[My] Life in Wisconsin

Happy 4th Weekend! Spackled Poppies too!

  Isaiah on the swing...
.Punk in the poppies!
Good Morning All!
Not sure if any of you have any special plans... I am going to try to get over to a 4th party tomorrow at John and Brandy's place, at least for a little while-

My back still is pretty bad- And I am running late this morning. (Not that I have anything special going on, just that I would rather be in/out of the shower already).

Was going through some of Dads old pictures-
And found a few from 1978.

Baling Hay June 26, 1978
That's me on that load of hay-
Pregnant with Jenne too.

"A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do"!

Picture taken June 26th-
(Jenne was born August 26, 1978
Then in July of the same year, I drove the tractor while Pa stacked the bales of straw...
(The Leyland tractor was Pa's pride and joy; and the only tractor he ever bought "new").
Baling Hay July 7th 1978
I love Mama's little reflection in the corner too!
July 7th, 1978
My sister Kris dropped by on Wednesday- it was gloomy and rainy...
I kinda felt like that gloominess on the inside too,
But she can always make me smile!
(I shall try to dye today). hehehe
They all got together for a pose too!
Jenne, Kris, Casey and Tanya!
Jenne with an orb over her head...
Kris and I went for a little walk outside- Calling Casey out after we saw a couple of chipmunks and such

But the dang gophers and such are quite intelligent-

There were none anywhere when Casey came out!
The lilies by the back door are in bloom now too!

Nice bright color to have back there...
And a few pink poppies too!
Pink, with speckles!
Jenne has informed me that she will be heading back to Texas on the 6th to try to work things out with her husband. Aaron has a plane ticket that day that will take him through to Milwaukee and Jenne will be picking him up
Jenne, 7/1/09
She asked my opinion when she got back home from her appointment yesterday-
It's not my place really to be opining anything... But I will always go with trying to work out a marriage
Methinks she should listen to Mae West though and just remember these words if they ever are necessary: "An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises."
I wish them well.

I'd better close for now, my dryer has sounded the call to fold, and that means another load must go in- 

Have a "wunnaful" weekend!


Friday July 3, 2009 - 09:54am (CDT)


  1. Now you know I love to see pics with orbs in them. Beings it's above her head, to me that means that a spirit is watching over her. I do sooooo believe in orbs and the paranormal. Some orbs can be debunked as dust, bugs, etc but beings there's only one and a fairly large one at that, I do believe someone is watching over her.

    Love all the pretty flowers.

  2. Sweet Pam;
    (First of all, thank you for the delicious coffee)! hehehe

    I cannot dismiss that orb either- It was misting outside. but if that were on the inside there would have been more than one, and certainly not as large.

    My own thoughts went with her baby's new life and spirit.
    .....Maybe just checking out what he/she will be getting himself into! hehehe

    Either way it is a wonderfilled thing to see!


  3. That picture with Kris is the first time Ive noticed your Native American. I mean of course I know that, lol.....I love those pictures of you in the 70's such nice keepsakes, I do not have any pictures of me when I was younger, rumor has it my mom has the photos of each of us in private albums to be given to us when she passes. I'm more than happy to wait and wait for those pictures.

  4. hehehe
    Sweet Pamela!
    So was it the gray hair, or the wrinkles?
    Kris and I share a birth mother- But different fathers- Her daddy "Orv" is very German-
    My daddy "Gerald" is very native.

    And yet I have a picture... somewhere... that Kris and I look lots alike too.
    Weird huh?

    I tried to sort out pictures when Dad died in 84...
    And had bags and bags of old pictures- My mom took lots of photos through the years, and I still have to resort them all.

    I made albums of the oldest three- each their own. Way back when- later it all became a blended mass of pictures. But those albums all start out with their newborn pics.


  5. Hey Sweetie

    Snotball here. LOLOLOL

    The pics are great as usual. I just LOVE the poppies. Both colors are lovely. I had some of the salmon years ago. Tried to start some when we moved here but they didn't take.

    I'm glad you'll be getting your house back. It's harder to pick up behind someone else thanto be alone. KEEP you cell on you at ALL times. Put the neighbors on speed dial. Casey too. I know, I know, you've already got a plan. I still worry.

