[My] Life in Wisconsin

Many Eyes (Earmarks).


Click the link above... Check your own state.
Truly, Ms Palin, I would have stepped down too.



  1. Ohio was 39.7 and Washington was 64.1

    Can't believe Alaska was 1054! Probably a good thing that she stepped down :|

  2. I sure do get tired of people constantly dogging Sarah Palin. Unless your from Alaska it's none of our concerns why she stepped down. i don't see anyone checking out B.O's. state. which doesn't concern me either. He's not doing a damn thing for anyone but the rich anyway.

  3. No one dogged her... She was a vice presidential candidate who had A LOT of news coverage for/against/about her... And unfortunately the NEWS makes it the rest of the country's business as to why she stepped down.

    As for Obama's state... Illinois is 37.1 which was lower than both the states that I claim as 'home'


  4. First of all, as she is center bullseye politico- (her choice), it IS our business.
    I am not dogging her- Simply stating MY opinion on MY blog.
    In fact, I am not sure if I even ever had her name in a blog I wrote. Hmmm...
    As always you are welcome to YOUR opinion too.
    (Just please do not insinuate I have it "in" for anyone).


    And as far as Obama only doing for the rich, where ever did you ever get that idea?


  5. Like our politics, right smack dab in the middle...

  6. she is as corrupt as they come....I cant believe there are those who would want her as president

  7. well actually it is the concern of the nation since this corrupt woman wishes to become president. She has not and will not rule out running in 2012. That makes everything she does our buisness.

  8. *leaves quietly, wondering why she always walk in at the wrong moment*

  9. 85 and 31 for the two states I'd be concerned with.

  10. In all fairness it is 2005 Earmarks (Updated May 31, 2007). Sarah Palin was sworn in in 2006 and I believe she did reduce pork spending during her term.
    I like her, but hey, I try to see the good in everyone.

  11. Alabama was 114. I am not politcally minded and this has my head spinning! Duh! Peachies stupidity is showing! Hehehehehe!

  12. My state is 31.5
    I doubt Palin is stupid enough to actually try for the 2012 nominations. But if she were to write a book I imagine she'd sell a boatload of them. That's my best guess, that's shes taking time off to write.

  13. As you get tired of those who have it "in" for Sarah Palin, just realize that she has expressed her want to persue politics up to the Presidential position if she can. EVERYONE should be paying attention to EVERY state's politics. Hence why we are called the UNITED States of America... You never know where the next big politician is going to come from and all the states of our country affect the rest financially, socially, and any other way possible...

    Really? The President's matters don't concern you?? He only doing things for the rich??? How about the fact that he eliminated MUCH spending so that we can get back on our own feet... I must be rich then because I benefited twice already (financially, I might add) from a recent bills that he passed...

    ALSO, and my MOST important point I have to make right now: I sure don't have patience for those who are dogging my mother!!! You've been on her page for quite a long time now and you KNOW she's only mentioned the important information on Sarah Palin and this past election. She sure as hell hasn't been "constantly dogging" her. Taken in the correct way, the above statement Mom has written is clearly a sarcastic remark...

    And so what if she WAS nagging on Palin???? As I recall, this is HER blog, HER place to state HER opinions. You do NOT have to believe the same opinions but you do need to RESPECT the facts and her opinions...

    For the last of my mother's 9 blogs, you've only had something positive to say 2 times... I don't know what is going on, but it seems to me like you're itching to start something, and let me be the first to let you know that is the LAST thing we need right now. We all have a lot on our plate right now and I understand that you're probably under some form of stress, but please, if you need to vent do not take it out on her.

    It upsets me to see her upset and wonder what she did in the first place that she deserves this. As far as I can tell she's not done anything... If she has, just let her know and she'll try to make it right. The adult way... Then we can all get back to the normal process of blogging business and friendships...

    Sorry, but I will not fail to stick up for her when she needs it and I had a feeling that is now. She has been my rock and seen me through everything over the last 22 years and this is the least I can do for her.

    Love and Hugs,

  14. Im surprised by some of the states.. Not so surprised with others.

    I think Ms Palin stepped down because of other reasons though. Its all about money and the amount she was spending to defend herself from all the left wing nuts who seem to hate her so much.

  15. By the way I like Sarah.. I think she would have made a great vp.. I think many dislike her without knowing many facts about her and the media has not given her the credit she does deserve. Is she ready to be president.. I doubt that but I would vote a ticket .. yet again .. with her on it as vp. I like her style, her honesty and her down home attitude. I also like her politics and the policies she would try to enact. I do actually agree with most of them.

    she is her own person and she doesnt take crap off anyone.. and that Katie Courick interview.. I think she just got irritated that someone basically had asked her what she read up in Alaska if they were a backward state. That would irritate most any of us who dont live in the areas of they country were they are considered "smart".

    I know Miss Anne, you dont do this but I see it all the time that because we live in the south and have a slower paced lifestyle, speak slower and tend to take time to enjoy life we are considered stupid or ignorant. I guess we can add Alaska to that prejudiced attitude.

  16. OK

    I can see that I picked a fine time to not come back online yesterday
    I really did write that tongue~in~cheek.

  17. She's got balls I will give her that.
    And I am not sure how corrupt she is, but by not stating her reasons, we are left with too many assumptions that will hurt her should she decide to run for any office.


  18. Sorry Sweetie.
    You made me giggle though.


  19. I know you do Sweetie- It is only one of the reasons I love you so much!

    It is current as of 2007.


  20. You are too hard on yourself my dear friend!

  21. She didn't try for 2008 either. But she did accept.
    I hope she doesn't write a book. The reviews alone, and the news about it all will jam me up good on my homepage. hehehe

  22. Feels good that she could make you giggle through all this :D

  23. As I said above, the lady does have balls. I too like her down home "ishness"...

    In all fairness, she had to devote WAY too much to being the mama lion sticking up for her cubs, (for me) to come to any serious conclusions about her political aspirations- short of stating 'she accepted'.
    And in this past election, you know that I voted health care and nothing else. Nor was I ever afraid to state those reasons. (Nor will I quit fighting for that aspect either). hehehe

    In the interviews, they obviously cut, spliced and sliced a lot of film to get to the point that aired.
    The same can be said for the Michael Jackson interview-
    (But that's a whole 'nother smart remark).

  24. I am going to blog about how corrupt she is..any doubting fires are welcome to read it. ahaha

  25. Oye. I completely missed this whole thing. I get the other blog now. My position on politics is that I have no opinion whatsoever (says the Texan Hee hee!) For real though. I can't possibly know enough from what the left and right wing media is spouting to get a really fair assessment. That goes for you too Fox news... I will not show my ass by pretending to know what is going on.
    From what I've seen the woman does have balls. Corrupt? Probably, as is every other politician.
    On to more important things... ;-)
    Who interviewed Michael Jackson??? I thought he was dead. Must've been Sylvia Brown then huh?
    Love you,
    Go Space!
