[My] Life in Wisconsin

Laying Low...

Well, isn't she having fun!

Good Afternoon!
Thursday already, and am still having a few problems with respect to my back.
Ok, so it hurts to breathe even.
And it Reeeeeeeeee~Leeeeeeee  hurts to move

Laughing is out of the question, although giggling is very much allowed

Yes, it has been long enough.
And no, it has proven itself time and time and time again that it won't kill me.
Damn hey? 

  • First off, my apologies to a few on my email list that might have been taken aback by my bitchiness in my last "sent" to you.  (But it really is my blog)! hehehe  I will reassure you that it certainly has nothing to do with anyone receiving this through email each posting.
It doesn't happen often; and usually only happens when my fur is rubbed the wrong way for quite some time.
I believe the immediate problem has been resolved on my part.

And life goes on!   ......Say "YAY "

I have a few more pictures of our trip- Seems as though that is all I have been doing is trying to upload my pics to Flickr.
It is tedious, but worth it to me. (Dang dial up).

While at my grandmothers home in Sault Ste Marie, I took pictures of pictures.

I took this one especially for Cousin Buttercup, Tiffany.
This is her favorite, and since it is her birthday today, it's quite appropriate.


It is my grandmothers coffee table
complete with all her grandbabies photos as they grew.
I am not in there, so stop squinting-
(I hadn't done my adoption search for those years).

And this one is of my 2 Uncles and my Aunt Marlene- (She's the one that sends me all the funnies in my email)!
Aren't they sweet?!?!
Uncle Hector in back,

From left,  my birthfather, Aunt Marlene, and Uncle Chum
(Missing is Uncle Marvin, who hadn't been born yet)
And then a picture of my grandmothers family as she was growing up.
The Mayotte Family
Yes, she is in there.

No, I do not know which one she is.

But I really think that Master Gabriel will be looking much like my Great Grandfather.
Another of my Grandfather, Louis Menard.

The first night Casey and I were there, I had lay down on the couch.
I couldn't sleep, but I surely had my camera nearby.

Curious, I took the first two with the night vision setting on...


And then two regular pictures too...

My new friends may not have had the opportunity to read what I had previously written about my belief in the paranormal, or of my Grandma Rose's home; recalling my first trip to The Soo.
Please CLICK HERE for that conversation blog.

Those that knew my grandmother will know how much she loved puzzles, among many other things-  Every time we go there, we always put a puzzle together.  During the course of this trip, Casey put two of her own together...

Yes, I helped find some pieces. (I found at least 3 of them too)!   

Greg had bought Casey 10 puzzles for Valentines Day.
These are only two of those puzzles...
We had to leave... (God, I really HATE that part).

As we left town, I snapped this picture looking towards Canada.
I think that someone had built a fire to say goodbye with smoke signals.

And it surely rained while we had been there too. The sound of the wind and the rain, thunder etc, were sounds that we had to reacquaint ourselves with.
So nice to hear though.

As we drove west on highway 2, the skies darkened a bit, and we were heading into even more rain.

And a bit of entertainment too...



The picture represents about 1/3rd of what that family had in their field
AND, it was ALL for sale!

Nearer to Manistique, the clouds became even more evident...
So pretty too!
Casey was driving as my back was not up for it at all.
I sat in the back with Punk, and this is what we saw out of the windows for the rest of the ride home.

Looking out over the Bay of Green Bay, near Escanaba

Has anyone read the book, "Truck" by Michael Perry?

This next picture reminded me of that book...
????????? Cnv0872
Am thinking that it's pretty cool to be riding in the backseat in the rain!

And soon we were home!
We had even gotten rain here while we were gone!

????????? Cnv0875

Punk was not satified by just seeing the rain gauge, and demanded to be the first in the pool...

And then she demanded more water...

Greg offered to help her out...

Casey was hungry for a treat, so she went inside...
All joking aside, she is one hell of a good cook!

Fish and Taters!
(Are you hungry yet)?!
Have a "wunnaful" day!

