[My] Life in Wisconsin

Catch up day- Bear with me... XOXO, Me


  1. You mean we get to talk to you today??? YYYYYAAAAAYYYYY!!!!! I've missed you. I understand you've been busy, that doesn't stop me from missing your wit and caring. BIG HUGS. (Carefully because of the back) :-)

  2. Catch bear?? LOL! Good morning, sweet Anne!!! It's my catch up night before dozzing off... ;-)
    Hope all is well with you. Big hugs!


  3. Happy you missed me...
    Not busy- Not really anyway. Just hard to sit for too long.

    Love ya!



  4. hehehe

    No bears yet... (Damn now I am hungry)!
    Except for my un~BEAR~able back sometimes...

    Love YOU too!


  5. Hope your doing ok and I know that your back problems are unbearable at times and I hope and pray you start to get some relief soon .. I don't understand why they cannot do something more to relieve some of your pain ... Hugs to you , carefully of course

  6. Did you start taking the meds the doc last prescribed for you yet?? I know that you were worried about taking them but maybe they will offer you a lil relief...

    gentle *HUGS* and lotsa love to you!

    Slurkie :-)

  7. Oh what I wouldn't give for a real hug...
    One of those 'knock my socks off' bear hugs...

    Truly I am OK- Just have a bit of pain, but as long as I can remain in whatever position I am in, I'm alright.
    See, there's this invisible jackass that likes to come around and kick me. Doesn't matter what position I am in either.


  8. Aw crap!.............................................................
    I missed BOTH of you on that entry...
    My apologies. It is fixed even now.

    Now that Multiply does not just put a list out there anymore, I could see missing one or the other. (And then getting a note saying "um you missed so and so")...
    But I can't believe I missed you both!


  9. ...And you'd better both forgive me too.


  10. :O:O:O

    I KNEW you forgotted about me! :(:(

    But I still loves ya anyway!! :P:P:P


  11. So sorry dear sweet lady I so wish you could get some permanent relief for your back......

    Sorry I don't get to your page as often as I should......I'm trying to improve but I have to admit when the sun beckons on my day off I do try to get out and enjoy it...

    Much Love and Many ((HUGS))

  12. Good Sunday Morning, Ann....I was just doing my prayers and thinking of your poor back so I said a few extra and tried rattling the gates of heaven,
    asking for some relief for my friend. No one answered, but I left a message and I'm sure they will visit you with some much needed healing very
    soon. :)

    You were so looking forward to summer and doing things around your place, and to see you sidelined with this problem really bothers me. I really
    know what it's like to not be able to do what you want. Everyday I sit here and hope that I can make it to the bathroom with my walker. I don't want
    to become a total cripple this early in my old age!! :( The pain just about does me in, but I try to keep going. By now I don't care whether I go out
    or not, it's just not worth the effort it takes to get down the steps, except for doctor appts or things like that. I've got to change my attitude and keep
    going before my muscles just lose interest in getting me around!! I see the doctor again on Wednesday and I've got more "stuff" to tell her about.
    So, we'll see what happens. As long as it's something that don't require surgery...they'll only do surgery if it's a matter of life and death..and that was
    nice to know!! I'm so friggin frustrated!! LOL Did ya guess??

    Hubby went to the ER this morning for his neck, which has been practically impossible to turn for at least a week. The doctor on call had x-rays done
    and he told Dave that his neck is a mess and that he has pinched nerves and has to have therapy within two days. Our doctor never took x-rays,
    and kept telling him that it was arthritis!!! This neck has been a source of pain for years and finally he did see someone else and now has to admit
    our Ass of a doc is just guessing instead of looking into it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I am not happy!!!

    Well I have vented and now I will leave you to enjoy your day!! LOL Just wanted you to know that doctors everywhere are the same, at times. We
    have three female doctors here who will investigate what is wrong with you and won't let it go until they have answers, They are great but hard to
    find. We have such a shortage of doctors that we need to keep what we have or not be seen unless you wait ten hours in Out Patients. The doctor
    shortage has been terrible for us for about ten years now, when they all left for greener pastures in the US..haha

    Have a peaceful, pain-free day...I'm hoping my prayers will come thru for you. :)

    Bev xo

  13. I keep trying to catch up to... but some folks are just so busy it takes me forever. I thought about going to each person on my contact list and if I had not heard from them on my page in the last 6 months or so.. then I suppose I never will and just delete. I just havent gotten around to it yet. Many are from 360 that blogged a few times on here and then basically stopped. But I havent really had time to be online much so ... they have a reprieve for a little while..hehe
