar Island for vacation!
SO nice to see them again- (Missing is oldest daughter Kelly who has just graduated from Chefs School).
Casey, Maria, Kathy, and Jerry!
Acting silly!

Maria's shirt says,
"All men are idiots. I married their king."
Sassy. Sassy. Sassy. 

I surely did not envy them their drive home- wanting to get to Pennsylvania before pulling off for the night-  They called Uncle Chum the next afternoon and were home safe and sound!

My cousin Tiffany (affectionately known to me as "BUTTERCUP"), came to visit a few times!
She is always so energetic, having such a great sense of humor!
Home only for the Summer, she leaves next week to go back to Colorado. She is a teacher.

Her only downfall is that she is not a Green Bay Packers fan... hehehe

Buttercup!  And ready for a class reunion!
(She crashed it). hehehe
Here she is with her nephew Andrew! They were off bumming that day- A visit to her dads place, then off for ice cream too!  Andrew has a twin that stayed at Rose's house that day while his mama worked.
This is my cousin Rose- Buttercups mama...
Rose, on her birthday!
They had taken the boys fishing at the park by Clyde's Diner.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Dear Rosie,
I hope it was sweet!

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
They had taken the boys fishing at the park by Clyde's Diner.

Tiffany and her mama.

Sometimes, when you are only 5, things get messed up with your fishing pole.

Rose went over to see if she could help...
Nathan and Rose
But then it was time to show brother Andrew and see if he could help.
And he really tried to help, showing him how it was together...
Andrew helping his brother Nathan
This is one of the very best pictures I have ever taken ~contentwise.
Sorry it is so blurry.
Blurry but precious!
I have other pictures, but boy oh boy, none so grand as that one.

I took a few pictures OF pictures in the house while I was there-
A daguerreotype of my grandfathers ship when he was in the navy- The USS Lake Gakona in The English Channel. (At least I think that it is a
daguerreotype; it is very shiny and metallic).
At any rate the picture would not turn out no matter how I changed settings on my camera. Next trip I will have to make a copy of it if possible.  SO COOL!

I took a picture of my grandparents and a new car!

I have seen this photo many times, and it always makes me smile!
(I would have framed it too)!
Looks like it might have even been for an advertisement, or the like...

I must close for now-
Will try to post a bit tomorrow to finish off our trip- (Including the pics of the people that were there in spirit too)...

Such a nice day today with the rain- it has gone for now- News said 1/10th of an inch, but like I said above, every little bit helps!

Kelli has just called- Her and Mr Miller will be stopping over shortly

Love to all- Have a "wunnaful" evening!



  1. What wonderful memories. Thank you for sharing them.

  2. Enjoyed another great pictorial of your life :D I agree the pic of the boys is great.

  3. Anne....at least no one can say your life is wasted doing nothing. You are always on the go and always see so many people and always keeping in touch with family. Well...except for the times those danged migraines come to you for a visit! That unwelcome visitor can stay away, huh!

  4. it is so good to keep in contact with family the way you do

  5. The first thing that comes to my mind in the pic of the back of the house is how green the grass is!

    The pic of the boys is just too adorable...

    Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!

  6. Grandma Rose's house (and the house your birth-dad was born in) is adorable. Owning cute farm houses seems to run in your family. (I noticed that the Punkster is out there enjoying the yard too!)

    I love the pictures of the boys fishing, (or trying to). They're very Saturday Evening Post-ish looking.

    Since Rose and Jerry are your cousins then they must be your parent's brother's or sister's kids. And that would make Kathy,Tiffany and Casey 2nd cousins. Andrew and Nathan would be 3rd or 4th cousins to all your grandkids (I think). I'm just trying to keep up!

    You have a big family. And since you were adopted, you have two families on top of it all.

    The picture of your grandparents standing by the car (is that a Bel Air?) doesn't look like a photograph, it looks more like an artist's rendering. But if you say so...

    You didn't say one thing about your back, so you must be feeling better. (Hope so!!)

  7. the only real green green grass I see is in your pictures....lol....their like mini vacations for me...great blog, and yes that pic of the boys is priceless!

  8. Uncle Chum's wall paper brings back some memories.

    He looks like a kind-hearted man....content with the world.

    Actually, I get a very homey feeling from all these photo's. I guess your kin remind me of my kin and we all love to fish.
    The picture of the boys does make one's heart skip a beat....precious.

  9. Looks like you had a nice trip! I love the old pictures.. thank you for sharing them! I am in a rush so I can't say much more.. just hadn't dropped you a note lately. Wanted to let you know I am still alive.. and still paying attention. Just busy! :-)

    Hope all is well. Oh! And I love the Idiot shirt.. lol


  10. nice!

    Love the tee hsirt.

    what does casey's say?

    and where in colorado does Miss Cup live?

  11. Wonderful blog and great to hear more about your life and family ... I loved the t-shirt ... I loved the pics .. The one of the boys is amazing .. Thanks for sharing as always

  12. thanks for the pics. Hope you are doing well.

  13. Well then I shall return in the morning with a cup of coffee.. Now dont lose my place.. k????

  14. Good morning sunshine.. Thanks for saving my spot and Now On to the reading!

  15. Love those shots.. and you know that picture of the boys..well thats definitely a framable shot.. When they are grown they will really appreciate it.

    Sounds like it was a wonderful visit .. I love old photos of the family just makes you realize life. It brings me back to the song by Randy Travis.. " 3 Wooden Crosses" "Its not what you take with you when you leave, its what youve left behind" (or something like that)

    Im working on day 2 of feeling good. Wish me luck!

    Big hugs

  16. You have such a wonderful way of making us feel like we are right there with you.....

    Thank you so much for sharing....

    Much Love......