Love to all



  1. Those smoke signals from Canada?? Guess who?? Yup, that was me trying to make you
    understand that I wanted you to turn around and come visit me. lol You sure are hard

    Bev xo

  2. Sweet Annie,

    The family photos are wonderful.
    I just love the cloud pics.
    Punk is so cute in the pool and I'm glad Greg was able to help her out, LOLOLOL.
    Casey needs to put the treat in a bit further to taste it really well.
    Glad those darn flowers that started all this with your back look so nice.
    The fish and taters look good.

    So glad you've had a good time.


  3. I was thinking the little one on your great grandfather's lap looked a lot like Gabriel even before I read your comment below the picture about how much you thought Gabriel resembled your great grandfather. Either way it's all in the family. I also see your birth father's face in Miss Casey's face.

    Your orbs seem to follow you everywhere. Those were some big ones that showed up at grandma's house!

    I'm so glad you got to visit your family. Sorry about how your back is causing you so much pain. I tried not to say anything funny to make you laugh. See what a good friend I am?!!

  4. I love all the pictures! I've never thought of taking pictures of pictures, LOL. I think I need a better camera before I try any of that...

    ROFL at the pictures of Greg... You can't see the hose and it kinda looks like... Well you know! LMAO!

    I still think you should check into having steroid shots for your back BUT I'm not gonna push the issue! :P

    Lots of love to you!

    Slurkie :-)

  5. Enjoyed looking at the new photos of old photos. hehe No, really I did, I love looking at old photos...usually has my mind wander.

    I can't remember the last time I was in the backseat of a car during rain...lucky you.

  6. Thanks for the pics. Glad you had a good time! Hope you're feeling better.

  7. OMG!!! Talk about orbs in those pics!!! Definitely have spirits watching over you there!!!

    Now about that pic of Greg filling the pool......hmmmmmm, interesting angle....

  8. Im so sorry to hear your back is still out.. Like I said in my blog the other night I dont see how you cope.. Or how Casey was able to cope for so long.. I was down just 4 days and was just almost crazy!

    You take wonderful shots.. I have one of those coffee tables where you can put pictures under the glass and save it. It was my great Aunts that was passed on down to me. I have since passed it to my son since I dont really have a couch kind of living room. But even as a child I have loved those old coffee tables.

    Looks like all the relatives were there to welcome you to the old homestead. Too cool!

    Supper looks grand.. Have a great one!

    Big hugs

  9. Yep...I see orbs...spirits are wandering, no doubt about that!

    I love the collage of photos spread out on the old coffee table. Those old photos of family from long ago are some of the best! We have some oldies with no names and no one has a clue who is who either. One of things I plan to accomplish before I die is to make sure MY photos all have names and dates on them. Then when they turn up in 50 years people won't be wondering who the heck those people were!

    Anne...I hope your back is doing better. Or at least getting there. Not fun to feel this way when there is so much to do.

  10. I really enjoyed seeeing the pics .. I always love your pic blogs so I love most of them .. The fish and taters look yummy .. It's 5am here now , Friday morning and I just got off work , we work 11and half hours and I am starved ..That fish and tater would be great now . Have a great weekend

  11. Kih! Kih! Kih!! I almost forgot what fun it is to see all your pictures.... My bad...
    How I envy all those old pictures...

    Glad you had a wonderful trip, Anne. I hope you're feeling better already.
    Take care & big hugs!

  12. Hi Sweet Mommy!

    Hee hee hee... Love the pic of Greg!!! You did perfect on those as did he!!! SO FUNNY!!!!

    The trip was a nice vacation for us both, and a wonderful opportunity to visit with the family up there!

    I can't make out what that sign says in the junkyard type picture... Not too sure... Maybe I should get my eyes checked again... :D

    Glad we got the rain, and even more glad that we got more this past weekend! Hopefully now the past few rains were able to get into the soil instead of just bouncing off of it because it is so dry...

    Off to the next post!!

    Love you MUCH MUCH!