    Hope you get the pool back up soon so you can get some water therapy for your back. Just to lay back and not hurt will be wonderful.

    Your sister is just as lovely as you are. The Native shines proudly from your face in that shot with her. (I love the grey. NOTHING to be ashamed of there. Shows your wisdom).

    Take care of yourself my dear Friend.


  6. BTW, that gun is nearly as big as Casey!!! Hope it doesn't have a monster kick or you'll be trying to pick her up.

  7. I'm glad I wasn't the only one that noticed that. lol!!!

  8. Happy I could make you laugh Sweet Snotball Lucille!
    The salmon poppies are getting more and more orange- and the red ones are too. Go figure.

    My cell is right here, waiting for Casey to wake up.
    Jenne left early today to go shower at Casey's-
    She doesn't like to bail- (Trust me, I hate it even more than she does). hehehe

    I really don't have a plan...
    I can call Kelli if anything happens to me- She's right down the road, otherwise i will wait for Casey.
    (I won't be calling anyone else if I am in the shower or on/off the pot). ;-)

    As for the greys... They are staying just as they are for now- (No way I can rinse decent without staining my old tub).


    Why do I find the phrase "pick up" SO dang funny?

    Oh I know why!
    It's because I couldn't pick anything up right now if I tried!
    (You should see the dog/cat fur I have all over)!

  9. No worries!
    She's been shooting her own guns since she was little.
    (er, I mean younger of course)...



  10. Do you girls think if I go out there and fire off a few rounds that the kick from the 20 gauge will jar my back, back?


    ...and lead us not into temptation...

  11. Maybe I should send Cee your way. She does give very nice massages....both back and feet. Like I said, she takes very good care of me.

    Now about that temptation.....STEP AWAY FROM THE SHOTGUN!!!

  12. hehehehehehehehehe
    You made me laugh!!!
    (It hurt).
    But it was worth it too!


  13. You look real good up there on that hay wagon. Hum, 2 months before delivery hunh? Doesn't look like it hurt either you or the baby (since she's preggers now, lol.)

  14. Love the pictures!

    I also love how much you and Kris look alike and yet so different!

    Good to see Miss Tanya looking well!

    That picture of punk in the poppies is framable art!

    i keep having this thought and figured maybe I should finally just "ask"... has Jenne been checked for physical (chemical) depression? She somehow always has that look about her. just wondering. Kudos to her for her continued efforts to make it work.

  15. I love the poppies and the lilies... So nice to have such vibrant colors around...

    You and your sister look so alike and so different.

    You really shouldn't worry about the gray hair... Wear it with PRIDE! ;-)

    No special plans here for the 4th. Just gonna sit around and hope to see some fireworks lol...

    Hope your weekend goes well!

    Love Ya!

    Slurkie :-)

  16. Youre a really understanding mommy...each time I went back to wrok out my marriage I got a speacha nd a promise to never speak to me again which she always did within hours of that threat hehe...

    That is a great pic of Casey with the gun...

    YOU do not even look the least bit pregnant in that pic BUT you do look a lot like Casey...(hope she thinks thats a compliment casue it most def. IS.

    You and your sister look so sweet together

    MY plans for the 4rth...sleep till its over...benedryll to the rescue lol

    Have fun at the party

    BTW Poppies were my grandpas favorite flower

  17. Ann...I'll say it again, your blogs are the best!! They always manage to perk me up and I really
    need perking up! :) The pictures are gorgeous and I love the one of Casey with the gun. That
    one cracked me up!! :) Probably because I wasn't expecting it or something, but it's very big and
    makes her look even smaller! lol

    You are talking about fur around the house!! Well I have cat fur plus Rachelle has been moving
    for three days!! Oh gosh, what a mess around here. I just can't handle this right now and I'm not
    well enough to clean and my cleaning lady picked this week to tell me she couldn't come!! :( My
    oldest daughter Wendy, has a birthday tomorrow on July 4th and she's driving 200 miles to come
    celebrate it with us, so that will be her and the two grands. They are the older grands being 16
    and 13..so maybe they will help get this place in shape. Their beds are not changed...oh dear...
    Happy Birthday Wendy...LOL Oh well, when all the dust settles hubby and I will have our house
    back for the first time in three years....wooohoooo!! :) :)

    I just love all the flowers...they are just so beautiful. Nothing like the colors of summer. If I could
    get rid of the fog here, I might be able to see my flowers too. haha

    Happy 4th and have fun.

    Big hugs,
    Bev xo

  18. Pretty lillies!

    Jenne looks angry in the orb picture.. maybe she senses the orb and is displeased.. :-)

    It's 4:45 am. I do not have much to say.. just wanted to drop a line to let you know I read your blog, too. HAPPY 4th!


  19. My plans include a frickin dentist. UGH!

    I admire you and the way to handle your children's problems.

    Happy 4th

  20. In the "Isaiah on the swing" photo he looks as if he thinking "Grandma!! Geez!! Can't a guy get two minutes of peace and quiet without having his picture taken!"

    I love the picture of Punk in the poppies. I tried to start red poppies this spring, spread the seeds and still... nothing. (Sigh) I do have good luck with yellow woodland poppies though.

    The picture of you (preggers) up on top of the hay wagon is great! For a second there it looked like Punk was with you, as always. Wait a minute, that's not Punk... hmmm...

    It's good to see sisters who are close. And the little grey wings (actually white) are something you've earned, I wouldn't do away with them. My own hair looks like I've had it frosted (they call it highlighting nowadays) there's lots of white mixed in with my ash brown. Some people may think it makes me look old, but I like the way it looks - I worked hard for every one of those white hairs!!

    Jenne looks as though she's going through a tough time emotionally, maybe that's why the orb is sticking close to her.

    Now you can never say anything about the Momo, Popo, NaNa, Ninky gang after you posted that picture of Kris and Casey holding that huge shotgun!! "The Flintville gang... armed and ready for gopher warfare!"

    Your lilies are a beautiful color. Are they tiger lilies? More poppies, now in pink with speckles! I'd give anything to have a piece of property that had an area with full sun. I miss out on growing so many things because I have so much shade.

    May West's advice are words to live by. I wish I'd known that "An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises" when I was younger - could've saved a lot of heart ache.

    In spite of the fact that you have a world of experience when it comes to marriage and raising kids you're smart to only give advice to your girls when asked. It must take a lot of willpower to hold your tongue like that.

    I hope your back feels better soon! Have Casey and Jenne, and or Kelli or whoever help you get you pool fixed. Some hydrotherapy would do your back so much good.

    Have a wunnerful 4th!

  21. Love the pics and the orb...I am still working on being brave enough to go see my medium one on one.....The evening of messages was a start....I should burn you a copy of her CD where she does guided meditaion to try and bring out the medium side we all have.....

    All you can do for Jeanne is support her....My mom turned away from me during my first marriage, turned out she was right, but it took years for the fences to mend.....

    I so hope your back gets better soon dear sweet friend....((hugs)) and healing white light are being sent your way.....

  22. What an adorable pic of Isiah and I love the one also of Punk in the poppies .. I always love the pics you put up in your blogs , sharing your life with us ..

    Casey is looking so much better and that is wonderful to see ..

    I love the pic of you and your sis ..

    I am sure you will miss Jenne and Isiah but I hope she can work things out in her marriage ..

    I hope your back starts to get better soon ..Hugs

  23. hey, i got grey hair too ya know..! haven't colored it since i stopped working, one year, two month, sixteen minutes ago..
    Please tell Jenne that she is NOT taller than me. KC may be shorter but she has a bigger gun.
    and by the way, i am Danish, not German for Pete's sake..! Orville would flip over that one..!
    We share a mother..? who knew??
    love and stuff,

  24. I think you gave some very sound advice.. always good to work it out.. but actions speak louder than words. I wish all the best to them all!
    Some very pretty flowers.. Love the poppies!

    Always nice to have someone who can make the inner smile show up.

    I try to dye occasionally.. hehe..

    Great old pics.. and you definitely didnt look like you were pregger in that picture... you must have been sitting perfectly not to have it show up.

    Big hugs!
